77. The Great Walkway

The Great Walkway

June 25, 2019
By Ernie Knoll

In my dream, I am walking along a shoreline with many small rocks, instead of beautiful white sand. The water is rough, and the waves look muddy. It is not a bright, sunny day, but overcast and somewhat cool.

 I look up and behind me and see no one. I am wondering why I need to be here in this area where it is not easy to walk. The weather is not pleasant, and the view is not that nice. And over my shoulder there is a large, heavy bag that is worn and the wide strap is frayed. Inside are many rolled up scrolls. Another bag hangs over my other shoulder. It is enormous, very heavy, and closed so that the scrolls cannot be seen. I know I had agreed to carry these bags and that the open bag consists of the many messages that I have shared as instructed. The closed bag contains private messages that were only to be shared with specific individuals. All that is required of me is to deliver the messages.

 As I walk along, I have been looking down at the many rocks. Some are the size of softballs. When I stop and look behind me, I realize I have walked a great distance. I have walked through many heavy rainstorms with lightning. In some areas, strong winds blew; and in others, great hailstones fell. Thick ice and snow were still on the ground in other places. In addition to the heavy bags I carried, I remember how I kept going along the rocky shoreline through very difficult times. I turn around and continue along the shoreline. I constantly look down to avoid tripping, glancing up to see where I am going, and looking at the body of water and the storms at sea.

 I glance ahead and notice, still far away from me, what appears to be someone sitting on something. I know it will take some time to get there, and the walk will not get easier. The closed bag continues to get heavier with other scrolls—private messages that I must deliver. The open bag does not get scrolls as often.

 After much time and distance, I get closer to whoever is sitting and looking out over the rough, stormy sea. The person sits on a very ornate bench. It is very bright, as if light shines from it. I notice the individual is brighter than the bench and seems to cause the area to be bright as well.

 As I finally approach the individual, I recognize the Herald and greet him. Calling me by my heavenly name, he says he was sent with instructions about a message I am to prepare. Walking over to the open bag I carry, he places a scrolled message inside. I tell him how sorry I am that it took me so long to get there. I explain that the shoreline is rocky, the weather bad, and the bags very heavy. {1}

 The Herald smiles at me, and I see his dimples. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he explains, “The straps may be touching your shoulders, but you do not carry the bags.” He tells me to look on both sides behind me. When I do, I notice two, very large angels supporting the bottom of each bag in the palm of their hand, as if the bags were weightless. The Herald reminds me, “You already know that you never have or ever will be asked to carry more than you can bear. Even though a little rain must fall to help with growth, your walk has been a very short, pleasant stroll.” Pointing behind me, he states, “Look with clarity of eyes where you came from.” When I look behind me this time, I see a white, sandy shoreline covered with beautiful rose petals. Many birds fly and sing in the blue sky, and the clear waves move gently. The Herald reassures me that as God’s messenger, I am always cared for.

 Then the Herald says, “There is something you must understand.” He asks me to sit down on the comfortable bench made of water. It is filled with constantly moving rose petals with a wonderful fragrance that reminds me of a rose garden. As I sit, the two angels continue to support the constantly increasing weight of my bags.

 The Herald continues, “To begin, the message I am to share with you will explain about the many who pray for you and how I was tested. Then, so all can fully understand, I am to share with you who we serve and what happened when our Creator and Savior arose and walked out from the tomb. What happened after that is not understood.”

 He begins by stating, “Our Father in heaven is fully aware of those who have a negative attitude toward you as His messenger. {2} Even those who read the criticisms are led by demonic agents who have taken up the banner carried by Satan and the angels that fell with him. Those who seek information posted in emails and websites that discredit you, and those who pass on that information cause doubt and discredit the Father’s messenger. They need to seriously consider: Do their actions bring others to Jesus, or do they confuse and lead people away from Him? Do they bring glory and honor to His name, or do they gain personal notoriety from what they share and post?

 “All the critics need to think about the importance of these words: The messages encourage many and bring them closer to the Father. The messages turn hearts closer to Jesus. Many constantly pray for you as His messenger, your wife Becky, and others who assist For My People Ministry. Many pray that its critics will confess and give up their evil ways. No one has been able to prove error in any of the messages.

 “As I have stated before, I, the one you call the Herald, am just a messenger. The heavenly Father will now personally and directly address the critics with His questions.”

 The Herald stands, immediately kneels, and bows his head. As I look up, I notice the birds have stopped flying, as if suspended in the air. The ocean surf is still. Nothing happens, as if time stopped.

 Next, I hear the distinct rumble of thunder rolling through the sky and feel a very pleasant, warm breeze. A sweet aroma fills the air. And then in the distance is the sound of a powerful rain. Closer to me is the sound of a gentle rain. But closer yet, a sweet peace surrounds me like a fog. Yet the sky is a clear, beautiful blue. The birds remain suspended but move their heads, as if looking around.

 I hear the Father’s voice in a way that I have heard before. It is not forceful but expresses constant love and peace, gentleness, and kindness. With tremendous patience, He instructs: “Messenger, record these words and share them with My people and with those who find fault with you. I ask all to ponder the questions I will ask. I also ask the critics to resolve the issues that have resulted from their wrong actions. I seek an answer from each one, because so many are praying for My messenger and My ministry—the ministry I have called For My People—because it is for My people.

 “Whereas I have received many supplications in spoken and silent prayers; whereas some have prayed with sincere concern, tear-filled eyes, and burdened hearts; whereas they have come to Me through My Son, Jesus; whereas many pray to Me regarding My messenger Earnest and Becky his wife who serves by his side, as well as the ones I have placed on his right side and the one I have placed on his left side; whereas there are many hearts burdened for the ministry that I established and named For My People—I now ask the following questions and expect a full response from each of you.

 “Do you think I do not hear your prayers? Do you think I ignore your prayers? Do you doubt, thinking that I do not watch every step My messenger takes? Do you not realize I have assigned him many tasks? Not all are given the same tasks he has been given. I do not expect as much from others as I require of him. Do you refuse to believe that I am always watching him? Do you not understand that if he were doing something other than what I instruct and expect him to do, that I would stop him? Since the foundations of Earth were laid, there have been many times when I stopped those who were not serving the way I instructed. I would stop My messenger if he persisted in sin and did not grow spiritually.

 “Therefore, I ask each to ponder: If I find that My messenger is still worthy to serve Me, where does the fault lie? Is it not with the ones I have marked GUILTY, because they serve Satan, the one who once stood next to My throne and rebelled against Me?”

 There is a short moment of silence, as if to allow time for understanding. The same voice speaks again, this time addressing the Herald. “You were instructed to vindicate Whom you serve. You were given a message to deliver to My messenger to share with My people. Review the times when you served as a witness and watched specific events take place, beginning with the fall of Lucifer until the death of My Son Jesus.”

 All becomes quiet again. Suddenly, the water continues to move, and the birds begin to fly and sing a song.

 The Herald rises and stands in front of me. He holds three glass tablets in his hands. He says, “This is the same message I was given in the message you shared called ‘Love and Rebuke.’ This is a message for all who will accept it and be willing to hear.”

 The tablet says, “Let him who rides dismount and prostrate before the Lord of hosts, the Creator of the universe, He who came to be created. Bow before your Master and confess your sins, so all will hear of your rebellion. A message was sent to a chosen messenger and you denied your Lord’s ear and convinced others to turn away. Repent now and ask for forgiveness, so the Father will hear and turn His face toward you. Ask this through and in the name of His Son. Kneel and confess your sins, lest the streams and rivers dry up and the horse that drinks dies, lest you walk the face of the earth and every ear turns away from you as the words you speak fall like rocks from your mouth. Repent lest the Lord God spews you out of His mouth as boiling seawater.

 “Let him that holds the keys to the vault repent for the evil he has done and spoken against Me and My servant. Let him prostrate himself before the Master Key Maker, ask for forgiveness and walk no more in the ways of your errors. Let him confess before all of misconstruing what he knows is truth, as he has been shown. Let him confess before all, lest the keys be knocked from his hand and placed in the hands of another.

 “Let this person humble himself before the Lord of truth for speaking errors. Let this person acknowledge a proud boasting walk and ask for humility. Let this person admit his fault of using a tongue that speaks against truth, lest that tongue be cut off and he walks the earth dumb.

 “Let all who have spoken evil against the message and messenger I have sent prostrate themselves before the throne of God. Ask for forgiveness in the name of His Son. Let them admit fault, take up their cross, and follow the path of Jesus. Let them do this before the book is closed and the name is not written in the book.”

 The Herald lays the three tablets down. He tells me that the Father is the Source of all love and wants none to be lost. With a heart of such love, He wants each of those who has sinned, each who has a mark of GUILTY written upon their forehead, to come to Him and kneel at His throne. He asks each one to confess and repent. Then, after confessing before the Father, each individual is to publicly confess the wrong they have committed. Confessing only to the Father, and not openly in the hearing of all will not be acceptable.

 Now the Herald holds out another glass tablet. He says, “To those who write things against what I have shared, I repeat what is written in 1 John 4, verses 1, 2, and 3. I attest to these words.”

 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

 The Herald continues, “From these sacred words it is to be clearly understood that Jesus came to Earth as a human. He left behind all His heavenly powers. His power came as a result of asking His heavenly Father for it, just as earthly humans can ask and receive it. An individual who believes this is of God.

 “It is necessary to understand that a spirit of Satan cannot and will not state this. Individuals with a spirit of Satan claim that Jesus was not born as an ordinary human. They believe that on Earth Jesus still possessed all the power He had in heaven, and that while on Earth, He did everything through His own power. Such an individual is not of God, but serves Satan and has his spirit.

 “I stand before all and, as before, I will state once again: I confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. With my testimony and my witness to all that I have seen, I do stand before my Creator, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and all of His created beings throughout the universe. I openly and without reservation declare with my voice, Yes, Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, came in the flesh.”

 The Herald lays the tablet down and continues, “As a true witness, I will restate what I have observed. I stand as a witness before my Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit whom I serve, and before you, named both Truth and Earnest. As God’s messenger, you will share my validated statement about the God we angels serve.”

 The Herald walks to the water’s edge and holds out his hand. A large screen of water appears. He begins to speak and, as he does, the following words are displayed on the screen.

 “I watched as Lucifer in heaven disagreed with the Father and wanted to be equal with Jesus.

 “I watched as Lucifer and the angels who believed him were cast to Earth.

 “I watched as Lucifer brought sin into the world.

 “I watched as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit discussed the plan to save Their created beings. I saw such love that the Father would permit Jesus to temporarily leave His place on His throne.

 “I watched as it was decided that Jesus would come to Earth as a created being. Even though Jesus created, now He would become One of the created. Jesus, the Creator, became that which had been created in His own image. He came into a sinful world as our Example. He could have sinned, but He chose not to sin.

 “I watched as Jesus said goodbye to the Father, and the Holy Spirit placed Him in the womb as a seed. He was placed in a pure, undefiled womb that had never been touched.

 “I watched and noticed the silence in heaven because Jesus no longer sat on His throne next to the Father.

 “I watched as the Father saw the throne of Jesus empty and longed for the day when He would return.

 “I watched as Jesus grew in that virgin womb.

 “I watched when the day arrived, and no one would give Jesus a place to be born.

 “I watched as all beings throughout the universe witnessed the birth of Jesus.

 “I watched as many cared for Jesus whose name in prophecy was Emmanuel (God with us).

 “I watched as Jesus grew and learned to walk.

 “I watched as Jesus would fall and get hurt.

 “I watched as heavenly angels protected Jesus, but at times their hands were stayed.

 “I watched as Jesus grew into a young Man.

 “I watched as Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him.

 “I watched as the Holy Spirit sent Jesus to the desert, where Satan tempted Him.

 “I watched as Jesus taught, healed, and performed other miracles.

 “I watched as many followed Jesus and some accepted Him as the Messiah.

 “I watched as Jesus was captured and accused by evil agents who wanted to destroy the Son of God. I was ready and waiting for one word to deliver my Master from the ones who beat Him.

 “I watched as human beings mocked Jesus and forced upon His head a crown made from a thorny bush.

 “I watched as Roman soldiers laid Jesus on a cross and drove nails through His hands and feet.

 “I watched as the soldiers raised the cross and dropped it into a hole in the ground.

 “I watched as Jesus of Nazareth, born of a virgin, born as a created Man, turned His eyes to heaven and said ‘Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.’

 “I watched as the Father could not look upon the scene and turned away His eyes when His Son died.

 “I watched as Jesus was placed in a tomb, and His resting place was guarded during the Sabbath.

 “I watched as the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb was rolled back.

 “I watched as Jesus came forth victorious over Satan, which completed the plan to offer salvation to His faithful followers.”

 The Herald lowers his hand and the screen of water returns to the gentle surf below. He stands there very quietly, with his head looking down toward the water, allowing time for me to absorb all he shared.

 I think how the Herald has served not only as a messenger, but also as a witness to all he observed. I remind myself who the Herald is. This is the angel Gabriel, the very one who stood next to Lucifer at God’s throne. However, when Lucifer rebelled and was removed from heaven, Gabriel—the Herald—took his place, and now he stands next to God’s throne. To state it another way, this is the captain of all the angels. I think that if the Herald were to comment on my thoughts, he would say that who each of us is, is not important. The only name that is worthy to be spoken with praise and exaltation is Jesus, Jesus Christ.

 The Herald looks up at me and says “Earnest.” Then he smiles and addresses me by my heavenly name. “Our Maker, our Creator, our Father, our Savior cannot wait much longer. They are all love and all patience. They want none to lose their right to enter through the gates of heaven. Those who are still alive and have not been laid to rest to await judgment day, still have an opportunity to repent. Those who have been marked guilty can have that mark removed, but they must confess their sin before it is too late. All are to give glory to the Father and to His Son—your Brother Jesus.”

 The Herald says, “There is still an important message I am to present to you with details that have not been shared before. In order to serve as a messenger, I share information, and as a witness, I confirm the facts. Watching something take place and serving as a witness to that event are two different things. In addition to observing events take place, I have also confirmed those events.”

 The Herald holds out his hand and asks me to go with him, because he is to show me something that as a messenger I am to write out and share. I take his hand and we rise very far in the air. When I look out and down, I see the earth turning slowly. As it moves, I observe different types of weather, such as clouds moving in different directions. In some areas, I see lightning and dark clouds; in other places there is only blue sky or the darkness of nighttime.

 The Herald begins by holding out his hand, as if to control the motion of the earth. He spins it in the opposite direction, and it spins backward very fast. While it does that, he tells me that what I see is to help me understand. I am not to understand it as literal. After several very fast turns, the Herald reaches out as if to stop Earth from spinning. He continues: “We must start at the beginning. When our Creator spoke, the planet you are looking at appeared. As you have already been shown, He reached down and formed a being from the dirt of Earth. But for the first time, it was a being formed in the exact likeness and image of the Creator. What is more, He created mankind as male and female. Then He commanded that man and woman should procreate other beings in their likeness. Those beings would also bear the likeness of the Creator. And thus began the command to be fruitful and multiply.”

 The Herald continues, “The beings of this planet were very fruitful. But in the early days after creation, Satan, who had been expelled from heaven, took Earth as his own by deceiving the first pair. Thus sin was introduced. A curse was placed on Earth and on mankind. The universe witnessed when one of the procreated beings on Earth killed another. As time continued, greed abounded, and many types of sin became common. When beings built a home or kept animals, others would come and take what they wanted, such as the wife, children, and animals. Many of these beings no longer followed the Creator but went their own way.

 “Yet there were many who maintained a close walk with their Creator. They would teach others about the One who made all living things. Each day they honored and thanked their Maker for all He had given to them. They knew about the curse inherited from the original two beings who brought in death.

 “Much time passed, and Earth continued to spin. As sin increased, fewer and fewer beings continued to walk with the Creator. Using animals that God had already created, Satan produced ugly forms of life through genetic experimentation. God could not allow them to continue to exist, because they would destroy all He had created. The skeletal remains of those beasts are found and studied today. Because most do not believe in creation by God, the majority honors Satan by making dinosaurs popular and fascinating to children and adults.

 “Even man had his genetic makeup explored. The remains of what are called cavemen are displayed in museums. However, cavemen were not created by God. What He made was perfect. What Satan produces is a disgusting example of sin. {3} God knew that the hearts of the majority were continually evil. {4} As a result of this and the amalgamation of man and beast, God destroyed all life, and only saved those eight who entered the ark along with animals He had created.

 “God selected a man named Noah, who taught his three sons about the true Creator. He gave Noah specific instructions of how to build an ark. God explained that He would take to the ark animals He wanted to save, but He would destroy the dinosaurs and other creatures produced by Satan’s amalgamation.

 “While the ark was being built, God instructed Noah to teach, preach, and prepare people for the coming destruction by a worldwide flood. As time went on, a large number of people heard the words spoken by Noah. Although many scoffed, criticized, and laughed at him, the Holy Spirit guided others who listened to His message and received God’s seal.

 “Earth spun around many times for almost two thousand years, and the command to be fruitful and multiply was carried out. Large numbers of people lived from the time of Adam and Eve until the time of Noah, and many died before the Flood came. Before they died, a great number received a name on their forehead that showed ownership by God, such as Selected, Chosen, Proven, Approved, Recognized, Welcomed, and Consecrated. Yet there were also many who refused to listen to God’s voice. They were very tall and appeared physically perfect and symmetrical, but because they ignored the messages sent to them, God could not bless them, and they died with a mark of GUILTY on their foreheads. All this time, the universe watched to see how things would continue on Earth. Each sinless being knows that God is just and that His ways are always correct.

 “Then Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives entered the ark. God sent angels to guide animals He created into the ark, and an angel from heaven shut and sealed the door.”

 The Herald pauses for a moment and says, “Let us look at the world in a little different way.” We glide down close to the ground and see what the doors of the ark looked like. I see two, large doors near the bottom where the ark rested on the ground. An interesting, sticky substance had been placed along the seam of the door opening. One door was hinged on the far right, and the other on the far left. After one door was closed, the second folded over to meet it. The door was crafted to close with a special overlap that hid the doors. From the outside, the door area had a smooth surface and did not show a seam.

 The Herald continues, “After the door of the ark was closed and sealed, the Creator destroyed all life that existed outside the ark. Even before the foundations of Earth were formed, the Creator knew the Flood must occur.

 “When the door of the ark was finally unsealed and opened, there was another door that was lowered to the ground, forming a very long plank. It was not steep, but almost level to the ground so the animals could walk out without falling. I marvel how God designed the doors, taking into account the problems a steep plank could cause.

 “God’s creations would begin anew. This indicated the end of Earth’s Chapter 1 and the beginning of Chapter 2. However, food would no longer be abundant and easily available.  Now man would labor to grow food. Every trace of the beauty God had created was gone. The surface had been ripped apart, leaving great gashes in many places. The remains of people and animals that had been destroyed were nowhere to be found. God had buried them deep beneath Earth’s surface. The amalgamations Satan had produced were gone.

 “When Noah and his family came out of the ark, they saw that God had placed across the sky a colorful arc they had never seen before. That first rainbow was very beautiful; none other would ever be like that first one. It was a sign and a promise God gave that He would never again destroy Earth with a flood.”

 Next the Herald explains that Noah’s sons would be responsible to fulfill the command to be fruitful and multiply. From them would come those who would continue to reverence the true God.

The Herald also explains, “Jesus Himself instituted the sacrifice of animals in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned. He killed an animal and used its skin to make a garment to keep them warm. Their fall caused the Creator to take the life of a creature to which He had given life. This service, begun with Adam, was to be continued by his descendants. The families who came out of the ark were to follow his example and teach their children how to build an altar, offer a sacrifice, and come to God in repentance.

 “After some time, Noah was drunk in his tent as a result of consuming grape juice that had fermented. One of his sons saw him naked in his tent and made fun of him. Because Noah walked close to God, he was able to call a curse on his grandson, because he was offended by his son’s disrespect.”

 The Herald and I rise back up from Earth. He holds out his hand, symbolically causing Earth to spin forward. It does not spin as fast as when he turned it backwards.

 As Earth spins forward, the Herald speaks of great moments in the world’s history that have been recorded in the Bible, such as the birth, education, and life of Moses, his walk, and the path he was called to follow. He spoke of his death, resurrection, and how he serves now in heaven with the Father. The Herald shared stories of Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Abraham, David, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Daniel, and many others who were called and greatly tested, yet served according to the planned direction of the heavenly Father.

 I stop to think about great men and the meaning of their names. Adam’s name meant “man,” as well as ruddy or a well-tanned color. Methuselah’s name meant “When he is dead it shall be sent.” Isaac’s name meant “laughter.” I think that little child must have produced a lot of laughter, because he was the son of two, very old people. Then there was the case of Hosea. I remember that God told him what names to give the children his wife would bear from other men. I stop to think of names like “No More Mercy,” “I Will Avenge,” “Not My People.” What if a child were named, “My Mother Does Not Know Who My Father Was”? The Herald looks at me, smiles, and says, “And you were named ‘Truth.’”

 Then the Herald reaches out and makes the world spin slower, to give him time to share more about its history. He smiles in anticipation of the great event he is going to speak about and says, “You will recall that Jesus came to this Earth and planted a very special tree that would grow to a specific height in order to be used the way the Creator needed.

 “You will recall that Jesus returned to the Father and said, ‘It is time.’ Then, He carefully and with great, attentive precision folded His robe and positioned it in the exact center of His throne. He removed His crown and placed it on top of His robe.”

 The Herald continues, “Jesus turned, walked, and stood before the Father’s throne, stripped of everything that symbolized and represented who He was. The Father stood and embraced His Son with tears streaming down His face. It was at that moment the Father absorbed all the powers Jesus possessed. Jesus then said, ‘I now go to do Your will.’”

 Calling me by my heavenly name, the Herald states that all heaven, along with every being throughout the entire universe, stood silently watching what I witnessed. Then he adds, “I watched as the Holy Spirit took Jesus—the Alpha and the Omega—the very personification of who Jesus was, but stripped of all powers. As the Holy Spirit touched Him, He became a small, fertilized egg. Then the Holy Spirit traveled to Earth and placed Him as an egg, in the virgin womb of a young female.

 “In heaven the throne of Jesus was empty, except for His robe and crown. For the first time ever, He did not sit there with the Father. A great silence flowed throughout the corridors, rooms, and courtyards of heaven. But on this earth, many unseen angels kept constant watch over Mary who carried the Prince of the universe. But this Prince no longer had the power He once had. No longer could He, of His own, command and have what He spoke be performed. No longer could He be in many places at once. No longer would He be all-knowing. In that womb was a growing Child who was the same as the one who carried Him. There, in that womb, was the Prince who would walk, fall, cry, laugh, eat, and sleep. Now Jesus was a created Being. Jesus who had created human beings to resemble Himself would be born a human.”

 The Herald reaches over, smiles, and says, “Much time could be spent discussing all the wonderful things that Jesus did. Up to this point, His birth was the single most tremendous event the universe ever witnessed.” The Herald smiles again and adds, “I have given you this information in a way you are able to understand, but I have something new I need to share.” He spins the earth a little to go forward in time and talks about how Jesus taught many people. He also mentions those Jesus gathered closest to Him, in order to instruct them more fully how to teach and serve others.

 The Herald reaches over and stops the earth from spinning. Then he says that when Jesus was born, the earth closed its Chapter 2 and started Chapter 3. However, it is Chapter 4 that the universe waits to see.

 The Herald continues, “When Chapter 2 closed, Jesus came to the earth to offer salvation for those who choose to obey Him. Jesus Himself planted a seed which grew into a tree. That tree was cut down and Jesus was crucified on it. The death of Jesus ended the offering of sacrifices to God for the forgiveness of sin. Jesus offered Himself as a final Sacrifice so all could be forgiven and freed from Satan’s torments.

 “Those who followed the instruction to place a sacrifice on an altar, asking that their sins be cleansed from their record, had God’s seal placed on their forehead. Their resting places were marked by a heavenly angel. Starting with Adam and Eve, each individual who accepted Jesus as their Sacrifice will be brought back from the grave and receive everlasting life. But those who had ‘GUILTY’ written on their foreheads will stay in their graves until their final judgment.”

 I think about Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, who was very close to the heavenly Father and faithful in all things. God trusted him enough to show him the future, such as the earth being destroyed by a flood. He named his son Methuselah, which meant, “When he is dead it shall be sent.” Soon after Methuselah died, the Flood came. Enoch was also shown the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but especially His Second Coming. {5} After walking this earth for 300 years, God sent angels to take Enoch to heaven, so that he and the Father could walk side by side.

 I look at the Herald, who smiles at me, as if waiting patiently for me to start listening to him again. He says that much of the time Enoch dwells with the Father. However, as an ambassador, he also travels to other planets with a tremendous entourage of angels to speak and teach. Those beings hear first-hand from one made in God’s image. Many beings created in His image still do not know who they are.

 The Herald continues. “When Jesus was removed from that tree—the cross on which He was crucified and died—He was placed in a tomb. No breath came from His lungs. No command came from His lips. The halls of heaven were very quiet that Sabbath while Jesus lay lifeless in the tomb. That tomb had begun as a large mountain of solid rock which Jesus had simply spoken into existence. Now it was a rock chiseled and hollowed out into a tomb by men made in His image.”

 The Herald stands quietly and looks down with a look of such loss. Then he slowly lifts his head and brightness illuminates his face. He smiles, and his dimples become very pronounced. He turns, looks down at me and calls me by my heavenly name. Then he speaks my earthly name—Earnest—and says, “Messenger, we are now in what we will call Chapter 3.”

 I hear a trumpet play a tune I have heard before. The Herald and I are instantly at the edge of a great forest and are standing in a huge, grassy meadow with an assortment of wildflowers. Now I see the Announcing angel with a very large company of other angels, some whom I recognize from other dreams.

 The Announcing angel hands his trumpet to another angel standing nearby, perhaps an angel who attends him. Then the Announcing angel looks at me with a big, happy smile. He walks over to me and says he is delighted to be asked to share more about the beginning of Chapter 3. He looks at the Herald, then back at me, and says, “The one you call the Herald would not share all the tremendous details that occurred next, because it would go against his very humble nature. But I will share, because I stand next to him in heaven, near the throne of our Creator. I also stood next to him during what happened after Jesus was placed in the tomb. I am delighted to be allowed to tell you more about it.

 “I was instructed that you, as His messenger, are to record this information clearly. You are to pay special attention to all you see. Write your thoughts using clear words, so that all will understand with a heart full of joy what the entire universe already saw.”

 I see the Announcing angel look over at the Herald and smile as if telling him very respectfully to sit down and let the information be shared. I see the Herald walk over and as he stretches out his hand, a large chair of water springs up from the flower-filled meadow. Many angels follow him to the meadow and then stand behind him. All wear a big smile on their faces, as they wait to hear the story.

 The Announcing angel begins by saying, “In order to follow the same method he used when he gave his testimony (points to the Herald), I will also give my testimony about who I serve and who they serve” (points to the large company of angels that came with him). To the glory of God, it is an honor for me to share what occurred after the death of our beloved Michael, Jesus Christ, the One who left His throne so all could live. He is your Savior, but He is also our Savior.”

 The Announcing angel comes close to me and holds up both arms. From the ground and out a ways in front of me, appears a beautiful gold, intricate, and ornate frame. In the middle is a huge waterfall. As the angel begins to speak, the following bright yellow words fall down from the top of the waterfall.

 “I saw on that dreadful weekend when Jesus died, how He was removed from the cross and quickly wrapped in linen before the Sabbath began.

 “I saw how Jesus was placed in a prepared tomb, which was the property of another. I saw that at His birth He had no home in which to be born or His own cradle in which to sleep.

 “I saw strong men work with much effort to roll a very large and heavy stone over the entrance of the tomb.

 “I saw Roman soldiers guarding the tomb’s entrance.

 “I saw a host of heavenly angels sent to guard the tomb and the crucifixion site from unseen evil angels. The reason why God’s angels needed to protect the crucifixion area was not understood then, but it was mentioned in the dream “Final Events and the First Supper.”

 “I saw that while the guards struggled to stay awake that night, the host of angelic guards joined in a song as a tribute to the One who slept during the Sabbath.

 “I saw the sky illuminate brightly around the tomb, not for human eyes, but as a beacon of faith to the entire universe that witnessed Jesus the Son of God and our Creator now laying lifeless, because He had made Himself a Sacrifice. He would rest during the Sabbath and be resurrected on Sunday morning, after the close of Sabbath.

 “I saw a multitude of angels in heaven and Earth and beings throughout the universe waiting in faith for the end of that Sabbath. When Jesus rose, He would see that all of them had faith that He would rise, come out of the tomb, and go back to work. If He were to ask whether He would find faith when He was called up from the grave, the answer would be a clear and resounding, YES!

 “I saw when dawn came Sabbath morning that the disciples of Jesus were afraid, and many of His followers were in despair and wanted to hide. Many cried and tore their clothes.

 “I saw in the halls and courtyards of heaven a silence like never before.

 “I saw this Sabbath affected many. When sundown came, the Sabbath ended and the first day of the new week was beginning. As many prepared to sleep, a somber silence reigned.

 “I saw the Father in heaven turn to Gabriel and heard Him give specific instructions to him. He is the one you call the Herald who stands next to the Father’s throne. When Lucifer rebelled, Gabriel took his place. I was told to stand next to Gabriel.

 “I saw the Father place a beautiful robe over Gabriel’s shoulders. Next I saw him imbued with grace and might to go to Earth and serve as he was instructed. He received special power from the Father to call Jesus from the tomb.

 “I saw and heard Gabriel listen to further instructions and receive other garments of amazing bright light from the Father’s outstretched arms and hands.

 “I saw Gabriel turn and with great authority call those who stand by his side, as well as many additional angels. I took hold of my trumpet and sounded for all to prepare for the great event we had been waiting for. We all knew about the plan of salvation. It was now time to see Jesus return to His rightful place on His throne. I saw this grand procession prepare to go with the full blessing of the heavenly Father. I saw how each smiled, knowing it is good to have the privilege to serve.

“I saw as early in the morning of the first day of the week, this procession moved out quickly from heaven. I was honored and privileged to sound my trumpet as a signal for the great gates of heaven to open, allowing the procession to flow through quickly. I saw Gabriel, commander of the angels, lead this huge procession with those garments, brighter than the whitest snow, folded under his arm. As we traveled, I sounded my trumpet, and Gabriel became even brighter.

 “I saw as we came close to the earth that it was very dark around the Roman guards standing watch. Many were just starting to go to sleep when they noticed the unusual brightness of the very early morning hours on the first day of the week. Then the panoply of heavenly angels guarding the great area around the tomb began to sing about the One who lay inside.

 “I saw that as Gabriel touched the earth with his feet and walked in the direction of the tomb, there was a great earthquake. Never again would the ground be able to hold everyone captive in death. The Roman guards were now fully awake and witnessed the resurrection of Jesus.

 “I saw that as Gabriel walked toward the large stone at the tomb’s opening, there was another earthquake. As he gently tapped the large stone, it rolled away as if it was a pebble.

 “I saw Gabriel sit on top of the stone and instruct the one who stands next to him to enter the tomb and remove the linen wrappings from Jesus. After doing so, I cast them onto the ground of the tomb.

 “I saw that the body of Jesus had been beaten and torn, and there was a hole in His side.

 “I saw the great earthquake as Gabriel spoke with authority, ‘Jesus Christ, Son of God, Your Father calls you to awake and come out of the tomb.’ Immediately, Jesus began to breathe, then opened His eyes and smiled that smile I have missed so much. He turned, immediately stood up, picked up His burial cloths, then folded and placed them on the rock slab where He had lain.”

 Still in my dream, I am remembering that just before Jesus left heaven, He folded His kingly robe and laid it on His throne. And then at His resurrection, He folded His burial “robe” and placed it on a rock in the tomb where He lay during the Sabbath.

 The Announcing angel smiles and says, “I saw when Jesus walked out of the tomb that His tortured body had been instantly transformed into perfect health. Only the scars in His head, side, hands, and feet remained. The night sky was still dark, but enveloping Jesus and shining all around the tomb was light as bright as sunshine.

 “I saw the Roman guards stand up in shock, fear, and awe at the sight they beheld. They had witnessed Jesus coming out of the tomb. They saw all that took place at His resurrection. They saw Jesus alive, made new, and walking in brightness.

 “I saw and heard Gabriel call several attending angels to take the very bright robe of light he had brought with him. They were given the honor of enveloping our beloved Jesus in that robe sent by the Father. [This robe of light represented the righteousness of Jesus. It was not the royal robe from His throne.]

 I saw women arrive just moments later to anoint the body of Jesus. After conversing with the two ‘men’ angels, two of the women left to tell the disciples what they had seen. When Jesus showed Himself to Mary Magdalene, she was crying and thought He was the gardener. But when Jesus spoke her name, she immediately recognized His voice and wanted to embrace Him. However, Jesus told her, ‘Do not touch me; I need to go before My Father. Go quickly and tell My disciples the good news that you have seen Me.’”

 “I saw the Herald walk over to the side of the tomb to stand close to Jesus in order to do whatever He might ask of him.”

 Still in my dream, I turn away from observing the waterfall and look back at the Herald who has been sitting quietly among the wildflowers on the chair of water. Now he stands and approaches us with a smile, as if to say he will continue from here with what he observed.

 While calling me by my heavenly name, the Herald points to the waterfall within the golden frame. He says, “I watched as Jesus smiled and spoke a command that caused such a mighty earthquake that it shook the rock that had covered the opening of the tomb. His words also brought up from the ground a countless number of people in the general area where Jesus was resurrected. These individuals had been sleeping in the ground until the voice of their Creator called them to arise.” {6}

 The waterfall stops flowing, and all is silent. The Herald says, “There is something that must be seen, because humans do not understand the magnitude of what just occurred. We will return to this point later, but first I must show you something that is symbolic so that all fully understand what you just observed.”

 We rise in the air far enough to see many different places around the world. The earth turns slowly, and the Herald tells me to look toward a specific area. As I look at the earth from high in the air, I notice I can see people below as clearly as if I was standing on the ground near them.

 Calling me by my heavenly name, the Herald tells me: “Remember the assignment the Announcing angel gave you. You are to record with clarity, observe carefully all that you see, and write your thoughts using clear words.”

 As I look down at the surface of the earth, I see many come up from their graves. I know instantly some have rested only a few hours or days; others for weeks or months; others for many years. As I look at these people, I see that some are short, and others are very tall giants.

 I look at the Herald and tell him that I would like to be right there next to them. With a patient smile he says, “Just look, and even though you are over a thousand miles away, it will be as if you are next to them.” I tell him that our Creator is amazing in what and how He creates. He smiles again as if to say, “If you only knew!”

 I now look at a specific individual and realize I can see him as if I was next to him. While observing him, I wonder about the time when he lived, how old he was, and what caused him to die. Now he is perfected, without illness or sin. He is not as tall as others I see, but he seems to know what has happened. This person who was held captive in death is set free. Until he is called to ascend, this resurrected man will stay on the earth. He is a beacon to the fulfilled promises made by a Savior now risen as well. As he walks around with the others who were raised, many who have yet to die observe these who have been brought back from the grave.

 I look in a different area and see giants who lived before the Flood of Noah’s day. They are perfectly symmetrical, and even though they are about as tall as some trees, they move about with ease.  Each has a perfectly beautiful complexion and countenance just like the angels. Their long hair is very full and holds its shape. Every part of their body reflects the brightness that God gave those He created in the Garden of Eden.

 I look back at the Herald who smiles with great patience and says, “You still do not see it.” I ask him, “What am I not seeing?” The Herald patiently repeats, “Look again, but open your eyes wider so that you can see and understand. Look down, but not only at 1, 2, 3, 10, or 20 people who were captives and have risen.”

 I turn to look back at the earth, and as I do, I am instantly overwhelmed. I reach back, clumsily grasping for the Herald, because I am overwhelmed with emotion and unable to stand. As I begin to cry, the Herald speaks, and immediately an angel wraps his arms around me in order to support me, because I have lost all my strength.

 The angel says, “The strength of Jesus holds you.” Instantly, I think how even this angel refuses to speak of his own strength. Instead, he states that the power is of Jesus. I wonder, Is this the humility that all God’s angels have—the humility that God’s people need to develop?

 This same angel says, “Explain with simple words what you see below.” As I look down through my tears, I realize I am unable to speak. However, words flow through my mind as freely as water bursting from a fountain.

 As the earth slowly turns below me, I am able to see and observe a people, but not just any people. I see captives who have been called up from the ground under hills and valleys, and even from below the tallest mountains and the deepest waters. They lived from the time of Adam and Eve to that of Noah, and from the days after the Flood until the resurrection of Jesus.

Still supported by the angel and with tears in my eyes, I tell the Herald how I realize that for six thousand years man has been busy being fruitful and multiplying greatly. I say that I had never thought or imagined what I now see walking the earth’s surface—those who had been held captive but are now the first fruits of Jesus.

 I state that I cannot even come close to calculating how many I see. It is a great and bountiful harvest. It would be like counting an enormous multitude of people of various sizes—from very large individuals who lived near the beginning of time, to those who resemble our current size. Imagine trying to count such a throng gathered in a flat area that extends for many, many miles north, south, east, and west. I watch in awe as this great throng slowly moves in one direction. The words Jesus spoke to raise them proclaimed a victory, clearly showing that Satan has lost. I am seeing the special group of people Jesus redeemed and would present to His Father.

 Compared to those who live in these last days, those who lived before the Flood were well proportioned, good-looking giants. In spite of their enormous bodies, they moved with grace and elegance, like the angels. Their hair and complexion reflected perfection. In comparison, those who lived after the Flood lost their beauty and were smaller and more feeble.

 I think, Why hasn’t this great event been written about more? I see below me so many people and wonder who they are. Are Adam and Eve among them? Could one of them be Methuselah, Abraham, Isaac, David, Elisha, Isaiah, or Daniel? As I study them in their immortal beauty, I notice each one wears a pure white and bright garment. Who would be the one to immediately talk about the resurrection of Jesus, saying that he had risen when Jesus called him from his grave?

 Then I gaze at one of great height. Was this Methuselah, Abraham, or Noah? Ellen White wrote:

 “Those risen ones differed in stature and form, some being more noble in appearance than others… Those who lived in the days of Noah and Abraham resembled the angels in form, comeliness, and strength.” {Early Writings, p. 184}

 When I am able to stand on my own, the Herald shares that soon after the grand resurrection, Jesus ascended to the courts of heaven and presented to the Father those who were resurrected and symbolized the first fruits of Jesus.

 Now the Herald holds out his arm, and I see a waterfall, and words appear coming from the top and falling down. As the words fall, the Herald says, “What you saw needs to be understood. Jesus instructed His prophet to record these words about His first fruits.”

 When He arose a victor over death and the grave, while the Earth was reeling and the glory of heaven shone around the sacred spot, MANY of the righteous dead, obedient to His call, came forth as witnesses that He had risen. Those FAVORED, risen saints came forth glorified. They were CHOSEN and holy ones of every age, from creation down even to the days of Christ. Thus while the Jewish leaders were seeking to conceal the fact of Christ’s resurrection, God chose to bring up a company from their graves to testify that Jesus had risen, and to declare His glory. Those risen ones differed in stature and form, some being more noble in appearance than others. {Early Writings, p. 184}

 I notice that three words in large gold letters stand out from the rest. The Herald states: “Notice that the prophet was instructed to write that ‘Many of the righteous dead,’ were raised from the grave. Jesus did not call ‘all’ from the grave. And who were the ones selected? Notice that it was ‘favored’ ones, ‘chosen and holy ones of every age.’ At the resurrection of Jesus only a small, selected, ‘chosen’ group was called from the earth. This group, referred to as small, is the same group that Jesus called from the grave. They are also the multitude of captives mentioned in the Spirit of Prophecy. {7}

 It needs to be understood that this small group, which is yet a multitude, is called small because a great throng still rests in the earth waiting for King Jesus to return. As He promised, He will call ALL of His redeemed up from the prison of the earth. This great multitude, from the days of Adam until the days just before Jesus comes, will be resurrected to live with Him forever. Each will personally receive a robe and a crown from Jesus.” The Herald lowers his hand and the waterfall sinks back into the ground.

 I startthinking about the things the Herald just explained to me. His illustration showed that Jesus resurrected an enormous number of people from many parts of the earth and from Adam’s days to the day when Jesus was resurrected. That throng was an offering—His first fruits for the heavenly Father.

 In my mind, the following words suddenly appear, as if displayed on a large wall.

 Even before the tithe could be reserved, there had been an acknowledgment of the claims of God… The first-fruits were to be presented before the Lord at the sanctuary and were then devoted to the use of the priests. {The Review and Herald, September 10, 1889}

 When Jesus arrived in heaven immediately after He resurrected, and before doing anything else, He presented His first fruits—His sacred tithe—to the Father. He had called up one tenth of the redeemed up to the time of His resurrection. In heaven the saved will see that the first fruits raised were a very small number compared to all He will raise at His second coming.

 As if each word is displayed in my mind, I see the following:

 The directions given by the Holy Spirit through the apostle Paul in regard to gifts, present a principle that applies also to tithing: “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him.” … Not only does the Lord claim the tithe as His own, but He tells us how it should be reserved for Him. He says, “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first fruits of all thine increase.” … Let God’s portion be first set apart. {The Review and Herald, February 4, 1902}

 The Herald looks at me and says, “As I promised, now I will continue with what I observed.” While calling me by my heavenly name, he points back at the waterfall and again begins to declare what he observed as a witness.

 “I watched the first fruits come up. They were no longer old, sick, maimed, or degenerated, but perfectly proportioned and healthy.

 “I watched and noticed that those raised were no longer male or female. However, each preserved the characteristics of their gender. Now they are as the angels, who are neither male nor female.

 “I watched as Jesus spoke again. He commanded that a crown of immortality be placed on the head of each individual raised, and at His word, it instantly takes place because of His omnipresence. Then He commands that each be clothed with a bright robe.

 “I watched and listened as Jesus spoke again: ‘Here are the first fruits. These are the captives who have been rescued from the bonds of death. They are a living representation—proof of My victory over death. These are only a small sample of the great multitude I will call from the graves when I return at My Second Coming.’” {8}

 As a messenger, I try to grasp all I see. However, I am so overwhelmed with emotion that I become weak and unable to stand. Jesus looks at me and smiles. Instantly, Perceivous appears and envelops me in her wings that are blue this time instead of white.

 Perceivous now takes me to another planet. When I ask her where I am, she replies that we are at a place that may exist in the future. She explains that God calls many to serve, but He does not force; He only asks. This planet is intended for someone whom God wants to be a symbol and a servant in the very last days. This person has not accepted the call yet, but if the individual does accept, this would be a planet and galaxy created for that person. Such a gift would be appropriate, because of whom this person would represent.

 Perceivous continues to support me, because I still have no strength in my legs. She calls me by my heavenly name and then says, “Earnest, whose name is truth, you serve as a messenger of truth.” Then she adds, “What would there be without truth?”

 As I look at the place where I have been taken, I begin to feel great strength. Perceivous says, “It is important that you notice the place where you are.” As I look around, I feel more strength enter my body. I ask Perceivous if this will be my home. She smiles and says, “No. This is for someone else who will serve with great trials and will share their own song of Moses.”

 I see an enormous house in the midst of a magnificent forest, high on a hill overlooking beautiful valleys. The trees are very tall, and each one gives off a relaxing aroma that seems to promise rest to all who visit here. Everywhere I look, I am surrounded by majestic trees whose beauty I cannot describe. I think of the trees I have seen on Earth: the pine, redwood, oak, maple, eucalyptus, aspen, willow, and many others. But the trees on this special planet make the ones on Earth seem like worthless bushes.

 I enter the house and look around in awe at the Creator’s creativity. The walls are thick and made of pure water that moves. Inside the walls are many small water creatures that I would call fish. Yet these are so much more than that. Some emit a gentle light; others produce soft music.

 As I wander around, I see many rooms and levels that are separated by many floors, and all are connected. Parts of the roof are not flat but curved and follow the contour of the house. I am able to stand on a very large step made of water, and it rises to one of the levels. At the very top, I see that it is flat and made up of many patios on different levels that look out over the panoply—the tops of the great forest of trees. From there, I see constantly changing shades of colors in the leaves that shimmer in the light. I also see a vast array of flying creatures and those that roam the ground. The planet is alive with unique forms of life that exist nowhere else.

 While standing on this lofty height, I am wishing I could sit down to enjoy the view. Instantly from the terrace floor, rises a reclining chair made of water. Happily, I recline, and as I am thinking how I would enjoy a glass of cool water, a table made of water rises on my right. Now I see a sprig of mint leaves inside an empty glass that appears on the table. Then I hear Perceivous say to me, “Remember that this is a dream, and you may not eat or drink until that great time when God’s people recline at the table and Jesus, the Greatest Host, personally serves them.”

 Perceivous smiles and says, “You are revived, and it is time for you to return, because there is still much you need to serve in as a messenger.” When she holds out her hand, I am instantly back where Jesus has just crowned each of His first fruits and wrapped them in His robe of righteousness.

 The Herald continues his testimony. “I watched as I, along with my companion (points to the Announcing angel), and a great host of angels surround Jesus, the Son of God. We immediately left to escort Him to the throne of God.

 “I watched as the Announcing angel and the angels who excel in speed went ahead to announce and command that the gates of heaven be opened wide without delay to receive the Great King of immortal glory.”

 As this procession quickly passes through the open gates, I glance over at the one who opened the gates. I ask myself, Was that Moses? Did he request to be allowed to open the gates to allow Jesus and His entourage to pass through?

 The Herald continues, “I watched as Jesus was ushered quickly through corridors and along great halls. Immediately, all doors opened to allow us to enter into the presence of God.” All becomes quiet. I notice that when the Herald kneels, that great host of angels also kneels.

 Perceivous places her gentle hand on my right shoulder and speaks softly into my ear. “It would be unrighteous, but also unworthy of Gabriel to speak about what he watches now.” She whispers my heavenly name and instructs me to record and share what I see. “You must remember who you are. It has been asked, ‘Do you know who you are?’ Notice that all the first fruits stand, just as Jesus does.”

 It is difficult to find words to describe what I see now. It is very quiet as I watch Jesus approach the Father’s throne. I see the Father rise from His throne and descend the steps. He comes toward Jesus, His only Son, and stands in front of Him.

 It is my prayer that what I see now will bless the hearts of everyone who reads this. It is a scene of the purest love. As a messenger, knowing that I was told to observe, witness, and accurately record what I saw, I now state the following.

 I observe the Father wrap His arms around Jesus, and the two of Them embrace. As Jesus wraps His scarred hands around His Father, I see pins of bright light shine from His hands, feet, and side. As They embrace each other, tears pool at Their feet.

 I observe in the heavenly throne room a great host of angels along with many first fruits of Jesus that came with Him. Some are majestically tall, and others are short. They wear a crown of immortality and a robe of light, like the one the Father sent with the Herald to clothe Jesus.

 Peceivous now whispers in my ear that I am to repeat these words, because they deserve to be heard again.

 There is the throne, and around it the rainbow of promise. There are cherubim and seraphim. The commanders of the angel hosts, the sons of God, the representatives of the unfallen worlds, are assembled. The heavenly council before which Lucifer had accused God and His Son, the representatives of those sinless realms over which Satan had thought to establish his dominion, —all are there to welcome the Redeemer. They are eager to celebrate His triumph and to glorify their King. {The Desire of Ages, p. 832}

 I continue to observe as Jesus embraces His Father and softly says, “These are the ones I brought with Me—My first fruits.”

 I observe as the Father embraces Jesus even closer and gently tells Him that He is most pleased with Him.

 Now I observe as the Herald stands and motions to the Announcing angel for a response on his trumpet. The Herald sings a note, and all the other angels who have kneeled rise to their feet and join together in a song. It is not the music that impresses me, but rather the words they sing. They are what Jesus taught His disciples on Earth.

 I observe as this innumerable angelic choir begins to sing in the presence of the heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Perceivous tells me to listen very carefully to the words. I listen attentively as the choir sings from the heart.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

 I observe that when the hymn ends, silence fills the room. Then I hear the Herald sing another note, and immediately the angels change positions to group their voices differently. The angels begin to sing as if in a gentle whisper. The Father and Jesus continue to embrace, and tears of happiness flow down Their faces.

 I observe and listen with keen interest as the angels sing these words as a small tribute from their hearts.

 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

There’s just something about that name

Master, Savior, Jesus

Like the fragrance after the rain

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

Let all heaven and Earth proclaim

Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away

But there’s something about that name.


I observe and listen as the Father says that the sacrifice Jesus made is more than acceptable, and now Jesus is to receive all power, not only in heaven but on Earth.

 I observe as the great host of angels quietly and very reverently leaves this large chamber, and the Father and Son are left in the room alone.

 I observe and wait. Moments later, I see Jesus quickly come out of the great room where He was with His Father. He is wearing white linen and a crown. Around His shoulders are sashes of gold, silver, blue, and a white one that is almost pure light. After moving very quickly through the corridors and hallways, He stops in a large area where He greets all His first fruits. He quickly explains that some of them are to remain in heaven, but others are to return to Earth with Him. He adds, “Those who remain know what they are to do, and those who return with Me will know and understand all they are to do.”

 I observe the love of the love of the love in the eyes of Jesus. Even in the throne room with all the tremendous glory, He did not forget His disciples who felt abandoned and alone on Earth. Jesus had received all power from His Father, and with that power He would return to His disciples, sharing it with them and others who would become His followers. {9}

 I observe now as the large group, along with many angels, travels quickly through the guarded gate. All can see a deep love in the eyes of Jesus, and a look that shows He knows with pinpoint accuracy where He needs to arrive very quickly.

 I observe that as Jesus returns to Earth to meet with His disciples, the first fruits who are of His height go with Him, accompanied by many unseen angels. Those who are much taller remain in heaven. The witnesses who return to Earth with Jesus go throughout Jerusalem and testify that He had completed the plan of salvation and had risen from the grave. I see these first fruits speak before many about being brought to life to witness that Jesus is alive.

 I observe one particular witness who especially catches my attention. I am wondering if it is John the Baptist, because he stands on a platform and his voice carries a great distance. He emanates a great peace. Many gather to listen to his words, because they are attracted by the truths he shares. He speaks with love as he explains how Jesus with one simple word brought him from the grave, winning the victory over Satan. He shares how his life was taken because he had witnessed for Jesus, and that Jesus is truly the King of kings. He mentions about the lies that were spread and that even more lies would be circulated. He stresses the importance of not following mankind but only Jesus. This witness raises both hands and declares, “Raise your eyes to the One who gave His life for you. Accept Him as your Savior.” He continues to preach about how to accept Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, because He is the Savior and heaven’s sacrificial Lamb. He talks about how to receive the Spirit of God by allowing the sins of one’s life to be washed away through the blood of Jesus. As I listen to him, I think: This was truly a great witness and evangelist who testified that Jesus is no longer dead, and as promised, raised many who died.

 Now my dream changes, and I see two men with their faces looking down as they walk a dirt road. I notice a road sign showing that Emmaus is ahead. Underneath that sign is another one showing that Jerusalem is behind them. {10} I listen as the two men discuss the sad ending of the previous week and how they thought that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah. While they walk and talk, they are very troubled. Then I notice Jesus approaches them, but they do not recognize Him. As Jesus walks with them, He asks what they are talking about.

 One introduces himself as Cleopas. He asks the Stranger if He was there during the horrible things that took place the previous week. Jesus responds, “What horrible things?” Both men talk about the One from Nazareth called Jesus Who spoke as a prophet and performed many wonderful deeds. One says, “Jesus spoke, and we witnessed many miracles. We observed Him turn water into grape juice. He multiplied a boy’s meal of fish and bread into food that fed a multitude. We were at a tomb when He spoke, and His longtime friend came back to life. But the temple leaders delivered Him over to the Romans, who tortured and crucified Him. He died and was buried this past Friday.”

 All three walk several steps in silence, then one of the men mentions that they thought Jesus was the One to save Israel. Again, they are silent. The other says, “A few of our women told us that just this morning they went to the tomb very early, but it was empty. When others in our group went to the tomb, they discovered that it was empty, just as the women said.” Both men state how the women insisted that angels told them Jesus is alive.

 After the three walk silently a little farther, Jesus breaks the silence. He walks and talks to them, and they are unaware of who He is. He speaks of the faith that all should have. He says much about the recorded words of God’s prophets. He mentions Enoch, Moses, and many others. He shares how all that happened was taught, recorded, and passed on by many generations. He reviews much of what was written in the Scriptures about the One they now speak of with great sadness.

 As they approach Emmaus, the men invite Jesus to come into their home, even though they do not know who He is. They mention it is evening, that the day has been long, and the travel from Jerusalem tiring. Jesus accepts their invitation and continues to teach them while food is prepared. I notice that they recognize His voice when He prays for the food. Then as He breaks the bread and gives it to them, they see the scars in His hands. These two men begin to weep and immediately fall on their knees. I hear them exclaim that the Master had been with them, and they did not even realize it. As they stare at Him, He disappears.

 Observing so that I can prepare this message, I also begin to weep, because Jesus vanished not only from their sight, but from mine as well. I hear a voice but see no one. Yet I know that voice full of love that restores happiness to my heart: “As I have said, ‘I am with you always.’ Continue to serve, share, and instruct.”

 Jesus speaks again and tells me to share what He instructed another messenger to write. Not seeing, but recognizing that voice, I think of how important it is to hear and know the Testimony of Jesus—which is the Spirit of Prophecy, especially in this day and age. On the wall of the home, the following words appear that only I can see.

 They forgot their hunger and fatigue, and left the prepared repast, for they could not tarry in their homes and hold their newly found knowledge from the other disciples. They longed to impart their own joy to their companions, that they might rejoice together in a living Saviour risen from the dead. Late as it was, they set about retracing their way to Jerusalem; but how different were their feelings now from those which depressed them when they set out upon their way to Emmaus. Jesus was by their side, but they knew it not. He heard with gladness their expressions of joy and gratitude as they talked with each other by the way.

 They were too happy to notice the difficulties of the rough, uncertain road. There was no moon to light them, but their hearts were light with the joy of a new revelation. They picked their way over the rough stones, and the dangerous ledges, sometimes stumbling and falling in their haste. But not at all disconcerted by this, they pressed resolutely on. Occasionally they lost their path in the darkness and were obliged to retrace their steps until they found the track, when they renewed their journey with fresh speed. They longed to deliver their precious message to their friends. Never before had human lips such tidings to proclaim; for the fact of Christ’s resurrection was to be the great truth around which all the faith and hope of the church would center. {Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 3, p. 215}

 I listen to the two men weep as they talk. They speak of how Jesus shared the Scriptures during their walk, how their hearts longed for the truths they heard Him share, and that during that depressing trip, Jesus had been with them all along. They look at each other and get up from the table to return to Jerusalem.

 As I observe their happiness, I recall that it was written in the Testimony of Jesus how He had accompanied both men on their way back to Jerusalem. In the darkness of night, He walked the same road with them. The two men carry no light, yet quickly make their way along a rough road where at times they stumble and fall. I think of the angels who could have illuminated the path and moved obstacles out of their way. Jesus chose to walk with those two faithful followers. This example proves that as He has promised, He will walk with all His faithful followers to the end.

 In my dream, I am wondering why Jesus spent so much time with these two men. I also think of how their realization motivated them to return to the upper room in Jerusalem.  Unable to contain their excitement and joy, the two men share the good news with the disciples who are there. “Our Master has risen! The tomb is empty, because He was raised. It is all true. We were accompanied by a Stranger almost all the way from here to Emmaus. We did not recognize Him until He prayed and broke the bread. It was Jesus! We saw Him with new eyes, and then He disappeared. Our Master has risen from the dead!”

 As the two men entered the upper room, so did Jesus. {11} While those words of joy are being spoken, in the same way Jesus disappeared in front of the two men in Emmaus, He now appears before all gathered in the upper room. I hear Jesus announce: “Peace be unto you; rejoice this day.”

 All are startled to have Someone suddenly appear before them. Jesus asks why they doubt and have no faith. He presents His hands and feet and invites them to touch Him and see that He really is alive. I watch Him sit down and say He is hungry. They give Him a piece of fish and honeycomb to eat. While He eats, He reminds them that He had taught them that everything recorded in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled. I realize that heaven values the patience of the saints who keep the commandments of God. Those who worship Him and believe the testimonies of Jesus—the Spirit of Prophecy—are greatly loved and blessed.

 I am privileged to observe while Jesus opens their ears, eyes, and minds to understand the Scriptures as recorded by prophets and messengers. He shares how the Messiah was to suffer greatly but would rise from the dead on the third day. He stresses that repentance and forgiveness of sins are to be preached and taught to all nations and assures them that He will give them what the Father promised: power from the Holy Spirit. {12} This is the end of the day of His resurrection. It is now the beginning of the second day. Jesus will remain on Earth with His disciples 39 more days.

 My dream changes and I am made to understand that 40 days have now passed. During that time, Jesus spent much time teaching His disciples how to witness to others. In His name, they were to ask the Father for the Holy Spirit, wisdom, and power. They were also to instruct and preach the new truth about repentance of sins, and that there was no longer a need for animal sacrifices, because Jesus was the great sacrificial Lamb.

 Next, I see Jesus walking with His disciples toward Bethany. Upon reaching the Mount of Olives, Jesus tells them it is time for Him to serve in heaven. He instructs them to return to Jerusalem to teach as they have been taught. He assures them that He will intercede before the Father on behalf of each one of them. As Jesus lifts His hands to bless them, He ascends, and a large company of angels hides Him from their sight. They fall to the ground in worship then quickly return to Jerusalem. Soon afterward they are found teaching in the temple and marketplace.

 en days later, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples are together in the upper room. Their hearts beat as one. They serve with one purpose. Through the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, I know and have been shown the beginning of the great commission, “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel!” We read in Acts 2:1-4:

 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

 My dream changes, and I am back on the terrace that overlooks the tops of that beautiful forest on that planet. The Herald stands there quietly. After several moments, he turns to me and asks, “Do you know yet who you are? This place is offered to one who would serve as requested. God loves you, His people. Not only will some have a mansion in heaven, but a select, chosen few will have a planet in their own galaxy, a place for all to see and visit. It will testify that the individual chose to do as asked, even though it was not what they preferred. That place will show that one individual gave up all and chose to walk on the path that God assigned—a path where they would be blindfolded and walking with complete faith.” {13}

 Still standing quietly, the Herald turns and looks out over the multicolored panoply. After a few moments and still admiring the view, he says to me, “The longer one lives, the more information can be accumulated. Because Methuselah lived for almost a thousand years, he knew much and was patient. He also greatly loved His heavenly Father and remained faithful to Him.”

 I look at the Herald and ask if I am now to begin preparing this dream to be sent to God’s people. The Herald turns around to face me. Smiling patiently, he replies, “Jesus blessed His disciples and ascended, escorted by a great entourage of angels. The entire universe observed this very important scene. It is what happens next that should be documented. Messenger, you are not finished with this message. Jesus returned to heaven after teaching His disciples for 40 days. During that same time, His first fruits talked with many about the truth of the resurrection of Jesus. Now I am to show you what took place after Jesus returned to heaven.”

 The Herald explains that a lot of what he will show me will be symbolic and I will not understand much of it. “But know,” he adds, “that you along with everyone else will have an eternity to learn. There is, and always will be, much for you to learn.” {14}

 When the Herald holds out his hand toward me, I notice that it is large and very well-tanned. Yet, it is a hand that shows constant love and patience. I stop to think that it is the same hand that at Gethsemane strengthened Jesus to enable Him to drink the ‘cup’ and endure the coming suffering. It is the same hand that held a sword ready to defend Jesus but was instructed to refrain. It is the hand that, at the tomb of Jesus, rolled away the large boulder as if it was a pebble. It is the hand that carried the heavenly robe to cover Jesus after He came out of His tomb. And it is the hand that is lifted to direct the great host of choirs.

 The Herald interrupts my thoughts and says, “I need to repeat that who we are is not and never will be important. The only hands that should be acknowledged are the sacred hands of Jesus that were raised and nailed to a cross. Those precious hands were freely given for all.”

 The Herald asks me to observe and document what transpired after Jesus ascended from the Mount of Olives. He raises his other hand, and instantly my dream changes. From on high, I see Jesus preparing to leave from that mountain.

 The Herald says, “In order for you to see what happens, we will need to travel very fast. But before we leave, I need to make sure you understand what happened during the last 40 days, beginning when Jesus walked out of the tomb, no longer a prisoner.” When the Herald holds out his hand, the spinning of the earth slows until it stops.

 The Herald continues. “Jesus quickly returned to be with His disciples—walking with them and teaching them. During that time, His first fruits spoke as witnesses, testifying as to why they were raised at the command of Jesus. The enemies of Jesus were quick to invent stories and lie as to who the first fruits were.”

 The Herald instructs me to look once again at the scene of Jesus departing from the mount. I look down and see a myriad of angels around Him. As I continue to look, I now notice the first fruits who came with Jesus to Earth to serve as witnesses of His resurrection.

 The Herald reminds me that Jesus had raised the chosen group, quickly ascended, and presented them to God as His first fruits. Many were told to remain and prepare. The Herald smiles and says, “Prepare what?”

 The Herald releases the earth so time can continue and says, “We must move quickly so you can see and observe.” He holds out his hand, and when he speaks one word, several angels that excel in speed come and take our hands. The Herald tells me that we must be there instantly, before the great event begins.

 We begin to travel at a speed that I cannot comprehend. The Holy City is still a very great distance far off to the east. We are some distance from the gates of heaven but still out in space when I see two rows of representatives from other worlds who stand facing each other as honor guards. Each holds in his hands something I do not recognize, but it is bright and shiny. On each side of them are countless rows and tiers of angels holding trumpets. As we move quickly between these rows of escorts, I see the excited faces of all assembled as they wait for the One who is to return.

 I now see many angels hold the enormous city gates wide open. I am remembering the story of the prodigal son. But I think that this is the opposite. This is a welcome unlike any other that has ever been prepared.

 As I look through the open gates, I try to conceive the enormity of the place. From the center point where the three thrones are located, the area for the great reception extends out for thousands of miles in each direction—north, south, and east. The plans and preparations to landscape this enormous area are staggering.

 As we quickly enter through the gates, I notice that the layout of buildings, walkways, trees, streams, lawns, and fountains has changed compared to what was there when Jesus left heaven for those 40 days. It is as if angels who excel in landscaping have been working non-stop to make everything different for the welcome-home celebration. I smile at my thought that the weather will be perfect for this fantastic occasion.

 Inside the gates, on the left and right sides, are many tables spread over thousands of miles, all prepared for the grand feast. It is a bountiful harvest of many types of food contributed by inhabitants throughout the universe. In this vast garden of gardens, choirs stand ready to sing a special tribute as the King of all kings enters through the open gates of heaven.

 At a distance, I am able to see the Holy City. I notice three thrones high up on a raised area that emit a tremendous brightness. In the middle is a great brightness, which I know is the Father. To the left side of the Father sits the Holy Spirit, resembling a form of pure energy and fire. On the Father’s right side is the throne of Jesus, with only His crown on top of His robe. In front and on each side of the thrones stand Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, who were taken to heaven to walk with the Father.

 The great multitude of the first fruits of Jesus stands to the left and right of the thrones. Each is dressed in a special robe lined in purest white and a beautiful crown that appears to bear living fruit. They are the ones who remained in heaven to prepare the food, plan the decorations, and choose the choir songs. They planned and accomplished much in 40 days.

 As I look up, I now see a great assortment of newly-created birds. In addition, amazing decorations fill the air, making the sky above as beautiful as the grounds below. I am in awe to see multicolored, translucent balls shimmering in the air. When they pop, the air is filled with a wonderful, floral aroma. As new balls appear, they produce a most beautiful song—a testament to Jesus and everlasting peace.

 On a circle of hills surrounding this tremendously large area is a great host of angels holding trumpets. I hear a new and unique reception song. The Herald and I rush back to the gates that are being held open.

 Away in the distance, I see the entourage that has been traveling from the Mount of Olives on Earth. It slows and many angels quickly go out to meet and escort the rest of the first fruits who served as witnesses for Jesus. These chosen ones were quickly ushered in and dressed in order to stand with the other first fruits. After that, all the angels, who escorted Jesus, quickly enter through the gates of heaven and take their places with a throng of other angels.

 Now I see the two long rows of beings quickly enter and take their places to wait for the grand entrance of Jesus. They are the ones who were lined up on each side of the arriving entourage—inhabitants from other worlds who were selected to serve as witnesses. I look out amid the cheers and songs of the great choir that fill the air with rejoicing. Jesus stands in the air a short distance from where the representatives stand.

 I quickly turn and look back at the middle throne. From a great distance, I now see what I understand is the Father standing up from His throne. To His left, I see the Holy Spirit rise at the same time. All becomes quiet. Everyone turns and looks back at the thrones. I hear a deep rumble like thunder, yet like the sound of a great waterfall, a gentle stream, and a light rain.

 The Father speaks. “Before all whom I have created, before the Great Universal Council, before those who will soon serve as the Council of 24, before all those assembled here, before all inhabitants throughout the universe: It is with extreme delight and great happiness that I stand with My arms wide open to receive My Son to again sit next to Me. In Him, through all He has done, I am very, very, very well pleased. To Him I restore all power and might.” All is quiet, then I hear that great voice state: “My Son, welcome home! Please come and take Your rightful place on Your throne.”

 To the awe of all assembled there, I observe a very long walkway appear. Starting at the Father’s throne, the walkway extends out through the gates of heaven. Its foundation is a bright, illuminating, white light that shines out toward Jesus. On top of that white light, but leaving a thick white border, is a bright, royal blue walkway, also extending out from the Father’s throne. Above the blue walkway, but leaving a thick border of blue, is a very deep red walkway. On top of the red walkway is a shiny silver walkway with a border of red beneath it. On top of this is a bright, glowing walkway of the purest gold with a border of silver. I am not able to comprehend the distance, but this amazing walkway extends out very far.

 When I see Jesus place His foot on that great walkway, the most tremendous cheer is heard re-echoing throughout the universe. No one in the universe can be unaware that Jesus has returned to His rightful place in heaven.

 Jesus slowly walks between the two rows of representatives lined up on both sides of the walkway. It reminds me of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when people laid their robes and palm branches in front of Jesus. The representatives from across the universe can see that He is worthy to walk on that amazingly unique walkway. I hear cheers and songs of praise fill the courts of heaven. What incredible joy! I see Jesus walking with such happiness, but yet He is the epitome of humility. After what seems like moments, but really was a great amount of time, He approaches the gates of heaven. I also hear the sound of instruments that accompany the angels. As they joyfully sing from the distant hills, Jesus enters the gates of heaven.

 When Jesus approaches the bottom step at the foot of the elevated thrones, all becomes quiet. I know that I am shown this in a way that I can comprehend. I look up high and see that as Jesus approaches, the Father walks down the steps of His throne. The Holy Spirit also stands and walks down the steps. The Father, the Fountain of all love, extends His arms. Jesus holds out His arms, from where flows the love of the love of the love. The Holy Spirit extends what I know to be His arms.

 There the Three embrace and shine brighter than any sun. As They embrace, tears of happiness flow and begin to puddle. They are so abundant that they flow down the long walkway, forming a tremendous, symbolic stream that flows down the great walkway and becomes a waterfall. It is a time of such happiness!

 After a great time together, the Father and the Holy Spirit step back. The Father speaks and seven attending angels pick up from the throne of Jesus the crown and robe that He placed there before He left to live on Earth. As the Father accepts the robe from four of the angels, its color changes, and it turns into the most majestic hues. I notice it has many cords and sashes. When the Father hands the robe back to the four angels, they approach Jesus and drape the robe over His shoulders. Then as the Father accepts the crown from the other three angels, its shape and colors change. I think to myself that Jesus, the King of kings, is the only One who deserves such a crown. I think: As is Jesus, Jesus is! The Father hands the crown back to the three angels who then approach Jesus. Since Jesus is taller than the angels, He bends down to accept the very large, ornate, and colorful crown.

 Now I observe the Father hold out His hands, and in them appears a magnificent scepter. I cannot find the words to describe it, except to say that it is beautiful and fitting for the only One worthy to receive it. The Father and the Holy Spirit walk together and present it to Jesus. As Jesus takes the scepter, it glows with a bright light and He illuminates greatly, not because of the scepter but due to the fact that Jesus already had all His powers returned to Him.* As He ascends to take His place on His throne, the Father and the Holy Spirit also ascend.

 Next I notice the three thrones rotate and form a circle so that the Godhead can face each other. All Three sit down at once, and a tremendous light radiates up and out to send even greater light throughout the universe. The Three once again are seated together. Then there is such a tremendous cheer from all the angels, other world inhabitants, and the multitude that had been brought together that it causes a vibration of pure harmony throughout the Holy City. Next a song of complete joy fills the air.

 During the singing, I observe the area around the three thrones of the Godhead begin to change. In front of and around each of the three thrones, eight thrones rise up from the ground. They are evenly spaced and make a total of 24 new thrones. When the song ends, all becomes very quiet. I see the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit raise Their hands and speak a command all at the same time.

 When I look up high, I notice four groups of six angels descending from four different directions. Two angels from each group lead with trumpets. Behind them in each group is an angel carrying a large golden tray. Each tray contains six, very ornate, pure gold crowns. These crowns shimmer, showing that the wearer is valued and trusted. Behind the angels holding the trays with the crowns are two angels holding trumpets. In each group, behind the angels with trumpets, is an angel carrying a large golden tray. On each tray are six, pure white, ornately decorated robes.

 The four groups descend, and all stand in a perfect square. In the middle stand four angels, each holding six crowns. Next and standing in a square are the four angels with the six robes. Twelve angels stand in another square and hold trumpets. To complete the last square, there are four angels holding trumpets at each of the four corners.

 With precision and timing, the 16 angels raise their trumpets. A fanfare sounds that calls down from on high 48 angels who descend in a single downward row, one in front of the other. With great precision they divide into two rows of 24 angels. Moments later, the two rows of 24 divide into four rows of 12 angels. Then I see the four rows divide into six rows of eight angels. Next the six rows divide into eight rows of six angels. Then the eight rows divide into 12 rows of four angels, and the 12 rows divide into 16 rows of 3 angels. Finally, the 16 rows become a single row of angels who stop descending and stand still in the air. The 48 angels are again in a single row. Now these angels form a perfect circle and descend. I see two of them stand in front of each of the 24 empty thrones situated in front of the three thrones of the Godhead.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare. With accuracy, the four angels holding the pure golden trays with robes rise a short distance into the air. From high above, 24 angels descend and divide into four groups of six angels. Each of the four groups descends and stands in front of one of the four angels holding the golden trays.

 When the 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare, each of the 24 angels takes one of the robes from a tray, and with outstretched arms, each holds the folded robe. The 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare, and with exactness the four angels holding the trays descend to the square where they stood before.

 As the 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare, the four angels place the now-empty tray under their left arm. At the same time, the 24 angels holding out the 24 robes descend, and each stands to the left of one of the 24 empty thrones.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare. Again with precision, the four angels holding the trays with the crowns rise a short distance into the air. From high above, another 24 angels descend. They divide into four groups of six angels. Then each of the four groups of angels descends and stands in front of one of the four angels holding a tray.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound yet another fanfare. Then each of the 24 angels takes one of the crowns from the tray and holds it in front of them. I notice that the face of each of the angels is illuminated by the brightness of the crowns.

 Again the 16 angels holding trumpets sound a fanfare, and with precision the four angels holding the trays descend and return to the square where they stood before.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound a fanfare again, and simultaneously the four angels with the trays take the now-empty tray and place it under their left arm. At the same time, the 24 angels holding out the 24 crowns descend and stand to the right of one of the empty 24 thrones.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets play them again, but it is very different this time. It is the song of the Great Sacred and Holy One. All the angels who are not a part of this presentation immediately kneel.

 I turn to look up at the three thrones and see Jesus rise up from His throne. He turns, looks at the Father, and says, “With full power I go to My brothers. I went to Earth and became One of them. You are My Father and You are their Father. Whereas I am Your Son, they are also Your sons. I now go to meet with 24 of those who are My brothers to ask them to sit on a throne with Me.” {15}

 As Jesus begins to walk down the steps, I see the Father stand, raise His hand, and I hear Him declare that He is most pleased with His Son. Then He adds, “As it was already decided, I call for those who have been selected to be escorted to their places on one of the 24 thrones.”

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare. With accuracy and in a single row, I see 24 angels quickly descend over that great multitude of those who were His first fruits. I see those 24 angels approach certain individuals. Some are very tall, and some are the height of those at the time of Jesus. I look back at the thrones and realize that the thrones are all the same size. They are only for those who are tall. I look back at the very large multitude of His first fruits. Then I see the 24 angel escorts stand beside each of the 24 who were chosen to serve as an elder.

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound yet another, different fanfare. I notice that the 24 angels do not take hold of each chosen individual to help them fly. Instead, each of the redeemed has that right and they simply allow the angel to be an escort. I am able to hear one of the escorting angels state to one who is very short in stature what a tremendous honor it is to escort him to the place where he will serve. He tells him that the issue of his short stature, as compared to others, will be resolved before he can think that he wants to blink.

 Suddenly, I notice that all 24 individuals who will serve as one of the 24 elders are of equal height, and the 24 angels escort them to where they will sit. As each places a foot on the ground in front of their throne, Jesus steps down to the bottom step of the three thrones. Because He has had all His powers restored, I am in awe as I instantly see Jesus stand before each of the 24 elders. I hear from the distant hills that great choir of angels begin to sing a very quiet song. I am sure it is about Jesus, even though I do not know the words.

 Jesus turns to each angel holding a robe. As He takes the robe, the angel lowers his arms to his side and stands quietly. As Jesus holds the top of the long, pure white robe, it unfolds and illuminates. He looks at each of the 24 and says, “I sacrificed My life on a cross so that you and all others who believe in Me may have everlasting life. The blood that flowed from My body fell upon the seat of mercy so that each of My faithful ones can sit by My side and be My brother. Because I am your Brother, My Father is your Father. I have chosen each of you because of what you taught, what you surrendered, and the life you laid down for Me.” {16}

 Now I see what resembles water flowing from the thrones of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It flows down the steps and becomes a clear body of water at the base of the thrones. As it continues to flow, the 24 thrones rise and rest on the large body of water that resembles solid crystal.

 Jesus says, “I place My robe over each of you. With My robe, you will serve. You will hold vials, representing the prayers of the saints. You will observe and give your opinion to our Father about the time to judge the dead, when to destroy those who cause destruction on the earth, and when to reward those who now and in the future will serve as prophets and messengers. You will submit recommendations regarding the saints who reverence and worship our Father in the correct way.”

 Jesus turns to each angel holding a crown. As He takes it, the angel lowers his arms to his side and stands quietly. Jesus places a crown on the head of each elder and says that each is worthy. {17} He says, “In serving you must lead, as in leading you must serve.”

 The 16 angels holding trumpets sound another fanfare. Each of the 48 angels who served as crown and robe bearers rises into the air. Then Jesus turns and ascends the steps to His throne. When He sits down, all the angels raise their voices as a single choir. I listen to the words of a song the angels are singing as a tribute from their hearts.


Father I adore you

Lay my life before you
How I love you.

Jesus, I adore you
Lay my life before you
How I love you.

Spirit I adore you
Lay my life before you
How I love you.

I then hear a united “Amen” from all the redeemed. The 24 who stand in front of their thrones, now kneel, remove their crowns, and state they are not worthy.

 Next I look up and observe a brightness descending. It is a being who radiates beams of energy. As the being descends, all becomes very quiet. Moments later I realize it is Perceivous. Closer but still in the air above all the thrones, she stops descending. She says: “While casting your crowns at the base of your thrones, you stated that you are unworthy. It is true. No one is worthy to approach the Father’s throne due to their own merits. It is only through the merits of Jesus that all here have been made worthy. Every individual who is saved will need all eternity to absorb the depth and significance of the incredible sacrifice of Jesus.” She descends a little closer to the ground and continues: “The foundation of this study is faith. All must believe and know that their worthiness is a result of the sacrifice Jesus made.”

 As Perceivous comes down even closer, she becomes many before each of the 24 thrones, where each elder stands with their crown at their feet. She addresses each and says:

 “I was there when you took your first breath.

“I was there when you fell.

“I was there when you hurt your knee or elbow.

“I was there when you awoke from a bad dream.

“I was there when you played.

“I was there as you grew up.

“I was there as each day became a learning experience.

“I was there each time you made the right decision in a trying moment that crafted you into one who the Father could use.

“I was always there as the Holy Spirit gently spoke to guide you.

“I was there until the time came when I placed a marking angel at your resting place.”

 Perceivous stands quietly for a moment. Then she says, “You who are His redeemed, but are also a special, chosen few, will feel unworthy. Each of you knows that it was through your faith in Jesus that you would be found worthy in the eyes of the Father.

 “As has been stated before, Jesus is the Savior of everyone on Earth. Jesus is the only way anyone can be saved from sin. Each individual must pray in faith and accept what Jesus has done. Each must ask for forgiveness of sins and believe the Father will hear and answer their requests, spoken in the most precious name of Jesus. We must also understand that it is through the sacrifice of Jesus that all God’s angels and faithful creations will be kept safe from sin. {18} Jesus is and always will be the Savior of all. The precious name of Jesus will always be the only name worthy of being spoken. It was His body and blood, which He sacrificed, that made each of you worthy.”

 Perceivous stands quiet for a moment, to allow all to understand the meaning and importance of what she said. She reaches down, picks up the crown at the feet of each elder, and places it back on their heads. Then Perceivous becomes one again and rises back into the air. She looks over at the Herald, as if saying, “You know what you are to do next.”

 The Herald rises a little off the ground and says, “The foundation of faith is first acknowledging our great need of Jesus and accepting His great sacrifice. This is the beginning of a life of obedience by which God will account each worthy and see him as His son.” {19}

 The Herald lowers his head, looks back up, and raises his right hand. Instantly, I see a great movement of angels arranging themselves into exact locations. Almost at the same time, the Herald sings a single note.

 At that precise moment, I see 144 angels standing side by side in 12 rows of 12, making a perfect square. Because each has a very deep bass voice, the listener feels a strong vibration. As one, they sing the words, “I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord.”

 Next to them is another group of 144 angels standing side by side in 12 rows of 12, also in a perfect square. Each of them sings with a female-type voice, very high and yet gentle. As one voice, this group sings, “No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.”

 Throughout heaven, I see angels assembled in 12 by 12 squares. It is a choir of magnificent proportions. In many squares scattered all over, angels are singing this hymn, all as one, with voices of unequalled perfection. Countless groups of angels in a similar configuration are spread over thousands of miles.

 I stand there listening to the angels unitedly singing and rededicating themselves. It is their promise and commitment to service. Each proclaims that they accept Jesus and will always need Him. This is why each always says that there is only one name that should be spoken: JESUS.

 Everywhere I look I see angels assembled in groups of 12 standing in 12 rows. I need to emphasize the magnificence of how this enormous choir sounds. Each note and word are spoken and sung at the exact same moment. Of all the choirs ever gathered together, this choir sings with such perfect precision and timing that I am unable to begin to describe the beauty I hear.

 Every angel participates. All angels have been given the tremendous gift of singing. I think how some excel in speed, strength, or intelligence, but all excel in singing. No human ear can even come close to understanding what I am privileged to hear. I notice one thing very clearly: None of the angels sings to draw attention to himself, but rather to express their great love and dedication to Jesus. The words they sing make clear why each always says that who they are is not important. Jesus is the only name worthy of being mentioned. Each angel sings from the heart, as if he were the only one singing.

 As the angels continue to sing, I see the 24 elders kneeling, as well as all those who wear a crown that bore fruit. In dedication to Jesus, all cast their crowns toward the thrones of the Godhead.

 I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.

I need Thee every hour; stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.

I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will,
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.

I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.

I need Thee, O I need Thee! Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior, I come to Thee.


While this choir sings those words from the heart, I think of all that I have seen, heard, and experienced. Then I remember that all I was shown was in a way that I could understand. I think of how degraded we have become after 6,000 years of sin on this earth. I have seen the beauty and perfect proportions of the first humans on the earth from Creation until the time of the Flood. I have seen the difference between the perfection of the first fruits Jesus resurrected and the people today who show great marks of sin.

 My dream changes, and I am once again walking along that beach. I look behind me and in front of me. I am all alone. Over my right and left shoulder are two, very large bags with scrolls of paper. Both straps are tattered and worn. The bags are still enormous and very heavy. One bag feels a lot heavier, because I have been given another message. It is then that I realize that the bags are not heavy; actually, they have no weight. I may have the straps over my shoulders, but I do not carry the load. {20}

 As I begin to walk again, I start humming how I need Jesus every hour. I hum that there really is something about that name!

 While I continue walking, I hear a gentle voice speak these words: “Call My name and I will answer you. {21} I am with you at all times. I have said, I will always be with you. I called two to serve as they walked to Emmaus. I was there, and they did not know that I walked with them, even in the darkness of night.”

 Now I am instructed to prepare this dream that has taken many weeks to compile. It has been made very clear to me that everyone must understand the following: I am not the only one addressed in this dream. It is for all who believe these messages. If you walk your own road in the dark “from Emmaus back to Jerusalem,” know that Jesus has promised to be with you always. All you have to do is call upon His name.



  1. Manuscript Releases, Vol. 16, p. 151

I am feeling at times great weariness. I have carried heavy burdens. I have had to bear very plain testimonies to others. I have written many private testimonies to different ones, then to keep my writings up has been no little tax to me.


  1. Psalm 94:9-10

He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?


  1. The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 1, p. 69

But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.


  1. Genesis 6:5-7

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the Earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.


  1. The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 1, p. 61

The Lord opened more fully to Enoch the plan of salvation, and by the spirit of prophecy carried him down through the generations which should live after the Flood, and showed him the great events connected with the second coming of Christ and the end of the world.


  1. Matthew 27:50-53

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the Earth did quake, and the rocks rent; and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

 Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 304

When Christ cried out while upon the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30), there was a mighty Earthquake, that rent open the graves of many who had been faithful and loyal, bearing their testimony against every evil work, and magnifying the Lord of hosts. As the Life-giver came forth from the sepulcher, proclaiming, “I am the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25), He summoned these saints from the grave. When alive, they had borne their testimony unflinchingly for the truth; now, they were to be witnesses to Him who had raised them from the dead. These, said Christ, are no longer the captives of Satan. I have redeemed them; I have brought them from the grave as the first fruits of My power, to be with Me where I am, nevermore to see death or experience sorrow.


  1. The Desire of Ages, p. 786

As Christ arose, He brought from the grave a multitude of captives. The Earthquake at His death had rent open their graves, and when He arose, they came forth with Him.


During His ministry, Jesus had raised the dead to life. He had raised the son of the widow of Nain, and the ruler’s daughter and Lazarus. But these were not clothed with immortality. After they were raised, they were still subject to death. But those who came forth from the grave at Christ’s resurrection were raised to everlasting life. They ascended with Him as trophies of His victory over death and the grave….


…The risen saints bore witness to the truth of the words, “Thy dead men shall live, together with My dead body shall they arise.” Their resurrection was an illustration of the fulfillment of the prophecy, “Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the Earth shall cast out the dead.” Isaiah 26:19.


  1. Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 333

As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings.


  1. The Desire of Ages, p. 795

Late in the afternoon of the day of the resurrection, two of the disciples were on their way to Emmaus, a little town eight miles from Jerusalem.


  1. The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 3, p. 216

Cautious hands unbarred the door to the repeated demand of the two travelers; they entered, and with them also entered Jesus, who had been their unseen companion all the way.


  1. The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 30-31

Christ’s visible presence was about to be withdrawn from the disciples, but a new endowment of power was to be theirs. The Holy Spirit was to be given them in its fullness, sealing them for their work. “Behold,” the Saviour said, “I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” Luke 24:49. “For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:5, 8.


  1. Faith and Works, p. 25

What is faith? “The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). It is an assent of the understanding to God’s words which binds the heart in willing consecration and service to God, Who gave the understanding, Who moved on the heart, Who first drew the mind to view Christ on the cross of Calvary. Faith is rendering to God the intellectual powers, abandonment of the mind and will to God, and making Christ the only door to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

 Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 341

To abide in faith is to put aside feeling and selfish desires, to walk humbly with the Lord, to appropriate His promises, and apply them to all occasions, believing that God will work out His own plans and purposes in your heart and life by the sanctification of your character; it is to rely entirely, to trust implicitly, upon the faithfulness of God. If this course is followed, others will see the special fruits of the Spirit manifested in the life and character.


  1. D.A. Bible Commentary, Vol. 7A, p. 481

It will take the whole of eternity for man to understand the plan of redemption. It will open to him line upon line, here a little and there a little.—Manuscript 21, 1895


  1. Christ Triumphant, p. 251

When suffering humanity pressed about Him, He who was in the health of perfect manhood was as one afflicted with them. This was essential, that He might express His perfect love in behalf of humanity.—Manuscript 18, 1898


  1. The Desire of Ages, p. 786

As Christ arose, He brought from the grave a multitude of captives. The Earthquake at His death had rent open their graves, and when He arose, they came forth with Him. They were those who had been co-laborers with God, and who at the cost of their lives had borne testimony to the truth. Now they were to be witnesses for Him who had raised them from the dead.


  1. The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 3, p. 253

The Saviour presents the captives he has rescued from the bonds of death, at the price of his own life. His hands place immortal crowns upon their brows; for they are the representatives, and samples, of those who shall be redeemed, by the blood of Christ, from all nations, tongues, and people, and come forth from the dead, when he shall call the just from their graves at his second coming.


  1. The Signs of the Times, December 30, 1889

The angels ascribe honor and glory to Christ, for even they are not secure except by looking to the sufferings of the Son of God. It is through the efficacy of the cross that the angels of heaven are guarded from apostasy. Without the cross they would be no more secure against evil than were the angels before the fall of Satan.


  1. That I May Know Him, p. 229

There are many in the Christian world who claim that all that is necessary to salvation is to have faith; works are nothing, faith is the only essential. But God’s Word tells us that faith without works is dead, being alone…. Faith and works go hand in hand…. Works will never save us; it is the merit of Christ that will avail in our behalf. Through faith in Him, Christ will make all our imperfect efforts acceptable to God. The faith we are required to have is not a do-nothing faith; saving faith is that which works by love and purifies the soul. He who will lift up holy hands to God without wrath and doubting will walk intelligently in the way of God’s commandments.

 The Signs of the Times, May 12, 1890

Genuine faith in Christ works by love and purifies the soul. Faith and works go hand in hand, for faith without works is dead. God requires of every soul today what he required of our first parents in Eden,—perfect obedience to his law. There must be found in the life unswerving allegiance to God, righteousness without a flaw in the character. We must be clothed with the righteousness of Christ, and stand without blemish before God. The requirement that God has made in grace is the requirement that God made in Paradise.

 Manuscript Releases, Vol. 6, p. 19

Faith and works go together, and each is dead if alone. Not that works will save you; they are the fruit of faith, and living faith will reveal itself in action. The hand of Christ is stretched forth to receive you; will you put your hand in that of the dear Saviour and say, Lead me; I will follow Thee, my Saviour? You must not be neglectful of the conditions of salvation, which are faith and obedience. There must be a cooperation of the human with the divine.


  1. The Review and Herald, January 11, 1887

Those who are called to responsible positions in the work of God often feel that they are carrying heavy burdens, when they may have the satisfaction of knowing that Jesus carries them all. We permit ourselves to feel altogether too much care, trouble, and perplexity in the Lord’s work. We need to trust him, believe in him, and go forward.


  1. Do You Know Who You Are? January 3, 2018

“… all you need to do is call out one name, the most beautiful name in the entire universe. You may not understand now, but one day your descendants will understand why it is so important to speak and call on the name of Jesus. The name to call upon is Jesus.”


* Jesus has all His powers now but only by, from, and through the heavenly Father. When Jesus accepted humanity, He willingly surrendered more than we can possibly understand.

 The Upward Look, p. 313

He carries sanctified humanity to heaven, there always to retain humanity as it would have been if man had never violated God’s law. The overcomers, who upon the earth were partakers of the divine nature, He makes kings and priests unto God.—Manuscript 156, October 26, 1903, “Christ, Our Divine-Human Example.”

 The Desire of Ages, p. 25

In taking our nature, the Saviour has bound Himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us…. To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only-begotten Son to become one of the human family, forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His word.


The Review and Herald, December 22, 1891

…He gave His only-begotten Son to come to earth, to take the nature of man, not only for the brief years of life, but to retain his nature in the heavenly courts, an everlasting pledge of the faithfulness of God.


List of Dreams

1. At The Table
2. The White Blanket
3. A View of Heaven
4. Old Gray Gate
5. Buildings Falling
6. Call to Repentance
7. Angel on a White Horse
8. Go Forth
9. Stand on the Truth
10. Sabbath vs. Sunday
11. Prepare
12. Build An Ark
13. The Mailroom
14. Creeping Compromise
15. Keep Going
16. Watch, as I AM Coming!
17. Only One Place To Be
18. Two Roads
19. If You Love Me
20. Sudden Darkness
21. The New Earth
22. The SDA Church
23. Much To Do
24. The ABC
25. Pray For Protection
26. A Great Work
27. The Work Now Begins
28. Stand Fast
29. Get Ready
30. Love and Rebuke
31. Testing The Spirits
32. The Cross
33. In His Time
34. Repent, as I AM Coming!
35. In The Heart of Jesus
36. Two Cars
37. The Treasure Box
38. The Amusement Park
39. Two Men
40. The Senior Bishop
41. The Yellow Corvette
42. The Vessel
43. Titus
44. The End
45. The Good Driver
46. The Great Test
47. Reverence My Sanctuary
48. The Pickup Truck
49. Amazing Facts
50. Smooth Sayings or Surrender
51. Come Aside and Unify
52. Justice and Mercy
53. Where Are You Looking?
54. The Journey Home
55. The Hourglass
56. Entertainment vs. Truth
57. Remorse or Rejoice
58. The Senior Pastor
59. The Lord's Prayer
60. Sitting By A Stream
61. Regarding Angels
62. Fields of Color
63. Other Sheep
64. Final Events and the First Supper
65. A Song and A Prayer
66. Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God
67. A Child Named Promise
68. Call on the Name of Jesus
69. God is Angry
70. The Tree, the Wood, the Truth
71. Submission: A Message for Today
72. Leaders in Cloaks and Masks
73. The Universal Memorial
74. Do You Know Who You Are?
75. Barren Ground
76. Houses of Ivory
77. The Great Walkway
78. 2020- Year of Seeing Clearly

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