Do You Know Who You Are?

74. Do You Know Who You Are?January 3, 2018

By Ernie Knoll


In my dream, I am sitting once again on the side of a great hill in the Appalachian Mountains at springtime. I have been sitting quietly, leaning back, taking in the view of a new season where life is just beginning.

 As I look down through the valley, I see many trees whose leaves are just starting to grow. The grass resembles a lush green carpet. I hear the sounds of different birds. While I sit there, I am wondering about all the work that is yet to be done. Why do I watch as season after season quickly passes by? I think about the two years that have passed since I was instructed to post a message for His people. Are there to be no more messages? Why the silence? What about all the messages about the soon return of Jesus? I look up and ask without saying a word, “Where are the fireballs?” I look back down and question my patience. I can almost hear the Herald asking me, “What is the time on your watch?”

 Next, I contemplate what I know to be logical. Outside of this dream it is only January. This area in the east is still experiencing wintertime, not springtime. Why is this dream showing me a time months from now? As I look around, I feel a warm spring breeze. The trees are beginning to bud with new leaves. I think, Is God trying to say that He has never left or forgotten us? Yet I am feeling very alone—abandoned! I think of the many who write to me inquiring why there is no new message from God. [Please note: In all my dreams, ‘God’ refers to all three members of the Godhead—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.[1] They are also referred to as the Deity and the Creator.]

 My thoughts are interrupted by a voice that calls me by my heavenly name. Still seated, I turn to the right and see a great many angels behind me. I hear a question asked, “Have you become so old that you have forgotten the most important things? You have been told many times that you are never alone. Have you forgotten the ball of special, protective angels that encompasses you?”

 Sitting behind me, I see the Guide angel, as well as many other angels. The Announcing angel who has been standing walks over to me and says, “I have been instructed to ask you a question. Tell me your name.” I stand up and look at him, puzzled. I look at the Guide angel; then I look at an angel I have never seen before. This angel has a look of someone very special. I am puzzled, because the angel I see is unlike any of the other angels I have been introduced to. For some unexplainable reason, I find myself staring at this particular one.

 Now I look back at the Announcing angel, who is patiently waiting for my response. I am thinking that I know who I am; I know my earthly name. I have been told its meaning. I know whom I serve. I answer him but speak loudly enough so that all there can hear me.

 “I will be glad to answer you, but first….” I walk over and stand before the new angel. I am trying to figure out who this angel is, because it seems like I have always known this angel.

 I ask this new angel to please tell me my heavenly name. The angel looks at me and speaks with gentle authority and firm reassurance. I hear my heavenly name spoken, and the angel reveals knowing about me even before I was conceived. The angel says, “I am also to declare the importance of 1 John 4:1-3.” The angel stresses the importance of always testing the spirits and what a messenger says. If the messenger testifies to the truth of Jesus coming in the flesh, then that messenger speaks from the throne of God.

 There is so much more that we still need to learn of how much Jesus gave up. But it is also important to know who He became when He was born as a child on this earth, and equally as important who He was as that child who became a man. Jesus was born of flesh as we were born of flesh. His powers were like the power that is offered to us. Everything He did was through the heavenly Father’s power, and it is what we can do through that same power.

 Next the new angel smiles and says, “As the one you call the Announcing angel has asked, please tell all here your name.” Looking at all assembled there, I tell them: “Who I am is not important. There is only one name that should be called out. That name is Jesus, Jesus Christ.”

 The Guide angel steps forward and comes in front of me. He explains the following: “You are to begin a long journey and there is much, [he repeats] there is much that is to be shared. It will take quite some time to prepare this message. The calendar will show that this day we are only beginning the third day of this new year. Yet what you are shown, you have been shown many times during the course of two years. You prepared parts of this dream, but it is now time to assemble the messages into one dream. It will be a process that will take months to complete.

 “It has been a long time since the Father has sent a message. He misses speaking with His people, so there is much He wants to share. First, understand that it is time His people receive a message. As this is prepared, you will be guided to put into words what is needed.” He smiles and says, “There will be a great revealing of someone in this message.”

 The Guide angel looks back at the new angel and says to me, “The new angel you are looking at, you see as you perceive the angel to be. Understand that this angel is not a female, in the same way you look at me or the Announcing angel as not being male. We are angels created to serve a little higher than you. However, you are created in God’s image.[2] Man was also created as male and female. Many people refer to us as he or him. You may refer to this angel as she or her. But make no mistake. We are not male or female. As an example, many look at a ship in the ocean and refer to it as a she, even though it is not even a living device. Therefore, the way we look is because of what we do.

 “An archangel, angels who excel in strength, and the cherubim all appear masculine. The seraphim with six wings do not appear masculine or feminine. There are other angels who do not look male or female, such as angels who excel in speed, and angels who excel in wisdom.

 “The Creator created many forms of different angels. However, this angel you will perceive as a she. Again, make no mistake. None of us are male or female. As for this angel, you will be instructed who she is at a later, more appropriate time. But you may call her Perceivous. This is not her real name, but it is the name you will use, since this is the way you perceive her.”

 I look over at Perceivous and notice she is tall like the Herald and has a striking appearance. She is also humble but important like the Announcing angel. When they speak, all listen carefully. She is like no other angel throughout the universe, yet she never calls attention to herself. She exists only to serve. The Guide tells me, “You will be instructed, and many will understand why she was created after sin entered the Garden of Eden.”

 The Guide angel steps forward and asks for my right hand. Instantly, I am taken to a beautiful path in the redwood forest of California or Oregon. I know I have traveled thousands of miles in the time it takes to blink. I notice a moist, cool mist everywhere. As I stand gazing up at the green canopy of amazingly tall redwood trees, I see the early morning sun shining through. As the Guide and I walk along enjoying the beauty all around, I notice the forest floor is soft to walk on. Except for the sounds of a bird, all is quiet. We seem to want to whisper, as if normal talking would be too loud. I know there are many angels behind us, as well as the Announcing angel, Perceivous, and several armored guard angels.

 We continue walking along a winding path. I know workmen sometime in the past had come in with saws to cut and clear this path. To the right are redwood trees that have fallen, and I see that one of them had fallen across the path. It had been cut in half, and I see many rings showing the life of the tree.

 As we make another turn, we see several men dressed in plaid lumberjack shirts. They are sitting on one of the smaller, fallen redwood trees. They stand up and immediately begin smiling as they walk toward us. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Perceivous raise her right arm to stop several guard angels. As the workmen approach us, I wonder how they can see me or the group of angels that follow behind. One workman walks toward me and smiles, as if ready to speak.

 Suddenly—and this is hard to describe—I observe Perceivous turn into what resembles water. Instantly, she stands a little in front of me and between me and the workmen. I see what appear to be her wings unfold into a form of flowing energy that is about a foot wide and very long. The workmen stop moving and step back a little.

 Then she speaks in a language I do not know. She does not speak German, Italian, French, Arabic, English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any dialect of Swahili. It is not ancient or modern Hebrew or Greek, and clearly no other language of this earth. It is a perfect language—the language of heaven. As Perceivous speaks, I recognize the words Savior, victory, and Jesus. Even though she spoke no more than seven words, if it had been English, it would mean the following:

 You deceitful, masquerading, demonic angels: You chose the low path to doom. You deceive others, but you will not deceive these here today. You try to appear in a costume that clearly shows your deceitful ways. Do not approach this messenger. You are commanded in the name of Jesus, the most beautiful name in the entire universe, and the name that sings of deliverance and victory. The name of Jesus is a flowery bouquet, with a very fragrant and exquisite aroma. It is a constant reminder throughout the universe that He is the Savior of all. However, He is not your Savior; He is your Destroyer. Flee from here, before I place you in a rotting log until judgement day when you are consumed by fire.

 Her wings of energy become even longer and swirl toward the workmen. Then I watch as the workmen change the way they look. They begin to resemble angels, except they are not as majestic or bright. Suddenly they turn and quickly disappear. Perceivous turns around and once again stands behind me with a look of humility.

 The Guide explains that we cannot always assume everyone we speak with is human. Sometimes they are not who we think they are. While God may allow us to speak with His heavenly angels, it is important to understand that Satan and his angels will do all they can to deceive us.

 The Guide places his hand on my shoulder and says, “With all you know and have experienced, in spite of all you have been taught, you were about to converse with demons—demonic powers of Satan.”

 The Guide removes his hand from my shoulder. Silently, he shows his tremendous patience. Pointing to Perceivous he says to me, “You seem to know her.” He smiles at me and explains, “You were shown this about demons because you, along with so many others, have been protected in ways that you do not know. This time you were allowed to see the deception, but there have been other times when Perceivous has also protected you. With a few words, she has reminded those who stand with Satan that Jesus is the Victor. He is the Savior, and the mere mention of His name causes Satan and his angels to flee.[3]

 The Guide smiles and says with a patient voice, “I know you are about to ask if Perceivous is your guardian angel. She is not, but if faithful you will meet the one assigned as your guardian. Understand that Perceivous is so much more than you can perceive.

 “You have much to learn about who this angel is. But understand, as with other angels, there are times when we are instructed to stand in our place and not raise our hand. Angels who hold swords keep them lowered when instructed to do so. When instructed to serve, we do as we are told without question.

 “You will learn how special Perceivous is. I am allowed to tell you this. Of all the angels, she is one who is respected and feared the most by Satan and his angels. She is an angel unlike the others. When she was created immediately after the fall of Adam and Eve, she was well-known and depended upon. Because her presence and help are much-needed now, at the very end of time, her existence is being revealed to you. More about her will be shared later in this message.”

 Again the Guide angel takes my right hand, and we quickly ascend. I know we are headed east and traveling at a very slow speed. The speed has been specifically set so that we arrive at our destination at the right time. In front of us are many angels with trumpets and others who excel in speed. Along with us are many angels who excel in strength. Seraphim fly along on each side of this procession. But Perceivous is way out front, in the midst of a brightness that lights the sky. She leads this procession, and I am made to understand that she carries the full banner and holds all the credentials of why she leads. I seem to know I will learn why she lights the dark sky. I know that much will be revealed. The Guide smiles at me and says, “For an individual who thinks he is alone, you surely do not seem to be alone.”

 As we approach the eastern part of the United States, I understand that some time has passed. How much, I am not sure. I know we could have traveled instantly and arrived on the opposite side of the earth. However, this procession travels at a precise speed and course to meet a specific time schedule. Yet, I am unable to tell what part of the year it is. I know this dream started in January, but I was seeing springtime in the Appalachian Mountains. Then I was relocated to the redwood forest in the West. This was earlier than the springtime in the East.

 Now we stop at an exact location on schedule. I am able to know and understand where we are. What I do not know is when we are there. I understand the trip was set for a deliberate time.


We are now high in the air over Nashville, Tennessee. We are looking down at a city where the people are spiritually asleep. They are going about their daily plans and routines, unaware of what is about to happen.

 To the east of the city, I notice a large body of water. Directly in front of the water is a large airport. I look to the north and see a river winding around the city. The Guide, the Announcing angel, and Perceivous now stand next to me. It is very quiet, and all of us look down. The Announcing angel says, “What you are about to see will happen. A message was given to the heavenly Father’s other messenger, but she did not have the opportunity to witness this. However, you will. Do not fear; you will not be harmed.”

 Perceivous comes close to me and takes both my hands. With a voice that is truly that of an angel, she speaks my heavenly name, and tells me that the Father awaits my request. I look at her and think, “But what about His people?” She places her hand behind her back and brings out a book. It opens, and she reads aloud what Jesus told His messenger, Ellen White, to write.

 Those who show by their actions that they make no effort to distinguish between the sacred and the common may know that, unless they repent, God’s judgments will fall upon them. These judgments may be delayed, but they will come. [emphasis supplied] If, because your own minds are not clear and elevated, you give the wrong bias to other minds, God will call you to account. He will ask: “Why did you do the devil’s work when you were supposed to be doing a good work for the Master?”

 In the great day of final accounts the unfaithful servant will meet the result of his unfaithfulness. {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, p. 95}

 Perceivous tells me that God’s judgments need to fall. Once again she asks me, “What is your name?” I look at the Guide, the Announcing angel, and then back at Perceivous. Then she asks, “Who are you?” I look at her with many questions, but I do not say anything.

Again I look down at Nashville. I think: “Who am I that I should be asked to call on the Father to destroy?” Perceivous says to me, “Remember Elisha. Through the Holy Spirit, God commanded him to call for bears to come out of the woods. An example was to be made to those who would insult one called by God to serve as a messenger. To insult a messenger of God is to insult the Father in heaven. Elisha was instructed to call on bears to destroy the children who were making fun of him. Realize that 42 children were killed. Not all the children were making fun of Elisha; only several were involved. However, that did not stop God from making it an example to all. When several insulted God’s messenger, the rest also received God’s wrath.

 I know full well whom I serve. I stand as one who strives to be faithful and truthful, doing God’s bidding. Once again I look at the body of water to the east, at the large airport, the busy downtown area, the river that wanders around the city, and for the first time, I speak aloud. I hear myself state, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not my will, but His will be done.”

 From the north, but below our location, I see a bright red and orange ball of fire appear and begin slowly moving south. Its flight path reminds me of a large airplane on approach to land. Behind it is a tail not made of smoke or steam, but of some form of energy that I cannot describe. The ball makes a deep rumbling noise and seems to move very slowly. It passes very low over the river, following a course south and headed toward the downtown area. As it moves, I see that everything in its path is destroyed—knocked down and incinerated. No building, bridge, or structure can affect its path, its speed, or its direction. It is unstoppable and unchangeable. I watch as this ball of fire moves slowly. I am thinking that this city and its inhabitants have had many minutes’ notice. I think about the alarms that have sounded. What preparation has each person made, since their lives are about to end?

 I turn and look to the east, toward the large body of water. I see another red and orange ball of fire moving west toward the airport. I look all around once again, and see many other red and orange balls of fire, smaller in size and heading in many different directions. Almost at the same time, I see the first two large balls of fire hit the ground. The one headed from the north to the south hits the ground at a slight angle. At the same time, the fireball from the east hits the ground just at the edge of the large body of water. While this ball of fire plows a great path of destruction, it continues through the airport and slowly moves westward. It is then that the two balls of fire collide, hitting at a precise location in the southern part of Nashville.

 This event is not a coincidence. A mighty hand in heaven guides these two balls of fire. As the two hit, a shock wave goes out that decimates the area. The shock is immediately followed by a fiery inferno that consumes everything instantly. The heat and fire are so intense that concrete bridges, roads, vehicles, buildings, and even the dirt are reduced to nothing more than ashes. The water from the river as well as the body of water from the east rush through the plowed earth. The cloud of steam is immense, raising the temperature tremendously. From the high place where I am, I can feel the shock wave and witness the destruction. I turn to the angels and say that God’s judgments are just. Because certain individuals refuse to serve as they should, how much longer must we continue on this path?

 I look at Perceivous who is crying. I understand that she knew each of them personally, and the pain and grief she experiences are deep in her heart. I know that there is in her a love that I cannot explain. Yet her face shows patience, because she knows that the Creator’s ways are always correct and just.

 As I observe her crying, I think of the tears over so many people whose lives just ended until they are raised to face judgment. She looks at me and tells me that God’s other messenger, Ellen White, wrote about this event. She then shares the following: 

When I was at Nashville, I had been speaking to the people, and in the night season, there was an immense ball of fire that came right from heaven and settled in Nashville. There were flames going out like arrows from that ball; houses were being consumed; houses were tottering and falling. Some of our people were standing there. “It is just as we expected,” they said, “we expected this.” Others were wringing their hands in agony and crying unto God for mercy. “You knew it,” said they, “you knew that this was coming, and never said a word to warn us!” They seemed as though they would almost tear them to pieces, to think they had never told them or given them any warning at all. {Manuscript Release, No. 188: Sermon at Mountain View, California (January 21, 1905)}[4]

 The Guide angel takes my hand and says, “It is time we continue on.” Now we head toward the northeast. Again, I know we could have been there in an instant, but this is more of a procession. I look way out front and see that Perceivous leads. Now I see that many more angels join this procession.

 As I look ahead, I notice it is getting very late in the afternoon. It is now the fall of the year. I see a lake ahead and notice beautiful colored leaves on the trees. We approach a dock at the lake. Behind it is a small log cabin, and to its right is a birch wood canoe lying upside down. The lake is calm, and I hear crickets in the distance. An Adirondack chair sits at the end of the dock. The Guide takes me to it and asks me to sit down.

 It is as if I have been brought here to observe the most beautiful red, orange, and purple sunset above the distant mountain peaks. Suddenly, many angels appear in the sky, but they do not obstruct my view. They line up in tiers to the left and right. At the right moment, the angels raise their trumpets and join the Announcing angel as he begins to play a song on his trumpet. As other angels fill the sky, I look much further up and watch as a very brightly illuminated angel descends to the end of the dock. He smiles, and I see those familiar dimples. The Herald raises his hand and tells me to stay seated. Then he faces the angels and the sunset and begins singing a song I do not know but fully understand. It is like “The Hallelujah Chorus” and “Mary, Did You Know?” combined into a single song. It is a sonnet sung from the heart of each angel, because of their deep respect and admiration for Jesus. Along with the splendid sunset, the sky resonates with the most glorious singing, accompanied by many instruments. It is an exceptional evening.

 The song ends, the angels leave, and the sky is dark now. The Herald glides from his place in the sky to the end of the dock and walks toward me. When he gets close to me, he holds out his hand, as if he were going to place something on the dock. From his hand, I see water flowing and forming a chair. Even though it is made of water, it illuminates the end of the dock and the lake.

 With the light from his chair, I notice something very strange over the lake. At first it looks like a large column of water is being poured into the lake. Then I realize the water is not coming down but is flowing up. I know that symbolically water represents the Holy Spirit. As if a voice is talking to me, I understand that water is being removed, and it symbolizes the Holy Spirit being removed from the earth.[5] Soon this lake will be empty, the bottom will be muddy, and no one will be able to walk where the water used to be. Likewise, the ungodly will stand with no presence of the Holy Spirit.

 I look back at the canoe and think how easy it would have been to go in the canoe from one side of the lake to the other. But now it will be very difficult. I understand that if it were not for those who serve God, the Holy Spirit would no longer be in this world to comfort or to inspire them with the right thoughts and words to speak. [6] [7] [8]

 The Herald sits down, smiles, and calls me by my heavenly name. He explains the following: Many who read the dreams have wondered why there has been a long wait for a new one. They must understand that many messages were delivered for select individuals, but they are not meant for public posting. But for those who have wondered, the heavenly Father explains that it is time for all to understand the reason for the delay.

 First of all, God as the Creator does not just speak anything into existence. Everything is planned before He creates, including mankind. Because it is very important, I will spend much time explaining about man being created in God’s image. God planned and discussed the creation of the earth and its inhabitants. However, it was decided that man would not be like any of the other creations.

 I was privileged to observe as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit planned creation before the foundations of the earth were laid, and before the words “In the beginning…” were spoken.[9] It was discussed that the beings would be given free will. There was discussion about the location of the sun, which would provide a special energy and gravitational positioning; the different planets and moons with their position and function; and the creation of the different animal life that would exist only on this planet. There would be marine life, birds that would fly, and animals that would crawl, walk, and run on the surface of the earth. There was much discussion about the creation of mankind. Those beings would be unlike any ever created. The beings already created were in awe that, for the first time, beings would be created in the image of the Creator. It is truly a fact that if you see the face of man, it is similar to the face of God.

 However, there was an additional plan. Man would be made as one male and one female, yet each would still be a creation in His image. This meant that for the first time in all creation, man would have the ability to procreate through the gift and power bestowed by the Creator. This had never been done anywhere else in the universe. The angels and other beings were individually created by the Creator.

 God looked down through time to see events that would happen. When mankind rebelled, what changes would have to be made? When Adam and Eve fell into sin, they would no longer live eternally. How could this be remedied? A sacrifice would have to be provided, and Jesus was willing to be that great sacrifice. Much was discussed, such as the amalgamation of man and beast, and the need to save God’s creations from a worldwide flood by building an ark that had never been built before.[10] The plans for this were developed long before the need for it. God discussed certain individuals who would be written about in the Bible. They would stand as a testament for generations to come. These include such men as Enoch, Abraham, Lot, Moses, Job, David, Elijah, Isaiah, Daniel, Hosea, Ezekiel, John the Baptist, the disciples of Jesus, Lazarus, Stephen, and many others. Great plans were made for a special young woman whose name would be Mary. As a virgin, she would give birth to the Savior. This very special Son would step down from His throne, be stripped of His powers, and walk as a man made in His image.

 Looking down through time, God saw a need for one who would deliver messages needed by His people to prepare them for salvation. First, He called a man named William Foy, but he did not complete what was asked of him. So God chose another man named Hazen Foss and asked him to share messages, but he refused. A third was chosen. God called upon a young woman, Ellen Harmon, who later married and became Ellen White. Her life and writings are well documented.

 Yet there was more planned. In the Bible, there is much symbolism written in the books of Daniel and Revelation. And throughout the Bible, there were individuals mentioned who served as symbols. One example was Ezekiel, who slept with his head in a frying pan and whose very special diet lasted over a year.[11] Another was Isaiah, who was instructed to walk naked for three years.[12] One named Hosea would be asked to marry a prostitute.[13] Joseph would suffer, yet deliver his family. And there were many others.

 Before the foundations of this earth were spoken into existence, others were planned to be symbols at the very end of time—a time just before those who are saved would be brought back from their rest in their graves. Some would witness the fulfilment of the great promise of the Savior—the return of Jesus Christ.

 These particular individuals are to serve as symbols to the universe of promises waiting to be fulfilled. One is to be a symbol of the early rain, the other a symbol of the latter rain. The last one, a woman, is to serve as a very special symbol. Why a woman? She is to represent God’s church—and not just any church, but His perfect church. You may call her Mary. But what about her? As His perfect church, she is to be young, pure and undefiled, and not in a Laodicean condition.

 Mary began to serve, but in the middle of the night on January 6, 2016, Satan persuaded her to flee. Instead of a pure, clean life, she wanted the impure things of this world—the bright lights and shiny things the world has to offer. She thought this would bring her the joy and happiness she wanted. So she fled to someone she knew—a man who is demon-possessed, and who the Father considers as a rancid individual. This person is truly foul, thoroughly rotten, and absolutely of no use. Mary’s relationship with this individual represents and describes the Laodicean condition of the Seventh-day Adventist organization.

 So, Mary quit serving, unlike the first Mary who carried and brought into the world the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Mary who fled was asked to prepare herself as a symbol of God’s pure church so that Jesus can return. Unlike the first Mary who welcomed Jesus, the Laodicean Mary aborted Him, because she wanted her own way. Laodicea does not want to do or be what God has asked.

 These three are symbols. How are they to serve? The latter rain cannot serve, because the early rain cannot serve. The early rain cannot serve, because there is not a perfect church with which to prepare a people. Why? Because the Seventh-day Adventist organization in its Laodicean condition will never prepare a people for Christ’s return.

 I was also shown the need to give brief examples of the continuing and growing Seventh-day Adventist apostasy. This includes the General Conference level, churches, as well as educational institutions and healthcare. Please refer to the links provided to see current examples.[14]

 The Herald adds, “We must stop here, as there is so much more that is to be understood. I need to show more about the importance of God’s pure church, which Mary is being asked to symbolize. However, she does not realize its importance. Now I must take you to a very special place that Mary is aware of.”

 Before I am able to blink, I am there. Everywhere I look, it is a brilliant white. I stand in white grass that looks and feels velvety. I look to the left and see tall, white trees with limbs that spread out and hang downward. They remind me of a weeping willow tree with limbs draped in moss. Yet, I know it is not moss. What I see are limbs created to be as I see them, not as what I am acquainted with. I look to the right and see more trees. Each has a unique, perfect design. Some look as if their limbs were covered with snow. But it is not snow, because the weather is warm, and a gentle, perfumed breeze fills the air. Many different birds sit on the tree branches. Some look like pheasants, owls, parrots, macaws, and peacocks. Yet, all the birds are white. All this was created for Mary, because of what she symbolizes. I realize that it stresses the importance of what she symbolizes and how much God loves her to give her this gift.

 The Herald steps in front of me and says, “It is important to fully understand this planet you stand on, with its moons and other planets you see, and the beauty you observe as you look up through the sky into this particular galaxy. All you see here was created for her: the beautiful variety of trees, the bodies of water, the animals, and the vegetation—from the entire galaxy to the minutest creature. This place may seem unreal, but make no mistake. This place is real and does exist.”

 The Herald points up and explains that what I see arrive now was made specifically for Mary. This is and will always be the way she will travel throughout the universe, because of what she symbolizes. This is how those who await her arrival will see her come.

 I look up into a rich, blue sky. Suddenly, I hear the sound of thunder crack through the air. I am told, “That is the sound they make when they arrive. They move very quickly, and they are only for the individual who is coming. All you see was created just for her.”

 I see what I can only describe as several horses pulling a carriage. I am amazed to realize that the entire carriage is made of pure crystal. This enormous and ornate carriage is extremely intricate, with a very beautiful and precise design. It is hard to find words to describe it. It is about 70 feet wide and 200 feet long—about 14,000 square feet—the size of a very large mansion on this earth.

 The Herald tells me that the carriage is perfect in its design and functionality. It was designed and created to fit one who serves as a symbol of His perfect church. No one else will travel the same way. The testimony she will share will be to the glory of Jesus.

Many, very large horses pull the carriage. Each horse is about 12 feet wide and 20 feet long, streamlined and very muscular. The height from their backs to the ground is about 12 feet. I see 7 horses in a row, and 12 rows of horses. I notice the horses stand shoulder to shoulder about 8 feet apart. With 12 rows of horses lined up, the team of horses is about 350 feet long. Even though each horse is the same, I have never seen horses like these before. Each is pure white with very long fur that looks extremely soft and silky. Their manes flow from between their ears, down their necks, along their backs and continue to their long, flowing tails.

 Each horse has two legs on each side of its front. In the back, each has four legs on either side. So each horse has been created with 12 legs, and each of their legs moves independently from the others. The horses do not have wings, yet they fly through the air with ease.

 As they descend on a flight path to land, I notice that I do not see their legs. When they get close to the ground, I see that their legs were folded up under their body, just as birds do. All that I have seen can only be attributed to the creativity of the Creator.

 As the horses touch the ground, I notice that the carriage has something that descends from the bottom and comes to rest on the ground. I can only describe it as some form of pure, bright white energy. As the horses and carriage stop, I watch the right side open into two parts. The middle of the carriage also opens, making it easier to walk out. The bottom opens downward and forms a ramp with steps to walk down to the ground.

 Now I see Mary stand and descend the steps of the ramp. She wears a long gown that is ripped and gray. As her bare feet touch the ground and she begins to walk, the ground beneath her feet changes from pure white to dark brown. Dust rises as she walks.

 Next, I see Jesus come from the right. He demonstrates His unending and unconditional love for Mary. He reaches out, takes both her hands, and smiles at her. He says, “Mary, you symbolize My only pure church. The Father loves you. He wants no one else but you to represent His pure church. You were chosen before the foundations of the earth were laid.

 “Some observe and think the Father has exhausted all ways to reach the one He has asked to serve as a symbol. However, this entire galaxy with all its planets and moons was created for you. Because the Father will not have another church, He cannot destroy this galaxy and create a new one for someone else to replace you. How could He when the whole universe observes Him? More importantly, He could not be called the Creator if He had to destroy it all. He does not create to find that what He has created will not serve in the way He created it to be. He only creates that which He knows is good and perfect. He created you, Mary, to serve, and He stands with you because He knows you will serve. He cannot and will not cast you aside. He does not command, but allows each to choose. He has given you many opportunities to serve, and He will continue to do so. He will simply wait. Mary, your heavenly Father loves you very much. He has stated and made it very clear that He will not accept another. He will have no one else but you to be and serve as a symbol of His pure and perfect church.”

 Now I see Jesus and Mary stand under an arch of white roses. He explains the following: “Mary, this galaxy, this planet, the moons, the many different planets in full orbital rotation, even the grass, trees, and many different animals and birds—all this was created just for you. This world is your world. It is white as you are pure. All this was created because of what you symbolize. Understand that all you see here is yours. Even though you serve symbolically, all this is literal: the pure crystal carriage you arrived in, and the horses that brought you here. Even the length of their flowing manes on the specially designed horses was created just for you. Do you not understand who you are or that you will always be the only one? All this was done for you. All this is yours and will exist for eternity. Many will come to visit this place—your very special world and your other home. Many will come to understand the importance of this place.

“You, along with others, will travel the universe. Some who have heard about you will get to meet you. But you will meet and teach many more and still others who have not been created yet. Satan wants to hold you as an infant. He cradles you in his arms. He does not want to give you up. It is up to you to walk away from him. Our Father has committed Himself to giving human beings free will. That is why He cannot take you by force. He cannot and will not command millions of trillions of legions to go and take you from Satan’s arms.”

 Now the Herald explains: “The Father has stated that Mary was selected, and He will wait until she is ready. He has stated He will have no other to serve, as she is the one He chose. He has declared that, if necessary, He will stop the hands on all clocks and time will halt until she is ready. He has made it clear that she represents His perfect church. He cannot have another to represent His perfect church, because there is not another church. So God has declared that all will wait until Mary takes her keys and unlocks the locks she has bound herself with. She will return and serve as God intends. She will also recall the complete message she was given, as she stood under her arch of white roses and Jesus asked her to accept. Nothing has changed. The fireballs and other destruction will be placed on hold according to God’s clock until He commands otherwise.”

 The scene changes, and I am back at the dock sitting on the Adirondack chair. The Herald continues: “Many have asked why the Father has not sent a message in over two years. Why has He been so quiet in spite of all that has transpired, such as the destruction reported every day? Why has there been no message of encouragement? Mary walked away from God’s call two years ago. This is why there has been no message to post. The Father has sent her many messages to return and do what He has asked. This past fall, He sent her a great warning in one of the hurricanes. She remains “shackled and chained” with the one who is rancid. Jesus has told her that she holds her own “key” to the “locks” she has placed on herself. All she needs to do is use the key to remove the locks. Then the chains will fall from her.”

 The Herald sits on his chair quietly looking at the peaceful scene of the lake. Then he turns to me, says my heavenly name, and explains that Mary is not the only symbol who is not obeying God’s call. There is another example. Again, the Herald asks for my hand.

 This time I am taken to a country I do not recognize. I am in a hospital where I see people dressed in white or blue uniforms. The Herald says, “We are here to witness the birth of someone planned long before this earth’s foundation was spoken into existence.  This individual, whom we will call Alpha, is to serve as a symbol.” Because of that, the birth is observed by the universe.

 I am now in a very clean room with special lighting. A young woman lies on a delivery bed in the middle of this room. As I watch, I know that what I observe is only for my understanding.

 Now the Herald says to look up. As I do, it looks as though the ceiling in the hospital disappears, and I see representatives from across the universe observing the birth of this special child, because they are to share what they observe. The Herald informs me that the tribulations of this child and its shadow will be great. I ask him what he means by ‘shadow.’ He smiles and says, “Wait and watch. This is why you were brought here to observe.” In an admiring tone of voice, the Herald explains what is about to happen. He says that all births are a grand creation. Since I am unable to see everything from where I am standing, he describes what is happening. He explains that the attending physician, trained to deliver babies, is doing what he was taught to do. He tells me that the child has made its way into the world, then points to the clock and says, “This is important. Take special note of the time.”

 The Herald tells me that the physician has cut the cord and I will hear the baby’s first cry. He explains that the doctor is handing the newborn to a nurse who cleans and prepares the baby to be placed on the mother’s chest. Next, the doctor checks the placenta, making sure the mother is not bleeding and her womb is empty. When he is satisfied that the mother is all right, he leaves the delivery room.

 Next, the Herald tells me to look at the clock. I tell him that only ten minutes have passed since the baby was born. But he says to notice that the baby is a little ways from the mother who still lies on the delivery bed. As several nurses care for the baby, another one wipes the mother’s forehead.

 The Herald tells me to look at the clock again. I tell him I notice that twelve minutes have passed since the birth. The Herald says, “Watch carefully and notice the amazing power of God. This is why He is the Creator.” Suddenly, the mother calls out in pain. A nurse goes to her and is shocked at what she sees. She runs to the delivery room door and calls for the doctor to return immediately. The physician and nurses position themselves once again around the delivery bed, and I hear the doctor exclaim, “How is this possible?” One of the nurses states that it is truly a miracle. The Herald says to notice how the doctor and other personnel review the ultrasound and heart monitor records. They comment that there was no record of a second infant. There was no second heartbeat. The placenta had been removed. During the post delivery process, there was no sign of another baby.


The Herald smiles and says, “There is nothing too hard, nothing impossible for our Creator. He spoke and instantly another baby emerged in the form of an identical twin.”


When I look up, I see the amazement of those who have been observing what the Creator had done. There before all is the birth of a baby formed instantly in an empty womb. Even though there was no placenta, the baby bears the mark where a cord would have been.


The Herald states that this baby will symbolically be called Omega. These twins are to walk as one, displaying unconditional love. The Herald says to notice that it was twelve minutes between the births of each twin. Some will understand the symbolic importance of this. But Satan will cause them great trouble. He will do all he can to prevent them from doing what they were called to do. He will greatly test their endurance and unconditional love for each other. They are to always show they are content and not complain. Before the universe, these two will serve as a continual example of God’s unconditional love, and of how Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. They will live in perfection in their sphere as the Father does in His sphere. These two who were born as twins will serve as asked. Much will be asked of them, and they will prove much.

 However, these two have been tested many times and have failed many times. This is another example of not serving. Yet, because God is the Source of all Love, and because Jesus is the Love of the Love of the Love, it is stated in one voice: “Let them once again prove to the universe that they are love. As one, both together are to show total forgiveness, unconditional love, and no selfishness.”

 Instantly, the Herald and I are once again back at the end of the dock, and I am sitting on the Adirondack chair. The Herald continues by saying, “There is another example. An individual we will call Valarie lives on an island. This name means brave, and she has the character trait of bravery. Long before plans for the earth were made, she was chosen to symbolize the courageous John the Baptist. Like him, she is to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus.”

 alarie began to travel and serve. As she spoke, she was surrounded by God’s angels, the Holy Spirit gave her the words to speak, and many came to hear her, However, Satan tempted her and she sinned greatly, falling far from grace. She ripped and soiled the beautiful robe that had been placed on her. Her robe is symbolic, but she serves literally. God also sent her warnings in the form of hurricanes Irma and Maria.

 God declared: “Send her to where she can be cleansed. As one selected before I spoke the world into existence, let her go to a place where she can learn to humble herself. Let her remove her filthy, ripped garments and wash away the sins of her life in the ever-cleansing waters of the Holy Spirit. Then I will send My angels bearing garments provided for her. As a clean vessel, I will dress her and send her back to where she will once again speak My words to prepare My people as did John the Baptist. She will serve literally to prepare My people for the second coming of Jesus, the Love of the Love of the Love. Since she will not speak her words but Mine, great will be the words that will flow from her lips to prepare My people for My Son’s second coming.”

 The Herald becomes quiet, and then he explains that there are others who were never a part of the great planning. For example, there is a woman who wants to serve as a messenger, but she is not one of God’s messengers. Her dreams are not from God. Instead, she is motivated by her husband, who convinces her to write and post messages, stating they are from heaven. In private conversations and in a public posting she was given a list of errors she presents, showing that she is not receiving messages from God. Additionally, she is now promoting the false teaching of lunar Sabbaths, and says that in heaven we will always observe them and celebrate the Jewish feast days.[15] We are told to test all messages. Here is proof that she is blindly following Satan.

 Isaiah 60:19–20 says there is no sun or moon in heaven.

 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD shall be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23

And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light. Revelation 22:5

 The Herald says that this individual continues to be used by Satan. Although she provides some truth, there is also error. She was told to cease posting her messages because they are not for God’s people. The Herald says to share her name again. It is Daisy Escalante who lives on the island of Puerto Rico.

 God sent another warning to Daisy last fall when His wrath was observed during a hurricane that devastated Puerto Rico. The destruction was the fault of Daisy and her husband, because they would not listen to God’s instructions. In the middle of the hurricane it was recorded that Daisy was very frightened and her husband cried for his life. Only their home was left standing. They lost the outbuilding where they practiced natural treatments, as well as the extra food supplies that were stored. God also allowed their trees to be ripped from the ground. These two had taken shelter in their home, and the roof almost blew off. God wanted to destroy this false prophet and close her mouth, but because He is pure, unconditional love, He stopped the hand of the destroying angel and spared their lives.

 The Herald sits in solemn silence looking out over the quiet lake. It is then I notice a delay in the water being withdrawn; it is yet to happen.

 The Herald turns toward me and asks, “Who are you?” He looks out over the lake again and all is still and quiet. Looking back at me, he says, “Many have asked why the Lord’s coming has been delayed. Why has Jesus not come to take His people home?”[16]

 Again he asks who I am. He looks down and shakes his head as if he does not understand. Then he looks at the lake again. It is quiet, and I know I am not to speak. It is a time to think about why there has been a great delay. Why have there been no messages to direct God’s people? Why has Jesus not left the most Holy Place? Why has heaven not been emptied? Why has the sky not illuminated with the return of Jesus? Why do those who look for answers ignore God’s messages? Why are His messengers falsely accused when no fault can be found in their messages? Why do certain individuals refuse to serve, even though they were chosen before the foundations of this earth were even spoken into existence? Even their names were recorded before the earth was created. Even the chosen search for errors in God’s messages and find none. When they find no errors, they look for faults in the messenger.

 Next the Herald says to imagine the following: “What if a mailman delivers a bill to you and upon opening it you think you have been overcharged? Do you contact the mailman to complain about what you think is an error? Do you accuse him of being a faulty mailman, even though all he has done is deliver a letter to your mailbox?” All must pray to the heavenly Father for guidance; He has promised to help. Then study the messages, and if they agree with the Bible and Ellen White’s writings, then they are from heaven.

 Before the entire universe, Mary was to serve as a symbol of God’s perfect church. She was to be a clean vessel, pure and undefiled, but she refused.

 “Ellen White was instructed to write the following:

 For one man’s sin the displeasure of God will rest upon His church till the transgression is searched out and put away. The influence most to be feared by the church is not that of open opposers, infidels, and blasphemers, but of inconsistent professors of Christ. These are the ones that keep back the blessing of the God of Israel and bring weakness upon His people. {Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 497}

 “Notice these Bible examples:

 Then there was a famine in the days of David three years, year after year; and David inquired of the LORD. And the LORD answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloody house, because he slew the Gibeonites. 6 Let seven men of his sons be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto the LORD in Gibeah of Saul, whom the LORD did choose. And the king said, I will give them. 14 …and they performed all that the king commanded. And after that God was entreated for the land. 2 Samuel 21:1, 6, 14

 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. 2 And David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people, Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring the number of them to me, that I may know it. 7 And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. 11 So Gad [the prophet] came to David, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Choose thee 12 Either three years’ famine; or three months to be destroyed before thy foes, while that the sword of thine enemies overtaketh thee; or else three days the sword of the LORD, even the pestilence, in the land, and the angel of the LORD destroying throughout all the coasts of Israel. Now therefore advise thyself what word I shall bring again to him that sent me. 13 And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let me fall now into the hand of the LORD; for very great are his mercies: but let me not fall into the hand of man. 14 So the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. 26 And David built there an altar unto the LORD, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings, and called upon the LORD; and he answered him from heaven by fire upon the altar of burnt offering. 27 And the LORD commanded the angel; and he put up his sword again into the sheath thereof. 1 Chronicles 21:1-2, 7, 11-14, 26-27

 “Two were created to serve—one as the early rain and the other as the latter rain. However, they cannot serve because there is no pure church yet where those harvested may attend.


“Twins created in the midst of a miracle have refused to serve. As one, they were to show no selfishness but rather constant, unconditional love—literally and symbolically before the observing universe. These two as one have failed.


“Valarie—the bold one—also did not want to serve. Instead of preparing a people, she chose to follow the people instead of leading them.


“The two who symbolize the early and latter rain only serve as symbols, but those who are literal, those who have been and will be harvested as part of the early and latter rain, are much more important. The two who serve as symbols for the Alpha and the Omega stand as a testament before the universe that inquires whether they are validating the existence and character of God. The one who is to serve as a symbol of John the Baptist is to prepare a people for the One who will harvest them. This person will speak about Jesus, who sits with a sickle in His hand, prepared to harvest those who are ready.


“These who have served as symbols are to traverse the universe to share their unique song throughout eternity. Like the one called Mary, each symbol holds the keys to their own planet placed in their own galaxy. The redeemed from earth and the created beings who want to learn more may visit them in their homes on the planets to which each symbol holds keys. These individuals who serve as symbols are to stand before the universe as true witnesses for God. But each has preferred to serve themselves rather than their Creator.”


The Herald is quiet again as he looks out over the lake. Then he turns to me and explains that God has been waiting because these select few have refused to work as He has asked. This has caused the delay of Christ’s return. Nevertheless, God waits and does not call others to replace these selected ones.


The Herald stands up, looks down at me and again asks, “Who are you?” As I look up, I am not sure what to answer. The Herald turns and looks beyond the lake toward a dark sky that now illuminates with countless angels. Darkness disappears and pure light remains.


The Herald looks down at me again and smiles with such patience and love. He reaches for my hand and asks, “Will you come with me? I have so much more to show you.” I give him my right hand, and he helps me get up from the chair I have been sitting on. We ascend, and I am instantly taken to what I know is the beautiful Garden of Eden with its lush vegetation. It is before man and animals were created. We walk through a garden that I cannot find words to describe.


The entrance to the garden is an archway of many vines, leaves, and flowers. There are flowers of different shapes, and they shine with many rich colors. When I look at the flowers, it is as if they respond to me, wishing to be looked at. The design of a single flower is unlike anything I have seen. Any single flower is an example of a design of unmatched beauty and everlasting life. There is also a wonderful assortment of fragrances. A large variety of fruit hangs from the vines and branches. The archway is like a short tunnel, wide enough for several people to walk together as they enter or exit this one-of-a-kind garden.


After passing through the entrance and exiting the tunnel, there is a grand view of this immense and amazing garden.  No man has seen such beauty since the destruction of the earth by the Flood. There are no tall mountains. As I look far in the distance, I see many different trees with rich green leaves. There are fruit trees with very large fruit ready for picking. The sky is the richest blue, and everywhere I look are trees, leaves and grass in living green, unlike on this earth.


Everywhere I look is vibrant, brilliant life that will never end. As we stroll slowly through the grass, which is soft and moist to the touch, I am rejuvenated even by smelling its aroma, as if benefitting from its nutrients. And the flowers are like dessert.


As we stroll along, I notice a small, elevated plateau. On the top is the tallest and biggest tree, which glows as if self-illuminated. The long, hanging branches are loaded with fruit that looks iridescent and leaves that reflect the brightness of the sun. This tree is unlike all the others.  As I continue walking toward the tree, I notice several battle angels slowly descend and surround the tree. The Herald asks if I understand what that tree is, and I answer, “No.” He explains, “That is the Tree of Life. If you are faithful, Jesus will walk with you to that tree. His hand—given freely for you—will reach up and pick one of the fruits. He will then personally feed it to you, but for now you are forbidden from getting closer. You cannot touch or partake of its fruit or leaves or even smell its aroma.


We turn and continue walking while I think about the tree—how Jesus will feed me, and the way mothers and fathers feed their small children. I wonder, What value do I have that Jesus would take me to that tree, pick a fruit from it, hand feed it to me, and then wipe the juices from my mouth? What Love of the Love of the Love He has for one as undeserving as I. The Herald turns and says, “As He is the Love of the Love of the Love, He finds value in you and in each of His people. All the gold and diamonds are worthless compared to one of you. Throughout eternity the saved will study who He truly is and the pure love He has for each of His people.”


We continue walking, and nearby I see an amazing stream that seems to come from nowhere and meanders through the garden. Its water is pure and clean, and as I get closer I notice the air in this area is very fresh. It feels as if I am breathing in pure, oxygenated air.


Everything I have seen in the Garden of Eden is truly from the hand of the Creator. I remember that when He finished creating He said it was good.[17] All I have seen in this dream of God’s creation is truly good. I am unable to put into words the beauty of this garden.


The Herald reveals that as the Creator has a palace called heaven, it is very appropriate that the most majestic and noble of all creations, those created in His likeness, would have a garden like this. The Herald tells me that in all the universe, there is no place that comes close to the unparalleled beauty of the Garden of Eden.


As we slowly stroll along, the Herald becomes silent again. Then he repeats the question, “Who are you?” I am unsure about why he asks this or how I should answer. He says, “What you see now is shown in a way that you can perceive.” When I am made to know that it is now the sixth day, I realize that time is not as I know it.


In the distance, I see who I am to understand is the Creator walking through His beautiful, newly-created garden. He stops to kneel near the edge of a pure stream. Then I notice that the stream forms into a most majestic Being who kneels next to the Creator. I notice that the Creator and the Being from the form of water both look the same. It is as if the water has the ability to look the same as the Creator. Or are they the same? Yet as I continue to look, I see one Creator, but there are actually three in a form together.


I immediately know that every angel and every created being throughout the universe watches this event. What will happen has never occurred before—the creation of the first being made in the likeness of the Creator. God now places His hands into the soil, and at the same time the water moves with the Creator. Their hands sculpt the earth into a form about the same size as They are. Now the Creator bends over and places His mouth over the dirt and mud form and gently breathes air into it. He leans back and I see a transformation. What was dirt and mud becomes a living, breathing man. I dare not blink for fear of missing a part of this tremendous event. I watch a skeleton form, as well as veins, muscles, tendons, organs, a torso, legs, arms, neck, and a head with eyes, ears, a nose, mouth, and light-colored hair. I watch the hair grow and curl. The skin is a reddish color and very well-tanned. This creation happens in only seconds. God truly is the Creator!


When Adam stands up, I see the most perfect and noble, majestically tall, and stunningly handsome being made in God’s image. I understand more clearly now why the Creator would see that His creations were “very good.”[18] Next, Adam smiles at his Creator, and immediately speaks, as if all the words in existence are at his command. Then I notice that Adam is enveloped in light from his head to his feet, a light that does not touch his skin yet moves as he moves.[19] This man is truly the son of the Creator.


Ellen White wrote the following:


“Next to the angelic beings, the human family, formed in the image of God, are the noblest of His created works.” {The Review and Herald, December 3, 1908}


“The first Adam was created a pure, sinless being, without a taint of sin upon him; he was in the image of God.” {Manuscript Releases, Vol. 13, p. 18}


The Herald speaks and says:


“God created man a superior being; he alone is formed in the image of God and is capable of partaking of the divine nature, of co-operating with his Creator and executing His plans….” {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, p. 311}


“All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order.” {The Review and Herald, February 11, 1902}


The Herald turns to face me and again asks, “Who are you?” Placing his right hand on my left shoulder he asks, “Do you understand who you are? You are royalty—not just you, but all humans created in God’s image. When God created mankind and the earth, the universe observed with deep interest. During the planning process, God decided that life on earth would have the ability to reproduce itself through the power of the Creator. For example, a tree and other plants would produce seeds which would fall to the ground. From those seeds, God would make other trees and plants grow. In the animal kingdom, the female would produce an egg cell and the male would fertilize it, thus producing another after its kind. God intended that all human beings on this planet would have the ability to procreate. Nowhere else in the universe does a created being have that ability. This world is the only one of its kind throughout the universe, because everywhere else, each of the beings has been created individually.” The Herald smiles and says, “I was created by the very hand of the Creator.”


On this planet, the Creator was present as the animals passed by and Adam named each one. The Herald told me that he was standing nearby and heard the words that Adam spoke to the Creator. Noticing that each animal had a mate, Adam asked God why he was alone.


The Herald pauses for a moment and says, “You must understand that the Creator had instructed the animals to be fruitful and multiply. But now all were about to watch the creation of Eve, a being made in God’s image who would give life to another being in the image of the Creator. All the angels and created beings throughout the universe stopped their activities to observe this very special event. Please come and observe. You will see it the way you are able to perceive it.”


We look back and hear the Creator ask Adam to lie down next to the stream. When he does, he falls asleep instantly. The Creator reaches into Adam’s chest, removes one of his ribs, and places it on the ground next to Adam. Then Adam opens his eyes and stands up. The Creator explains to Adam about the rib He removed, and says that he will be allowed to observe God create his mate from it.


The Creator kneels down once again and begins molding dirt and mud around the rib. I see God sculpting the earth and shaping it into another form. Without blinking, I watch as this dirt quickly grows into a form with bones, blood, veins, muscles, tendons, skin, hair, face, fingernails, etc. I watch as the breath breathed from the Creator is inhaled. Her eyes open and she smiles. There on the ground is truly a creation of unparalleled beauty.


The Creator stands up and steps back. I know this was the creation of Eve. She stands a little shorter than Adam and has the same covering of light. Her body is not as muscular as his, but her skin is the same color, just softer and smoother. Her hair is fine and thick with curls like Adam’s, but it is lighter in color and comes halfway down her back. Her face is exquisite, with unparalleled beauty. Her eyes with their gentle and comforting gaze invite one to admire them. Her nose is smaller than Adam’s, but she has more noticeable cheek bones. Her voice is higher than his and gentle, with a relaxing tone. Just like Adam, she was created perfect and as one of a kind.


The Herald says that even though man was created as Adam, “man” was also created as Eve. Although she was as noble as Adam, there were similarities and differences between them. For the first time in all creation and through a power given by the Creator, Eve was given the ability to have a new being grow inside of her.


As I observe again, the Creator reaches down, Eve lifts her right hand, and He assists her to her feet. It is not because she needs assistance but to demonstrate how she, as the gentler sex, is to be protected and respected. It is as if the Creator is stating, “You are a man, but to her you always ought to be a gentle man—a gentleman.”


Now the Creator and Eve turn to face Adam. God places her hands in Adam’s as He introduces her by saying, “This is Eve, the mate you requested.” In this first wedding ceremony, witnessed by angels and other beings, God ordained that these two be husband and wife, and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply. He ended by stating, “It is good.” On this new world, the Creator would dwell and walk with His newly created beings.


The Herald makes a statement that I understand comes from the throne of God the Father. He says, “Notice that in view of the beings throughout the universe, the Creator ordained that a man and a woman be as one in a marriage. This union was never to exist with the same sex. The Creator has made it clear that those who oppose what He has ordained will be found wanting. They will take their place together with all those who oppose His commandments and what He has ordained.


Having observed these perfect creations, I am saddened to realize how mankind has become so degenerated. Not even the most handsome man or the most beautiful woman in this world can begin to compare with the perfection of Adam and Eve. While it is important to exercise and eat for health, those who do still do not even compare with the health of God’s first couple. We are diseased and weak; even our stature has decreased. Human beings have certainly proven to the universe that sin brings death.


I hear the Herald speak my heavenly name and say, “Messenger, in case you have forgotten, are you not God’s messenger? Are you not shown all these things for His people? Have you forgotten your calling and that the things shown are not just for you?” After repeating my heavenly name, he tells me to fulfill what I have been told and continue to report in detail what I am being shown.


Again the Herald asks, “Do you know who you are? Yes, you are a messenger, but that is just your calling. Why is it that man has forgotten his heritage comes from God? Look at Adam, whom God created. You are his descendant.” I turn away from feeling ashamed of my deformity and look around at the beauty I am privileged to observe. The universe has witnessed many creations, but never before one like this. The Herald states, “Adam and Eve were the crowning act of God’s creation.”[20]


The Herald continues: “There is still much you are to see. All this is shown because the Father wants His people to understand and grow spiritually as they learn from these messages. Now I need to show you something that happened after the creation of Adam and Eve.” The Herald places his hand on my shoulder, and what I see changes to a different time and view. I know some time has passed since the creation of Adam and Eve, but I cannot tell, nor am I told how much time. If it were important, it would have been mentioned or I would have noticed. I see that Eve has walked a distance from Adam and now stands gazing at a very beautiful tree. I know what is going to happen. I observe her lift the very hand which her Creator formed with His own hand as He knelt on the ground. She touches and then picks a fruit from the tree. I watch as she smells the fruit, takes a bite and begins to eat it. As a result of Eve’s guilt, the innocent hand of Jesus, her Creator, would be nailed to a beam made from a tree.


Instantly, I know what happens after this. When the Herald touches my shoulder, we find ourselves next to the stream that gently flows through the Garden of Eden. When he points to the stream, a most intricate and form-fitting bench comes up from the water. He invites me to sit down on the bench, which is dry and very comfortable.


The Herald begins talking again and says, “All need to understand that when Eve disobeyed, the Creator put in place the amazing plan contemplated from eternity. Because God is love and does not force, He endowed man with free will.[21] However, the entrance of sin put humans on a different path. This was not the perfect plan which was for their good. God already knew the end from the beginning, and had accepted the offer of Jesus to sacrifice His own life so that repentant sinners could be transformed into saints.


I stop to think how as a result of sin, Adam and Eve lost their robe of light, which had kept them warm at night and dry from the morning dew.[22] But after sin, Jesus had to use the skins of animals to provide warmth and cover them at night. If they had remained faithful, each of their children, and every human being would have worn this wonderful robe.


Picture this dreadful scene. The universe silently watched as Jesus, with tears in His eyes, killed one of the peaceful animals He had created and Adam had named. For the first time ever, a creation died. As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, an innocent animal gave its life to provide them with a garment that would protect them through each day and night. A life with death became a part of their path.


After a pause, the Herald says, “Everyone should appreciate that Jesus, the only-begotten Son of the Father, left His place on His throne. Because many do not fully understand what Jesus did, they cannot understand why angels feel so privileged to serve Him; why we state that who we are is not important; why we repeat that the only name worthy of being spoken is Jesus. That is the reason we listen, waiting for directions from the Father to be sent to the very one who cries out and speaks that wonderful, sacred name—Jesus.


“We are sad when His precious name is spoken in vain. Not only is Jesus the Son of God the Father, but He also shares the same divine nature. They are truly both One, and together with the Holy Spirit, God is the Creator.”


The Herald looks at me and says, “Now I am to show you new details that have not been disclosed before, something the Creator says should be known. People need to understand that Jesus, whose throne is next to the Father’s, got up from His throne, and removed His princely, sovereign robe. He folded it and placed it on the seat of His throne, (just as He carefully folded His grave clothes when He was resurrected).[23] Then He removed His crown of nobility and also laid it on His throne. As a result of sin, Adam and Eve lost their robes, but Jesus freely surrendered His when He came to earth.[24]


“Messenger, try to understand this. These were symbolic actions, but Jesus, your Savior and God, truly laid aside His powers: omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence to become like you and all other human beings.[25] Understand that Jesus, the Creator, allowed Himself to be placed in the womb of Mary, herself a creation, born after many centuries of procreation. Jesus actually came to this earth; He became one of you. He became your Brother, and you became His brother.”


The Herald asks again, “Who are you? Do you not understand who you are? Remember, in the entire universe, there are no others like you. The Creator and all beings throughout the universe see each of you as a prince or a princess.”


The Herald points to the gently flowing stream, and I see water rise and form words that say:


“God created man a little lower than the angels…” {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 3, p. 50}


The Herald emphasizes, “Jesus is uniquely God’s own Son, and shares the same divine nature of God the Father. Because you were created in His image, you are capable of partaking in the divine nature of God. That means that just as Jesus carried out His Father’s plans by depending on His Father, you are capable of fulfilling His plans in His strength.” I understand that the Herald is not just talking about me, but about all of those who choose to be God’s followers.


The Herald continues by explaining that for now the angels stand a little higher than man. But after sin is removed and the earth is made new, they will enjoy serving us.[26] This was shown in the dream, “The New Earth.” When the Herald lifts his arm, I see words rise from the stream. As I read the words, I recall this part of the dream.


I now look to the left and hanging on the wall is my robe. It is long and made of ropes and collars that form around the neck area. It is difficult to describe. Two angels now enter and ask if they may assist in putting my robe on me. I answer them and they lift the robe off the hanger and place it around my shoulders. I find it interesting that there is no weight to this robe. One of the angels walks over to my crown and asks, “May I bring you your crown?” I answer him and he walks over and places my crown on my head. I also notice that there is no weight to my crown. We look at each other and smile because we know the significance of the crown and the robe. The angels say how much they appreciate helping with my robe and crown. I tell them how much I appreciate all they have done for me.


The Herald asks again, “Do you understand who you are? You are royalty. Angels will be happy to serve you just as we serve our Creator.”


I tell the Herald that I remember how it felt strange that angels would want to assist me in putting on my robe and crown. I am the one who feels indebted to them for all they have done for me.


The Herald asks, “Do you understand who you are? Do you understand why we say that who we are is not important? The name worth repeating is Jesus—your Brother, your Savior, and our Savior.[27] You are the brothers of Jesus, the very sons and daughters of the Father, whom we are honored to serve. For us as angels, it is an honor just to touch and hold your crown. It is a privilege to be able to place the robe on your shoulders, and to put on your head the very crown that Jesus will place on each of the victorious ones. All this will be possible because of our victorious Jesus! Do you truly understand who you are?”


The Herald leans back and looks at the stream and the beauty all around us. After a short time, he looks back at me and says, “Often the Father spends time teaching us and sharing His secrets. He has a time and place to show us things He knows we will appreciate and understand. Often what He shares is something new that we did not know or understand. For us, the time He takes to teach us is very special, but it is up to each of us to want to hear.”


The Herald points to the stream, and again I see water rise and form words. It says:


He has increased light for all who will hear. {Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 410}


Then he comments, “How difficult it is for those created in His image to accept teaching, especially when it is something new or unfamiliar.”


Again the Herald points to the flowing stream, and water rises and forms words.


Many refuse to receive the light which the providence of God sends them…  Such ones are wrong… They should advance with the light that is given them. If God brings them in connection with His servants who have received new truth, substantiated by the Word of God, they should accept it with joy. Truth is onward. Truth is upward. {The Story of Redemption, pp. 288-289}


The Herald adds that even though God has made many great promises, there are those who refuse to read, or are not interested in hearing new facts or teachings. Once again he points to the stream. The water rises and forms these words.


New light will ever be revealed on the word of God to him who is in living connection with the Sun of Righteousness. Let no one come to the conclusion that there is no more truth to be revealed. {Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 34}


The Herald reveals that to be a true son of the Father, one must have that begotten nature—one formed in the image of the Father, capable of cooperating with his Creator.[28] The Herald says that these thoughts are for those who truly commune with God. Those who scoff at what the Herald shares are those who quickly close their mind and walk a different path from their Creator. If they continue on that path, they will not be allowed to walk through the gates of the kingdom—the holy palace of God the Creator.


The Herald pauses once again, then tells me, “What I will show you now you will see as you are able to perceive. You will see what happened after Eve transgressed God’s law. Those who observed these truths have long since gone to their rest, and those who knew them have forgotten. What I will show you now is a testament to the Father, the Source of all love, to Jesus, the Love of the Love of the Love and the most beautiful name in the universe, and to the Holy Spirit, the Great Comforter who said He will never forsake you and will be with you always.”


The Herald stands, looks down at me on the bench and says, “I am to take you somewhere now. It is a place for you to see that will be shown in a way that you can perceive and comprehend. But before you stand, gaze upon and enjoy the beauty that is before you. All that you see is shown to you in a way that you can perceive, but know that the Creator created a garden more beautiful than all you see here. When beheld with heavenly eyes, His garden is far superior compared to the way you perceive it. Our Creator creates with such perfection that you are unable to fully describe His creations. The tree of life, as you understand and describe it, is nothing more than a lowly bush compared to what it will look like when His saved see it with new eyes. It is so important not only to be faithful, but to remain faithful. It is even more important for each to strive to be among that special group that will travel the universe. Those who travel will sing the song of Moses—the song of their personal experience—that only each individual can share.”[29]


The Herald reminds me that I was told a great understanding and revealing of someone would occur with this message. He says that the time has come to reveal it, and he is honored to show it to me.


Instantly, we are in another place. I understand I am in a court area of the holy throne room. I know all that I see is in a way that I can comprehend it. The Herald says, “Remain in your assigned place. Be silent and do not ask any questions yet. You are to listen, observe, and remember what you hear and see.”


As I stand where I am assigned, I observe the Herald walk over and stand in his place next to the Father’s throne. Next to him stands the Announcing angel, and next to him is the Guide angel. When I glance at them, each looks at me and smiles, acknowledging my presence. I know it is the greatest honor to be where I am. Countless other angels are also present. Each stands in his assigned place, waiting to be commanded when and where to serve.


There are three beautiful and ornate thrones set in kind of a circle, with their backs to each other. When the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are seated on Their thrones, They are still able to see each other.[30] As I look to the far right of the court area, I see God walk in. Each wears a robe and a crown. I remind myself that because I am still from earth, I am not really seeing God, but enough to allow me to perceive this scene.


The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sit on Their own thrones. All is very quiet as They review what They had already planned to do. Now that Adam and Eve failed, the time had come to create that very special angel to assist them.


I hear Them say that this angel, Perceivous, will be different from all the others. Even though They created many angels of each type, there will only be one like this. This new angel will have special qualities no other angel has. Because of sin, They would no longer physically walk with the created beings of this world. The only exception, of course, was when Jesus Himself walked this earth as a human.


As I listen to Their discussion, I think about certain angels who are noble. Others excel in strength and some in speed; others are guards and some mark the resting places of those who have died. There are angels who excel in intelligence, and so on. But now They are discussing the creation of only one.


I recall these verses from the Bible.


Is any thing too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14

Is the Lord’s hand waxed short? Numbers 11:23

I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: Is there anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27

With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26


My mind returns to concentrate on the discussion. I hear the Father refer to the angel They will create as ‘her.’ This is interesting, because I have seen many angels with masculine features who are not male.


Now the Father rises and walks around to stand between and in front of the other two thrones. Then Jesus and the Holy Spirit stand and They all face each other. I notice a look of great interest on the face of each angel, and I am privileged to witness what will take place. However, I know I will see it in a way that I can perceive it.


Each of Them raises His right hand, and I hear the Father begin by mentioning qualities He would give this new angel.


Great patience and much love.


A lingering ear to listen.


A deep desire to care for and provide as needed.


A strong hatred of sin, but also a willingness to overlook shortcomings.


Great joy in being by the side of each individual.


Expectation that her words will be obeyed, because what she says will be words I give her.


A full knowledge and comprehension of the biological workings of women and the pain they will endure, as well as a full understanding of the curse and why it must be.


Stronger arms than those of the angels who excel in strength, yet gentle enough to hold, comfort, and caress a small infant.


Special wings to quiet a baby, as well as travel across the universe before an eye can blink; wings that will stretch far to warm, shelter, and envelop individuals, especially women. Satan and his angels will fear those wings, because they will be capable of changing shape and becoming defenses that cause pain.


A gentle voice, yet one that will reverberate throughout the universe when anyone calls upon the name of My Son.


The Father adds, “I will see what she sees; I will hear all she hears. She will walk where I will not walk, because I do not tread where sin exists.”


Then Jesus speaks and shares some qualities He will give her.


Much love and tenderness from the Source of all love.


Great forgiveness.


A voice that is soft and subdued, yet able to calm the strongest wind with a song.


The right to command and give directions to many angels by speaking or simply raising her hand.


The ability to lead by example, as well as a willingness to follow.


A desire to protect and teach.


Sympathy and great understanding.


The ability to comfort, especially women.


A resemblance to women in appearance and personality.


The ability to ease the suffering of women, especially the great pain of childbirth.


Jesus added that her service for mankind would begin with Eve.


Then the Holy Spirit spoke the qualities He would create in this new angel.


The ability to be omnipresent, because she will be only one, and will need to be in many places at the same time.


Great humility as the root of all her actions. She will not want attention drawn to herself, be talked about, or even desire a name.


A desire to serve women. She will comfort, care, protect, and ease the curse given to each life giver.


A likeness to women. She will be made in Our image, yet she will resemble women.


I now watch as They lower Their hands. I hear Them speak in unison a single word I do not know. As I watch, instantly before Them appears a mass of energy—a being unlike any I have seen, except for earlier in this dream. I know and understand that I just witnessed the creation of the new angel, Perceivous. I also know that this angel has divinely-given abilities, unlike others created before her.


My thoughts rush to remind me of my job here. I am to state in words what I see. She stands very tall, a little below the height of Jesus and almost as tall as the Herald, the Announcing angel and the Guide. Her face is feminine and her eyes reflect gentleness. Her hair, wavy and very light in color, hangs down to the middle of her back. She begins speaking immediately. Her voice is higher than the voices of the angels who appear more masculine.


My dream changes and I am once again on the earth after Adam and Eve have fallen into sin. I stand with the Herald and observe Jesus descending and accompanied by many angels. As He approaches Adam and Eve, He smiles and says, “Here is someone I would like you to meet. She will assist you and your descendants.”


Perceivous walks over to Eve and asks her to walk with her so they can talk. I watch as the two of them begin walking together, and I notice that Perceivous is no longer very tall but has adjusted her height to Eve’s. She wears a full-length gown of opaque light.


Jesus and the angels sit down and talk with Adam. Jesus explains that because of the sin Eve committed, a curse has been placed upon her, and Perceivous will teach her about physical changes her body will experience. Jesus also explains that because of the failure, Adam will have to work harder to obtain food. The robe he and Eve once wore allowed them to live in a perfect temperature. Now, there will be times when they will feel cold and other times when they will perspire.


Instantly, I am taken to where Eve and Perceivous have stopped along a gentle stream. However, this is not like the stream in the Garden of Eden. Angelic guards have been placed at the garden’s entrance, because Adam and Eve can no longer enter.


I hear Perceivous explain that, because Eve ate the forbidden fruit, she will begin to sense changes in her body. “But,” she adds, “the Father loves you so much that He created me to help you. Let me explain some things that will change. You have already noticed that some animals lay eggs. In a similar manner, you will produce an egg each month. If Adam fertilizes you, then you will conceive and become pregnant. But if that egg is not fertilized, it will pass from your body. When it passes, blood will pass as well. You will feel pain as your abdominal muscles tighten. How fitting that the Creator in 7 days created and for 7 days you will bleed and be in pain as a reminder of the curse.


“However, when you conceive, your body will begin an amazing transformation. You will experience nausea. You will have many aches and pains all over your body. As time passes, your abdomen will grow, you will experience great discomfort, and the pain will intensify. Other parts of your body will also grow. This process will continue for nine months, and when the time is right, you will give birth. This will be a time of great pain for you, but the infant you bear will help you to forget the pain.”


As Perceivous takes both of Eve’s hands, she says, “Do not be afraid. I was created for you and for each one after you who serves as a life giver.” She also says that she is there for Adam, but her special purpose is to support women.


Perceivous goes on to explain that she will always be by Eve’s side. She says, “If you are in need and do not see me, all you need to do is call out one name, the most beautiful name in the entire universe. You may not understand now, but one day your descendants will understand why it is so important to speak and call on the name of Jesus. The name to call upon is Jesus.” Perceivous smiles and adds, “That will be the name of the One who will lift your curse and allow you to walk in the garden once again where your Father will meet with you. When you are in pain, when you are at an emotional low, call out His name. Angels and other beings throughout the universe will repeat His name.”


Perceivous assures Eve that she will not be alone on the path she has been placed on. “Do not fear; I have been created to assist and serve you.” Now I see an amazing scene. As Perceivous unfurls her wings, they change into energy that envelops herself and Eve. This gives Eve the comfort she needs from the pain of knowing she has failed. As I watch, I see God’s love in the form of deep blue energy. God loves Eve and wants to wrap His arms around her, but He will not because of sin. Instead, Eve will feel His love through Perceivous.


The scene before me changes, and I watch as Adam and Eve stroll to different areas. They are never alone. Many angels are continually with them, and Perceivous is always beside Eve. However, much of the time, Perceivous and the other angels do not seem to be there. They have made themselves invisible. I stop to think how I have experienced times when I feel alone. We have all been promised that we will never be alone. Since God does not lie and His promises are sure, why do we stress and worry?


Next, I observe Adam and Eve wander to a stream where both enjoy getting into the water. They feel alone, but I am able to see that angels always surround them. As they enjoy the water, I hear Eve’s private thoughts. While talking and laughing with Adam, she is thinking about a change that has occurred in her body. She would like to speak with Perceivous about it.


As if by an unspoken command, Perceivous appears on the shore, dives into the water, and swims to them. Smiling, she tells them that she has great news. “I am to tell you that the whole universe watches with keen interest. You have seen horses in the field bring another horse into the world. You have watched a little bird break out of its egg, and many fish hatch from their eggs in the water. All animals, whether in the water, in the air, or on the ground were instructed to be fruitful and multiply. Likewise, you were instructed to be fruitful and multiply.” Swimming close to Adam and Eve, Perceivous takes each of their hands. She says, “It seems like it was not long ago that Jesus joined your hands in marriage and instructed you to be fruitful and multiply.”


As I watch, she wraps one of her special wings around Eve, and says, “Through the love you and Adam have for each other, I am happy to tell you that you have conceived.” Her other wing opens and covers both of them. She continues, “You are being observed by the entire universe.”


Suddenly, along the banks of the stream and above in the sky appear countless angels. Perceivous says, “We are always here. Know that the universe watches as you begin this journey. From you will come a being that was not fashioned by the hand of the Creator, but from your marital union. You both are the procreators of the infant that is beginning to grow within you.”


She squeezes Eve’s hand, and the wing pulls her closer. Perceivous tells her that if she feels alone, she is to remember that she is never alone. “As I told you before, simply call out the name of your Deliverer, Jesus, and that name will be repeated throughout the universe.”


Perceivous turns to Adam and says, “Eve and I have much to talk about.” Addressing several angels on the bank, she instructs them to go with Adam. “Use vines to make a small cradle in which to place the baby. Use plants and the prepared skins of animals to make bedding for the cradle.” She adds, “There is much to prepare and only a few months to do it.” Smiling, she says loudly, “Let us prepare for the first blessed event ever to take place in the universe—the birth of a being procreated by two created beings.”


Perceivous wraps her wings around Eve, and they lift up out of the water. They gently touch the ground and begin walking. Perceivous explains to Eve what is going to happen. Her body will change, as the life inside her grows, adding that Adam is being instructed to collect additional food, because she will need it. Also, as a result of her physical changes, her emotions may fluctuate between happy and sad.


Perceivous pauses, takes both of Eve’s hands, and tells her to listen very carefully. “Appearing as a snake, Satan greatly deceived you. But know this, when you were at that tree, you were not alone with the serpent. The Creator watched from His throne. He could have stopped you, but He did not. Countless heavenly angels were around you. You did not see them, because they were instructed not to interfere, but they wept as they watched you listen to the lies spoken by Satan. As you prepared to bite into the fruit, angels begged to be allowed to knock it out of your hand, but they were instructed not to. I tell you this so you will know it and remember.”


Perceivous looks up and calls for many angels to come. In a voice that all can hear, she says, “I am instructing you to always guard Eve and the infant she now carries. You are to protect her. You are to prevent Satan and his angels from approaching her to harm or destroy this baby.” She smiles at Eve and says, as I have told you before, you will never be alone. If you are in need, simply call out the name of Jesus. He waits for you to simply speak His name.”


Once again, the scene before me changes. Eve looks ready to give birth. I see her followed by the angels who were told to accompany her, as well as additional angels who volunteered to come. All observe with interest as the grand event nears. For some reason, many animals also observe, as if they know something wonderful is about to happen. Birds gather nearby and serenade with beautiful songs.


I see Perceivous sitting beside Eve and explaining what is about to happen. I also notice that Adam and many angels have fashioned an amazing bed for Eve. The angels taught Adam how to collect water by making pots and containers from specially-prepared mud by the stream.


Perceivous reminds Eve, “We have talked many times about the curse. When you bring this baby into the world, you will feel great pain, but the Creator has given you the ability to tolerate it. You are not and will not be alone. Your Creator loves you more than you are capable of understanding. Even though you have disobeyed and sinned against Him, He loves you deeply.”


Then I hear her announce to all, “It is time.” With her soft, soothing voice, she instructs Eve what to do next. Pointing to Adam, she reminds him by saying, “Just as you were by her side when you procreated this child, you are to take your place when this child breathes for the first time.” Angels escort Adam to Eve’s side.


As I stand there, I remind myself that I serve as an observer. I look up into the sky, and it is as if a large, round window opens up for the universe. I see created beings observing this very moment. Perceivous speaks calming, soothing, and encouraging words, and soon I hear the familiar sounds of a baby’s cry. Perceivous holds up the baby while the cord is still attached, and states, “This is the first child acquired of a created creation.” I realize that this event has never occurred before, and because of the curse of sin, God will not be present. He will not walk with His creations until sin is no more.


As Perceivous places the child on Eve’s breast, Eve begins to laugh and cry. With one hand, she hugs Adam’s face, and with the other, she holds her baby close to her breast. When I look around, I see angels with tears running down their faces. In the distance, seraphim are kneeling with their wings wrapped around themselves. They sing, “Holy, Holy, Holy! Great is our Creator; He is the great I AM.”


During this special time, Perceivous served as a skilled doctor trained for such an event. It is one of the things she was created for. Nothing is impossible for our God, our Creator. While the angels are singing, I realize God truly is the great I AM.


A short while later, Perceivous speaks with her soft voice and says, “All needs to be quiet; it is time for Eve and the baby to rest.” The angels fade from site, and when I look up, the opening to the universe closes.


The scene changes and I see Perceivous untiringly and always present with Eve day and night. Because Eve was the first woman, she had no one to call on—no mother or mother-in-law, no older or younger sisters, no grandmother, and no aunts. Eve had Adam, but he could only do so much. Eve required another kind of help. So, God placed Perceivous beside Eve and beside all life givers to come. She taught Eve how to get the little one to nurse, how to understand what the baby’s cries mean and about the growing changes. Perceivous helped her through the sleepless nights.


Eve continued to follow the instructions to be fruitful and multiply. So, year after year, another child was welcomed into the world. Through the many gifts that God gave Perceivous, she was able to be with each of those children, all at the same time.


At some point, Perceivous explained to Eve that her body would cease producing eggs and would no longer be fruitful. She explains to Eve that once again her body would begin to change. “This,” she explains, “is a part of sin. This is a part of death, what the Creator spoke about back in Eden. Parts of your body will no longer function as they should.” Perceivous explained that there would be times when Eve would be cold; at other times, she would feel hot and perspire profusely.


She continued explaining, “At times you will feel anxious, as if you are carrying the world on your shoulders. There will be times when you will feel you have failed as a mother. Ignore all that and look over the vast number that you have had the honor of welcoming into this world. All of them bear the image of their Creator. Only on this planet do beings such as these exist.


The scene changes and I see Cain, the firstborn, now as a grown man. He is with his younger brother, Abel, and away from all others. They do not see the great number of angels who walk along with them to safeguard each of those created in God’s image.


Perceivous, who is not seen, stands as two, one next to Cain and the other next to Abel. She watches as the two begin to argue. Then she looks up, as if receiving instructions. She turns to all the unseen angels and instructs them to stand in their place. Suddenly, Cain attacks Abel. The angels are unable to move from where they stand. As Cain hits Abel, tears run down her face. I look up and again see something like a large, round window in the sky. Throughout the universe, beings are looking down, and their faces show shock and horror.


I look back at Perceivous and know that she wants to run to Abel, but she is forbidden. She helped Eve bring into the world the one lying on the ground. She held and rocked him many nights, often bathed and fed him. She helped care for many a scraped knee. But now he lies on the ground; blood flows from him. He has died.


The universe and the many angels who walked with them are horrified. They are observing the first time a created being takes the life of another being. Many realize that this is a result of Satan’s deception and sin. They exclaim, “He is the one responsible for this!” Perceivous turns to several angels and instructs them to bring Adam and Eve immediately.


Perceivous was placed beside Eve to care for and instruct her. In the same way, Perceivous would stand next to each woman who would produce a new life. She was always to be with each one, all at the same time. As time went on and more were born, Perceivous ceased to be seen. There are times when she makes her presence known, such as the times when a life giver feels alone. It is then that she wraps those special wings around the lonely one. Many know when she has made herself felt. They do not understand it, but know that they received great comfort, like the warm feeling of the best hug, the sweetest kiss ever. This is made possible through the gifts given to Perceivous from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


It is sad that many individuals will place themselves on a pedestal and speak against such a creation as Perceivous. They will make fun of a being like her, saying that she is not mentioned in the Bible or in the writings of Ellen White. However, nothing is impossible for God. We know that there will always be new light, even throughout eternity. There will always be those who limit God and His works to what they perceive. It is also sad that these people will not be allowed through the gates of heaven. How could they be, when heaven is not what they believe it to be? I am reminded of the verse in 1 Corinthians 2:9, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” These individuals do not love God or appreciate His messages for today, because they love themselves and their own opinions.


I am taken to another scene where I watch the birth of Noah. As always, Perceivous is present. Other life givers are also there to assist in the delivery. This child will need special guidance, because he will carry out an important task assigned by the Creator. As the child grows, Perceivous watches over him while others sleep, whispering instructions in his ear. She is teaching him patience and the importance of listening to God. As He listened to God’s instructions, he received essential training. This prepared him for the weighty responsibility of building an ark that saved enough lives to repopulate the earth after its total destruction by the Flood.


The life of Moses was also guided by Perceivous. She was there when he was hidden, rescued, and taken to the palace for a royal education. She was there during his necessary re-education, which covered 40 years as a shepherd, then another 40 years leading and shepherding the Israelites. She watched his efforts to learn patience. She was there at his death and his special resurrection to stand before his Father in heaven. I know this is how I perceive her, but I also know that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were with Moses at every step he took. When Moses called upon Jesus, He was there. When he encountered and spoke to the burning bush, Jesus was there. When he climbed the mountain, Jesus watched each step he took as Perceivous walked up with him. When Moses looked up at the dark cloud on top of Mt. Sinai, Jesus was there, and His divine finger carved the Ten Commandments onto stones. When Moses looked at the pillar of fire, Jesus was there. When he died, Perceivous waited until morning and watched as the Father breathed into him His life-giving breath.


Perceivous served untiringly with a mother named Elizabeth. One day, her baby boy would speak to many. The guidance he received as a child prepared him to direct people’s attention to Jesus. As he spoke about Jesus, he presented baptism as a symbol of washing away sins and making a public commitment to follow and obey God. This infant would be called John the Baptist.


I was shown another birth—the most important one ever. Its circumstances were different from all others. First, the mother was a virgin, and after giving birth to this Child, she was still a virgin. The entire universe knew about it, because it was the fulfillment of a promise made to sinful man—forgiveness and the beginning of the end of sin. Plans for this birth and a way to save man were made before the foundations of this earth were laid. This Child would become the Savior.


As I mentioned before, not long before His birth, Jesus stood by His throne in heaven. He removed and folded His princely robe and placed it on the seat of His throne. He removed His crown and placed it on top of His princely robe. Going before the Father and the Holy Spirit, Jesus presented His hands. Not long after that, the Father and the Holy Spirit placed Jesus in Mary’s empty womb. In the courtyard of heaven, the Father and the Holy Spirit sat with an empty throne between them—the throne of Jesus. Countless unseen angels surrounded Mary, and Perceivous was at her side. All heaven watched as this created vessel carried the Prince of all.


When it was time for this Child to be born, the only place available was a barn where animals were kept, especially on cold nights. There was no bed in which Mary could be made comfortable, and no crib in which to place the Infant. There was only a box where straw and hay were placed to feed animals. The very Son of God was about to be born, and He would be placed in that box.


Perceivous explained to the angels and beings on other planets about this most important and momentous event ever to occur. Joseph and Mary thought they were alone except for a few angels. They were not capable of seeing what other beings observed. As the universe looked down on this world and angels filled the sky, Perceivous said to observe closely. As Jesus entered this world and took His first breath, amazingly, Mary experienced no pain. As if hearing my thoughts, Perceivous looks at me and explains that because of the heavenly Father’s love and the fact that it was not Mary’s choice to be an unwed mother, baby Jesus caused her no pain.


Still looking at me she says, “When the Creator of life became a created being, He no longer had, nor would He hold, privileged powers. All Jesus would do and say would be accomplished through His Father’s power, as a result of His constant communion with heaven. He would not be able to turn a rock into a loaf of bread, unless His Father in heaven made it happen. He would not be able to walk on water, unless His heavenly Father allowed it. By being born into this world, He temporarily set aside His divinity during His time on earth, just as He temporarily set aside His crown and princely robe on His throne in heaven.”


All this time, the Herald has stood by my side. He tells me that much has been shared and that this message is important. I must understand that some will scoff and ridicule the messages and the messenger. I am to know these are not messages for them, because they are not God’s people. I am reminded that Jesus stated many times, “Will I find faith?”


The Herald explained that I was not to be concerned about forgetting something or making mistakes as I wrote out this dream, because each day I would be shown what to correct. The messages in this dream were given a little at a time for almost two years, but I was forbidden from publishing them until the time was right. Light is never given until light is needed. God revealed to me that the messages in this dream will be fulfilled.


The Herald continues, “This dream has been long and difficult for you. Satan has attacked you many times. You endured weeks of sleep deprivation as you wrote it out. Satan caused you to become ill for long periods of time. But know that the Father watched your efforts as you continued writing, even during the time you were very sick. The Father watched to see who would wait for Him to send more messages. He has much to share with those who stand with oil in their lamps waiting to be lit. Sadly, some laid down their lamps and walked away. Those who are still looking for signs need only to open their eyes.


“Again, know that Perceivous is truly the way you perceive her to be. Who she is will be answered with the fact that her identity is not important. As angels, we will all tell you that only one name should be spoken—Jesus. He is truly victorious. Satan knows he has lost, but he will continue to do all he can to deceive as many as possible.”


The Herald and I go somewhere else so he can show me something. Now we sit on a bench made from a redwood tree. It is cool; the air is damp, and there is a musty odor. We are surrounded by many beautiful redwood trees. The Herald tells me that most people no longer look closely to verify whether something is genuine or counterfeit. Most quickly accept their own opinions and what they see, hear, smell, and feel. He says that here in this place, among the majestic redwoods, I am being deceived in a small way. I look around and know that I do see beautiful redwood trees. As I look down the path and up into the air, I put my hands on the redwood seat. I tell him that I do not see anything that is not real. He tells me to look closely at what I am sitting on. I look down and rub the bench with my hand. It looks and feels like redwood, but when I look closely, I realize it is made of synthetic material. He says, “Do not think that manmade benches are wrong, but understand how easy it is to deceive man, especially today.”


The Herald pauses for a moment to give me time to think about what he just explained. Then he says, “You were shown an example of how Satan will pretend he is Jesus. You were shown how he will descend to earth and stand before many. He will claim to be Jesus who has returned, just as he said he would. He will travel around the earth in an instant, showing great signs, such as feeding the hungry and healing those he has made sick. Many will wonder after this impostor.”


The Herald raises his hand and reads the following to me:


The Lord created man’s moral faculties and his physical powers. All was a sinless transcript of Himself. God endowed man with holy attributes, and placed him in a garden made expressly for him. Sin alone could ruin the beings created by the hand of the Almighty. {Selected Messages, Book 3, p. 133}


The Herald goes on to explain that Adam and Eve were created with a highly intelligent mind. However, because of free will, human beings can be deceived or hypnotized, especially in these last days. Most today have been fooled by the media and entertainment.


The Herald raises his arm and quotes the following from the Spirit of Prophecy.


Satan exercised his power of hypnotism over Adam and Eve…. {Mind, Character, and Personality, Vol. 2, p. 713}


The experience of the past will be repeated. In the future, Satan’s superstitions will assume new forms. Errors will be presented in a pleasing and flattering manner. False theories, clothed with garments of light, will be presented to God’s people. Thus Satan will try to deceive, if possible, the very elect. Most seducing influences will be exerted; minds will be hypnotized. {Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 8, p. 293}


The Herald stresses that history is repeated in many ways. The scenarios may be different, but man’s responses are very similar. Satan is using hypnotism today, just as he fooled Adam and Eve, to accomplish his grand deception.


The Herald tells me that he will show something to me so all can understand. Instantly, we are in a place with many gently rolling hills. Perfectly symmetrical trees testify to the perfection of the Creator. Their branches are laden with fruit and multicolored leaves that are edible as well. I quickly think what a delicious salad they would make. Not only are they beautiful, but their aroma is wonderful. The scene I observe is before the Flood, when there were still areas of the earth not populated by man. He tells me not to fear but to remember that I am there as an observer to see and understand.


As I continue to look around, I see many creatures and beings not created by the hand of the Creator, but through the experimentation of Satan. The Herald explains that one of the main reasons why God called upon Noah and destroyed the earth with the Flood was due to Satan’s amalgamation of man with man and beast with beast. Because Satan cannot create and knows he is lost forever, he hates human beings. Therefore, through his knowledge of genetics, he has and continues to disfigure and destroy the image of God in man.[31]


Before me I see many different types of dinosaurs, as seen in books and museums and taught about in schools. I think, Isn’t it interesting that school systems eagerly teach the things Satan has generated through his evil experimentation, but things that our Creator created are not allowed. Who is being glorified? As I continue to observe, I notice some very tall dinosaurs eating fruit from the high branches of fruit trees. I also observe grotesque creatures and the destruction of some animals. In the distance, I see beings that do not look noble or majestic. They were not created in God’s perfect and divine image. The beings I see are often referred to as cavemen.


The Herald says, “Come, I want to show you a different view.” We are in a desert area; the air is dry and very warm. It is dark, except for the stars I see. The Herald says that all need to know what he is about to show and explain, because the Father does not want His children to be deceived.


Satan laid out the plans for the theory of evolution. Many today are taught about a world that was not created by the hand of the Creator. The Herald asks, “Have people ever wondered why museums are full of the bones of Satan’s evil amalgamations? Why are these glorified in movies? Why is the week of this world’s creation seldom spoken about, but blockbuster movies about dinosaurs are shown repeatedly? Movies dealing with evil and the occult are a constant form of entertainment. Again, who is being glorified? Why is the Creator, the Source of all creation, hardly mentioned? Why is God seldom spoken about as the Source of all love? Why is Jesus as the Love of the Love of the Love not spoken about, except by some at Christmas and Easter? It is because in these last days, people are easily deceived. Almost everyone today would not even realize that an apple they pick up to eat may not be real, but made of plastic.”


I stand quietly with the Herald as we look up at the star-filled sky. The Herald says, “What you will be shown is to help others not to be deceived by Satan, who has many ways to do that. The Herald reveals that what I will see is one example of what will soon take place. Satan is preparing the people of this world for his great deception, when he will descend to this earth to proclaim himself Jesus, the Savior.


As I gaze into the sky, I continue to enjoy the view of the stars. Suddenly, I notice some of them beginning to move very slowly. Those stars meet up with other stars and form distinct patterns. At one point, the stars seem to link together as if a light connected them. As I watch, these lights speed across the sky going from north to south.


Next, the Herald and I are instantly on a white sandy beach next to a most beautiful blue ocean. The Herald lifts his hand, and the sand forms an intricate and ornate bench made of water. When I sit on it, I notice it is very comfortable and not wet.


As the Herald sits to my right, he says that many have wondered if the beings on earth are the only ones in the universe. This question has been answered many times. However, for those who do not know, for those who have already been deceived, for those who just wonder, the Herald explains that mankind on this world was originally created by the hand of the Creator. There are also created beings on many worlds throughout the universe, each created by the Creator.


The Herald continues, “Do those created beings from other worlds visit this world? No. Beings on other worlds would not want to visit earth. In the universe, this is the only world where sin exists. No other world fell through the temptations of Satan. As a result of sin, those perfect beings will not come to this sinful world.” The Herald pauses for a moment then adds, “Some wonder whether aliens visit this world, because they have seen flying craft that defy gravity and their understanding of the laws of physics. Many have seen and photographed them.[32]


“Due to sin, this cursed planet occupies what has been called a dark pit. Are there aliens who wander throughout this world? Yes, there are, and they will continue to do so until this world is burned up and sin is no more. Have these aliens made themselves known to certain individuals on this world? Yes, this has happened. Have these aliens demonstrated their technology? Yes. For quite some time, humans on this world have been greatly deceived by aliens who proclaim they come from outer space, another dimension, or place. Actually, they are fallen angels—Satan’s demons. All demons know that other beings God created throughout the universe are perfect and majestic. However, they want the people of earth to believe that those perfect beings are ugly, even though they are not. Therefore, they inspire movies depicting those beings in the wrong way.[33]


“Many have seen craft that move in unexplainable ways. Many have been hypnotized to believe what they are being shown. Media and entertainment venues create a vast assortment of entertaining movies that promote aliens and show travel through a dark and evil universe. But who is being glorified?”


The Herald continues explaining: “First, it should be understood that this world fell into sin as a result of Satan’s great, deceptive skills. He and his angels were cast into a bottomless pit. Is there light in a deep pit? Is it dark at the bottom of a pit? Satan began by deceiving the humans created on this world, and he has continued his deceptions by his use of hypnotism. Man has made instruments to view the night sky, but he is only able to see inside the dark pit. Since Satan and his angels once traveled throughout the universe, they know what is beyond the pit.


“The aliens and the craft they demonstrate do exist. Who are they and where are they? These aliens walk and dwell on this earth and are nothing more than Satan and his angels. Evil angels are very intelligent. They are as intelligent as the ones who remained faithful and are still serving the Creator, and they have existed for a long time. Among those evil angels, are those who excel in strength, speed, intelligence, and so on. It is important to know that angels are able to take on other forms, and in some cases, they can even control people and animals on earth. When Satan tempted Eve, he controlled a very beautiful serpent that had the ability to fly. What did the Creator do to the serpent? He cursed it, removed its ability to fly, and cast it to the ground.


“God used an animal to reach a disobedient man. As that man named Balaam traveled along a road, his donkey began to speak to him. Moses wrote about this example in Numbers 22:21-34.


And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab. And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him. And the ass saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way. But the angel of the LORD stood in a path of the vineyards, a wall being on this side, and a wall on that side. And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam’s foot against the wall: and he smote her again. And the angel of the LORD went further, and stood in a narrow place, where was no way to turn either to the right hand or to the left. And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she fell down under Balaam: and Balaam’s anger was kindled, and he smote the ass with a staff. And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times? And Balaam said unto the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee. And the ass said unto Balaam, Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay. Then the LORD opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of the LORD standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell flat on his face. And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? behold, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is perverse before me: And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times: unless she had turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her alive. And Balaam said unto the angel of the LORD, I have sinned; for I knew not that thou stoodest in the way against me: now therefore, if it displease thee, I will get me back again.


“Just as God’s angels use various means to instruct, Satan also uses means to confuse and deceive. He has directed his angels to make machines that would be visible to humans. His angels also make themselves appear as great travelers. Realize that Satan’s angels are truly aliens; they are not of this world. They have been cast here as a result of their willingness to follow Satan’s instructions and do his biddings.


“I was instructed to remind you that you were shown how Satan will descend and stand before the pope, pretending to be Jesus Christ, the Savior. He will deceive those whose minds have been conditioned. He will claim to care for this world, feed, and ‘heal.’ He will change laws that he says are incorrect and will even set a day when he is to be worshipped.


“This world will soon witness great signs, and many will wonder after these beings who do such great things in this world. The Father will allow Satan to reach the depths of deception against mankind. To deceive this world while he claims to ‘heal’ and feed, Satan will use the machines he and his angels have created with the great knowledge they possess. This will make those who believe his lies willing to obey and follow what he says.”


The Herald pauses and looks down at the ground. He says, “We who serve our Creator have asked if we could show truth to those who are deceived. But we are told that would not bring glory and honor to the Creator. We recall the many times when our hands were kept at our side, when so many who are assigned to guard were instructed to stand in their place. Through the great deception that is about to happen, many will follow after this ‘beast’ who is Satan. He knows he has lost. He is imprisoned in this world that is in the bottomless pit. Soon the sky will open with scenes that movie makers will wish they could have created. Appearing as wonderful beings, Satan’s aliens will come forth. For all who are hypnotized and easily deceived, great will be the deceptions that Satan and his angels will carry out through miracles and other demonstrations.”


The Herald looks at me and says, “Tell those who are confused and do not understand: When you fear, when you are scared, when you feel alone, remember to call out the name of Jesus. Satan does not like to have His name mentioned. Remember, you were instructed that when a single individual calls on the name of Jesus, angels repeat His name throughout the universe. Why? Because He was, is, and will be the Victor over Satan, who has fallen and failed.


“Even if time was extended and Satan was permitted to continue with his deceptions, remember that no perfect and innocent created being would want to travel to this dark pit. The aliens who proudly make themselves seen are demons. It was demons whom Jesus commanded to leave a man and enter into pigs. Dwelling in this one deceived man was a legion of evil angels. Imagine being controlled by thousands of them. But they were forced to leave by the great power of Jesus and His spoken name. Feeble humans on this world do not understand the power in His name. But His name spoken even one time is heard throughout the universe. If allowed, a single mention of His name would bring countless angels ready to serve.”


Still sitting on the bench overlooking the ocean, the Herald raises his hand and scenes play out before me, as if I was watching a movie. I am shown many scenes where spacecraft that supposedly traversed great distances descend on many different parts of this world. From them come forth great and grand beings who claim to have come to bring peace to this world. Their leader instructs that food be brought to feed the hungry. They call for the end of all battles and invite the sick to come and be made well. They talk about outdated religious practices that have been observed, and prepare new teachings. The Herald states that during this time, as a result of the vast deceptions and hypnosis, the work of the righteous minority will be extremely difficult, but it will be successfully completed through God’s help.


The Herald raises his arm again, and I am shown men who are possessed and controlled by demonic angels. They appear to have powers beyond understanding. For example, some individuals will be able to go from place to place instantly, or have the ability to move objects apparently by only using their mind. Some will demonstrate great mental acuity. Think what a single individual could accomplish when he is controlled by thousands of evil angels, each created with special abilities given by the Creator.


The Herald says, “Great will be the battle. But know that God will not allow or send one of His faithful people to battle against possessed individuals without providing special help. It has already been shown that Philip instantly traversed a great distance to serve. Why would it be any different now? Would God let one who serves Him confront Satan and his evil angels without the ability to perform miracles through His power? Those who serve God will do wonderful things, not to glorify themselves, but to glorify God.”


The Herald stands up and looks far to my right. I see the Guide angel with several other angels descend and approach the Herald and me. After they greet each other, the Herald says that he has just completed the messages he was to give. He looks at the Guide and says, “You have already been instructed where to take him next.”


The Herald looks at me and says that I will enjoy my journey from here on, and that the Guide angel has been sent to take me to a place where I have already been. But in order to understand more, I will be shown and allowed to experience more than before. The Herald tells me to observe closely and perceive with great attention. I am to carefully write what I see so that God’s people may understand it.


I turn to look at the Guide angel. Suddenly, I hear my heavenly name and now see Perceivous descending with other angels. As she comes toward us, the Herald and the Guide step back. Even though angels normally wear no artificial clothing, except those I was shown in battle armor, I see Perceivous in a long, flowing, feminine dress with sleeves that come to her wrists. The dress is so white, it almost glows. I notice her hair is perfectly in place. I think about some angels who appear very masculine and strong, but she appears very feminine.


She walks up to me and says, “Today you are given the great gift of travel. You have already been where you are going, but this time you will see things differently.” She puts her hands on my shoulders and reminds me that no matter where I go, God is always with me. I am also to know that at this place, many await my arrival with great anticipation.


I ask Perceivous where she is going now. She smiles and says, “I go, but know that I am always with you. I was created to always be with everyone on earth. But I return, and yet I am already there.”


Next, I tell Perceivous, “I have a question. There is so much I need to learn, and even what I know, I do not always understand. But there is something I want to know.” I ask if she is also the Holy Spirit. She looks at the Herald, smiles, and looks back at me. With a look of extreme patience, she takes my hands, and tells me, “To answer your question immediately, no. But I want to explain it so others will understand.


“You have certain hereditary characteristics passed on from your mother and father. These are what make you the way you are, such as your height, the color of your eyes, the tone of your skin, or the texture and color of your hair. Heredity can decide whether you will lose all your hair and be bald, like Elisha. It also can determine whether you will have long hair like Absalom’s, which got stuck in a tree.” Perceivous goes on to explain that she is very young compared to others God has created. But when she was created, it was established that she would have certain attributes given to her by the heavenly Father, certain ones given to her by Jesus, and others by the Holy Spirit. Perceivous continues, “I realize that it is difficult to comprehend that the three are One, and yet three separate Individuals. In fact, many think that Jesus is the biological son of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is just a spirit that comes from the Father and Jesus. However, you need to understand that Jesus was not created to sit on a throne next to the Father. He has always existed, along with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The Godhead existed together from the beginning, and through Them all things were, are, and will continue to be created.”


Still holding my hands, Perceivous looks over her shoulder at the Herald. He smiles, as if he knows what she will share next. As she looks back at me, tears fill her eyes. I now see her special wings unfold and envelop her and me, closing out the outside world. It is then that I sense God’s unbelievable love coming from Perceivous. She speaks softly to me and says, “You were given a special message from the Father for His people, and I am to show it to you once again. As you read this, understand why I exist, and how the Father longs to be with each of you.” I see the words displayed inside her wings. As I begin reading, I remember the dream called, “Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God.” In this dream, God is speaking to me as I sit next to His foot.


He tells me about His desire to walk and share so much. He tells me that we will spend eternity learning about what He and Jesus decided would need to be done to save us, His creation. He says that He sent Jesus to walk on this earth to be with us and to teach us.


I now hear God tell me that He looks forward to the day when we can walk along a path together, and how He waits for the time when we can also sit and talk together. I now feel a love coming from His voice as He says He looks forward to the day when I can sit on my throne next to Him. I know that I am not to look up at Him, but only to look upon His most beautiful, perfect foot. I tell Him that I also look forward to that day when I can sit next to Him.


I hear that perfect voice, which is the Source of all love, call me by my heavenly name. He tells me that while He looks forward to that day, I need to understand that I have been called to sit next to Him as a messenger. What I have heard is not a message only for me; He wants everyone to understand what I have heard. His foot moves a little, and He tells me to share that He knows each of our thoughts. He says, “Tell them I know the loneliness each of you feels, the separation that kindles like fire in your heart, the desire to walk with me, the desire to sit with me. I, too, want to walk and sit with you.”


God tells me that He knows that each of us struggles and battles with Satan’s temptations every day. He knows and hears the regret in our thoughts afterwards. He knows the weariness we feel, as if we are each lost and longing for love, the longing for an arm, a soft voice, or a hand placed on the back. Know that God, His Son Jesus, and the Great Comforter are there, always with you. Just call on Them. When needed, in the name of Jesus and through His blood, command that Satan and his angels depart from your presence. Decide in your heart to walk away from the temptation. Take the first step and the Lord will be there to pick you up and carry you. He loves you, and you are His own. Jesus paid the greatest price for you.


Next, I hear God call my heavenly name and say, “I look forward to the day when I can wrap my arms around each of my children. You are my child, and there is not a day that goes by that I do not hear your thoughts. There is not a day that I do not cry, that I do not laugh. I am there when you fall to pick you up. I am there when you are sick. I am there when you are playing. I am there when you are working. I am there watching you sleep. There is not a day that goes by that I am not standing next to you. I am there at your darkest and loneliest hour. I stand there with my arm around you, even though you cannot see or feel my arm around you. You are my child, and I love and want to care for you. My children, I am your Father, and I love you.” I now fully realize that this message is not just for me, but for each of His people. It is a message for those who want to know and accept it.


As Perceivous unfolds her wings, I understand that is the closest way the Father can wrap His arms around me. She wipes the tears from her eyes, and I understand better how difficult it has been for our Father to endure the depth of the deceptions that Satan has carried out, the loss of Jesus who always had been next to Him, and the loss of His creations almost immediately after He made them.[34]


Perceivous says, “I am just an angel who serves God’s creations in a world corrupted by sin. Nevertheless, the earth flies a flag with the name of Jesus. It stands as a beacon in the universe, proclaiming that God is just and Jesus is victorious. He is the Savior—the Love of the Love of the Love.”


Perceivous lets go of my hands and begins to explain, “Regarding the one you have called Mary—I was instructed to become many around that very special young woman. The Father has placed many other types of angels around her to protect and serve her. It is important to understand that as one as well as many legions, I am with her right now. If Mary’s eyes were opened, she would see how the Father has sent many to protect her. She is required and greatly needed.


“If we who serve were allowed the chance to make one move, we would remove Mary from the demonic snake pit she dwells in. But the Father forbids a single move. She would be of no use to Him, unless she chooses with all her heart to serve without question in all He has asked her to do. It has already been shown that she—and she alone—is the only one who has a carriage made of pure crystal and pulled by 84 horses. She and those who will travel with her inside her carriage will be visitors escorted by illuminating angels. Great is the illumination that will go before her procession as she travels and teaches. When she stands in front of all created beings, she will ‘sing’ her song about Jesus and her experience on earth.”


It is then that I hear a voice. No one else can hear it, but I recognize it as the familiar voice of many waters, the voice of the One who is the Source of all love. He says, “It is important to understand that, whereas Mary is vital to serve as a symbol of My perfect church, it is very important that My perfect church be understood. I will not have a literal, physical church building travel throughout the universe. If I will have the one you call Mary travel in a crystal carriage, how much more important is My perfect church. Mary serves as a symbol, but My perfect church—My perfect people—are literal.”


I now ask Perceivous whether I may ask her something before she leaves. With a twinkle in her eye, she laughs and says, “Have you forgotten that I am with you all the time?” I respond, “When I observed the end of all life in Nashville, I noticed you were crying.” She looks at me and says, “I was created after the fall of Adam and Eve, and my place has been with each one since their birth. I knew each personally. Understand that I am with each life giver. I am always there when a new life takes its first breath, and I record the name of each in my record of births. When breath ceases, I send a marking angel to mark their resting place. Each life belongs to the Creator. Also recorded in that book are lives that end in childhood due to an accident or sickness, lives ended by another, and those lives that end due to age and sin.


“This book also registers miscarried lives that began but were not completed, due to problems or sickness of the life giver. The book also records the lives that the life giver decided she did not want to have. Those unwanted lives do not belong to women to dispose of. It also includes those who died before the age of accountability. I go before the thrones of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and plead the blood of Jesus to cover each little one who died. The Father states that these are innocent. He keeps those entered into the Book of Life, where their names are written in red.


“My tears that you observed that day in Nashville were because I knew each one. I was there when each took their first breath. I was there at night when they cried or when they awoke hungry. I was there when the life giver changed a dirty diaper. I was there when the mother rocked and sang a song while cradling her little one. I was created to love each one. The love of the heavenly Father and Jesus is so much greater than what I have been given in my allowance of love. The Father is truly the Source of all love, and Jesus is truly the Love of the Love of the Love.”


Perceivous smiles and calls the Guide angel to stand next to me, and in her familiar voice, she tells me that I will enjoy my travels. Then the Guide asks for my hand so we can begin our journey.


I think quietly to myself that I understand Perceivous is not spoken about, because many would worship her. She never speaks about herself, but always speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If she had been written about before, it is likely that many would want to idolize her the same way many idolize Mary, the mother of Jesus.


As we ascend, the Guide begins by saying, “You were given a dream not long ago in which you were shown information about the saints’ trip to heaven. You were shown that when Jesus was raised from the tomb, the Father instructed beings from other planets to begin gathering fruit and taking it to the planet where the redeemed will enjoy the Sabbath meal on their seven-day trip to heaven. The food has been sitting there for almost 2,000 years, but it is as fresh as if it was just picked. That planet will be our first stop. You will see new things and some of what you saw before. This will encourage those needing encouragement, and serve as a reminder of what is yet to come. It will be a very special time for all to relax, eat, and visit.”


The Guide reminds me that in the dream “Final Events and the First Supper,” it was recorded that:


All Heaven was astir making preparations for the coming of the Lord. When Jesus comes, not only do all the angels come with Him, but representatives from all over God’s universe will line the way on either side, from earth to the planet where they are to be entertained. They are lined up on either side, each one anxious to catch the first glimpse of the triumphant throng which Jesus was leading upward. These representatives from all over God’s universe, who are to witness this triumphant march, are now making preparations for their entertainment on a planet where they will spend the Sabbath. They are now bringing fruit from all parts of the universe, from all the other worlds, and storing it on this planet for the Sabbath day’s entertainment of the redeemed.


We continue to rise through the deep pit, and when I look down I can see our galaxy. When I look up again, way ahead I see a little bit of light. As we get closer, I know that the light is an opening to something. As we get closer to the open space, it becomes very bright. The dark pit where we live absorbs light; the bright light at the opening consumes the darkness.


As we approach, I notice many large, guard angels. They see us coming and smile, because they know who we are. These enormous angels hold specific weapons in their arms and hands to prevent others from going through, and to keep in the pit what has been placed there. As they guard this black hole in the outer reaches of space, they stand in space. My mind is unable to comprehend how they can stand and walk, as if there was something to walk on.


My eyes easily adjust to the brightness, so that I can see perfectly. As I look around, I notice we are not moving very fast. The Guide angel is to my right, and ahead of us are angels with trumpets and many that excel in speed. Behind are many more angels.


As we continue moving slowly, the angels leading this procession spread out, as if allowing us to see a view far away. I see what I understand is heaven, the palace of God. We continue moving more slowly until we stop. We are still a distance from that beautiful, bright city, but the Guide says he will show something to me in a way I can understand. He shows me that all heaven is empty. The heavenly Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and all the angels have gone to the earth, where Jesus will gather the righteous—those alive and those resurrected. They will meet on the cloud that travels out of the dark pit. Then they enter God’s universe of light and begin a very long procession. During that time, all will have time to talk and visit with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I realize that even though the Father and Holy Spirit are on the cloud, They are also in heaven and throughout the entire universe because of Their omnipresence. The redeemed will travel for six days and stop at some point to enjoy a Sabbath together. It will be unlike any other Sabbath. The trip will end in heaven after seven days.


The Guide tells me that now I am to experience some of what will happen after Jesus calls the redeemed to join Him on the cloud to heaven. I am to observe and select words that will assist those who read this to envision what I see. I know that some of what I will see now was revealed in the dream, “The Journey Home.”


Once the cloud is out of the dark pit, I do not see a dark sky slightly illuminated by the faint flickering lights of stars and, depending on the time of the month, a moon that gives very little light. Around this cloud, the sky is lit up as if it is the brightest, sunniest day of summer. I cannot put into words the countless galaxies I see spinning in a full, slow rotation or the many different colors that illuminate space. The sin-filled pit of earth is dark, but in God’s sinless universe there is not only light, but a vast assortment of created life.


While standing on the cloud, I feel its softness beneath my bare feet, just as I did before. As I wander around, I see more people than anyone could count. Yet the Father knows each one individually. They are people who lived since the creation of Adam and Eve to those who lived and died just before Jesus came. I notice that those who live at the end of time are much shorter. I know that in time they will grow to Adam’s height.


I think about the four groups on this cloud. The first group, closest to His throne, are those who most closely followed Satan, but left him and followed Jesus. The second group consists of the 144,000, and the third group is made up of the martyrs. In the fourth group are those called the great multitude.


I know that many are eager to meet Jesus for the first time. The faithful who knew Him when He walked on the earth are excited to see Him again. I think of the times Jesus asked, “Will I find faith when I return?” I remember when Jesus showed me: Blessed Be the Ones who Believe Before the Evidence Mounts.


When I studied math, I remember it was shown that if an individual were to count to one billion, it would take about 32 years just to pronounce each number. If one were to count to a trillion, it would take about 32,000 years. On this cloud are people from over 6,000 years of time, all resulting from Adam and Eve’s instruction to be fruitful and multiply. I conclude that I cannot even begin to know the total number of those who are God’s redeemed. I stand in awe at the power of our Creator.


I think about the preparations that began a long time ago. After the planning, God spoke and placed somewhere in space a very special planet with several moons and many planets that orbit around it. Many will visit it throughout eternity. There will be much crying, hugging, and laughter. It will also be a place for solitude and quiet walks—not a place to be by oneself, but where those who were separated may join together in solitude. However, the most special of all is the private time with Jesus.


This is also a planet where many created beings throughout the universe who have not been able to spend time with Jesus can once again meet with Him at the same time. Remember that when He took off His robe and crown, He temporarily gave up His ability to be with all His created beings at the same time. They have walked alone because Jesus has not been on His throne.


As we begin the first day of our journey, I observe select representatives from other worlds forming a line to see this grand procession parade along a pre-designed route. They are lined up to the left and right of the cloud. Each stands with great anticipation to see Jesus and His redeemed. It will be a scene that will never happen again. Each representative will share what they saw with the rest of the created beings on their world. I am wondering whether they will have a way of showing what they saw.


Then I begin to think about those in the universe who have been observing the earth. I think about the time when the Israelites were fed manna, and how they were to lay up extra on Friday for the Sabbath. But in this place, many created beings from across the universe have gathered much fruit and brought it here for that special Sabbath. The meals will not be like ordinary meals on earth. Not at all. There will be a breakfast banquet, a luncheon feast, and a supper of savory indulgence. Many picnics will take place. It will be a day worth waiting for.


After a few days of travel, I realize that we are about to arrive at the prepared planet. All is going according to the perfect plan. In the distance ahead of us is a galaxy of extreme beauty. That is the location of the planet where we will spend the Sabbath together.


As I look up at Jesus, I notice He is smiling. When I see so many people, I think about how each must be hoping to spend time with Him. I am wondering how He is going to decide who will be first. Would Adam be the one? Would the stoned Stephen be first? What of other great ones, such as Noah and Abraham? And what about Ellen White?


Suddenly, I hear the Guide call me by my heavenly name. He says not to think about things I am unable to understand, since I am only there to observe. With a smile, I admit forgetting that my quiet thoughts are heard by angels. The Guide tells me, “All secret things will be made clear in the light of the Father. As you observe, remember to be patient. Nothing is impossible for the Creator. He allowed Jesus to perform many healings, walk on water, pass through a room unseen, and call the dead from their graves. What about Perceivous and the many gifts given to her? It has already been shown that she stands as a great many legions around the young woman you have called Mary. Therefore, she could possibly have thousands and tens of thousands of legions around her right now. If the Creator would instruct Perceivous to become many for one who symbolizes His perfect church, how much more would the Father do for Jesus?”


I position myself to have an unobstructed view of what I am to see up ahead. We approach a galaxy that seems to be three galaxies spinning together, with the large planet in the middle. I cannot fully understand what I see. I can only say that it is an amazing divine creation of perfection. Each of the three galaxies, created to serve the large planet, rotates independently. There are no words in the dictionary to describe the perfection, brightness, and colors I see. As we approach, I see many beings traveling toward this large planet, and think that they must be the representatives.


As we get closer, I notice that it is not a small planet with only a few tables for food. Oh no. It is a large planet with much to see and do. The Guide explains that he will take me around so I can understand what is prepared for this special Sabbath. He smiles and says, “No one will sleep away this Sabbath.”


Now we stop a distance from the surface of the planet. All understand that everyone is to fly down to the surface. The Guide angel informs me that since I cannot fly like the others, he will take me to the planet’s surface. He reminds me that this is a dream, and all of this is yet to happen. He says, “If you remain faithful and continue to serve and glorify our Creator, you will go down on your own to the surface. There you will find and meet those you have known, as well as those you have read or heard about. There you will speak and meet face to face with our Creator.”


The Guide holds out his hand, and I quickly take it. I am eager to see all he will show me. We leave the cloud and proceed very quickly to the surface. He tells me that there is much to see, and he will only have a short time to show me what I am to observe and share with God’s people. He says, “You need to remember to be a messenger. Write the things you see, so that those who read will ‘see’ through what you write.”


We approach an area where countless tables are lined up. I notice what resembles the most beautiful blankets and pillows where people may recline to eat. As I look around, I see many other tables with an abundance of food. Elsewhere are tables with what looks like picnic baskets and blankets. As we continue to view different areas on this planet, I see smooth rolling hills and vast quantities of food everywhere.


I watch as those from the cloud approach the surface for the first time. The Guide and I had quickly descended ahead of the others so I could observe what I have already seen. I watch those who I will call jewels of Jesus touch the surface of this planet. The Guide speaks to me saying that all I see here: the tables, the food, the baskets, the blankets—all of this, specifically pointing to the vast quantities of fruit on the tables—has been here since Jesus rose from the grave. The Father commanded this to be, and inhabitants from across the universe brought the fruit. He places his hand on my shoulder and smiles saying, “Understand that was over 2,000 years ago.” He walks over and picks up a single piece of fruit. It is the size of a basketball. He says, “It is as fresh as if it was just picked from the tree.”


I see many walk over to the tables and stare in amazement at the abundance of fruit. Others recline on the blankets at the tables. I understand that what I am seeing is how I am to perceive it. I see Jesus and the Father walking together. The Father picks up a fruit and says, “As each of you is the fruit of My Son, all this fruit is for all of you to enjoy.[35] Eat of this fruit and be nourished. Let it be understood now that everything that is here will always be here to enjoy. This place will never lack fruit. Let all the tables have a constant abundance. Let this be a place to visit and eat with other created beings. Let this be a place where those who would like to can eat fruit with My Son, and I can walk with My arm around each of you.”


The Guide tells me to understand that what the heavenly Father just explained is also symbolic. Jesus rose from death to everlasting life. He came from the tomb to make everlasting life possible for the redeemed. Here on this special planet of constant life, Jesus who conquered death is symbolically portrayed even in the form of fruit that will never decay and will always be there for everyone to enjoy.


The Guide continues by saying, “Think of the words of Jesus on the night He was betrayed. As He sat at the table with His disciples, He said, ‘I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.’ On that night, Jesus was preparing them for the days ahead. Think about how these men followed Him, learned from Him, and were fed by Him for three and a half years. And now, just as He did at the Last Supper, the Savior, the Messiah, Emanuel has promised to deliver and give everlasting life to those who believe in Him. On that special planet, He will prepare His elect for eternity ahead. This is a place where all can come to be reminded that Jesus made eternal life possible for those who conquered sin. Jesus is truly the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Here all can always find Him and be filled.”


The Father looks at me and smiles. He speaks to me without moving His lips, yet I hear Him say, “And to My messenger who inquires much with a mind that wants to have all the answers and who wonders about many perplexities: You carry many thoughts with a question mark attached to each one. Great is the weariness of the processing you endure. However, this is how I created you. There are very few to whom I have given the ability you have. But in addition, you see things that others do not. You are able to see things that others would not endure seeing. Also, you patiently refrain from asking questions and wait for answers that are not to be given at that time. You ponder many things, and at the same time you resolve certain problems into answers.”


The Father turns to Jesus and speaks in a voice all can hear. I understand that what He speaks about now has nothing to do with food, events, or even with those who are on this special planet. Instead, God is speaking about an issue on planet earth now. The Father states, “Those who claim that Jesus is My Son as a man and a woman on this earth would procreate are thinking without intelligence or understanding. I speak to those who are unable to comprehend: Put away such thoughts. I and My Son have always existed. We are One together. My thoughts are His thoughts, and His thoughts are My thoughts. It would be easier for a newly-hatched bird to soar to great heights than for those individuals to comprehend the great secrets. Those who make claims such as these are displaying their lack of understanding.” Now I realize that those who attempt to limit God will inevitably arrive at foolish conclusions.


“When My Son sat next to Me, He was endowed with all, just as I AM.[36] Jesus is My Son, but not as a procreated son. I did not create Him or speak Him into existence. Jesus IS. When He removed His robe and crown, He went to earth and willingly became a created being, with all His powers void and absent. All He did—walking on water, healing the sick, making juice from water, stopping storms, and commanding away demons–all this Jesus asked Me to do. He is your example. This makes it possible for My faithful to work the same miracles as My Son, when it is My will.”[37]


The Father continues: “Jesus is like each of you, His brothers. For now, He is only able to place His arms around one of you at a time.” The Father looks at me, smiles, and then continues: “For Him to spend tomorrow with just one individual in this very special place would nullify His being the Love of the Love of the Love. Do you think it would be right for Adam to walk and speak with Jesus while the rest simply observed?”


Instantly, the Father has a single individual brought to His side. He says, “What about this brother? He served and worshipped Satan, but he gave up all and chose to follow Jesus. Where is love if this person met and spoke with Jesus all day, while everyone else only watched?”


Now the Father lifts His hand, and next to Him appears another person. “This is an individual who is one of ‘these who are they’ with a noticeable number on his forehead.[38] When I see him, I see My Son. I accept him through My Son. How would it be if he conversed with Jesus all day, while the rest of you only watched?”


Next the Father brings another person to stand next to Him. He says, “Here is an individual who was tortured for not worshipping as he was instructed. He endured tremendous pain, because he loved Jesus and refused to worship the deceiver. How would it be for the rest of you to sit all day watching these two with their arms around each other?”


Now the Father points to a vast multitude and says, “Here are those who cannot be numbered. We are only here for the Sabbath. How fair would it be for just one to be selected?”


The Father continues by questioning the possibility of Penny being the only person selected to walk holding the hand of Jesus? She is the one mentioned in the dream, “The Universal Memorial,” and whose name is that of a worthless coin. The Father concludes by stating, “All who are here are precious jewels—My Son’s treasures. These are the ones He holds up to the universe and claims as His, because of the blood He shed.”


The Father turns to Jesus and says, “My Son, You are endowed with no powers; You only walk as those of Your kind.[39] On Your throne, in the great throne room, lay Your robe and Your crown. They have not been moved since the day You took them off and placed them there. Each day You walk and move as one of mankind. Can any of them move instantly from one ocean to another? Can any of them hold up a basket and cause it to provide a never-ending supply of food? Can any of them pick up a stone and have it become a loaf of bread? Can any of them make endless water flow from a great stone mountain simply by touching it?


I see the Father smile and say, “I am referred to as the Source of all love, and You are called the Love of the Love of the Love. I AM also all-powerful. Through My power, You will be with each one, all at the same time. Let each one wrap their arms around You individually. When the saved bow at Your feet, You will welcome their kisses. Take the hand of the one who would like to speak with You. Let others simply climb on Your lap and place their head on Your chest. Sit at the prepared tables and feed them. Touch the places where there was once pain. Cradle the ones who would like to be held. These are Yours. You have paid in full a great price for each one. Go and be with all the redeemed at the same time, and I will be with You as well. Together, We will be with those who are Ours.”


As I stand there observing, tears of joy run down my face. I realize that the Guide no longer holds my hand but has wrapped his arms around me and is holding me up while I tremble. I watch Jesus stand next to one, but yet I see Him with many. Each one is focused on Jesus.


Now the Guide takes me to a place on this planet with a field of beautiful flowers. As with the Herald, when he holds out his hand, a bench forms from water. He helps me sit down while I get my emotions under control. I am unable to put into words the love I just witnessed. Through my tears, I tell him, “I am unworthy to be shown such divine things.”


I feel his hand slowly rubbing my back. He speaks softly, telling me that I am a messenger, and it is my joy to speak of the things I see. He laughs, calls me by my heavenly name, and says, “There is still much you need to see, and that is just on this planet.” I laugh and tell him that there is so much that is not understood; yet it is easy to understand. He tells me that there is much for us to learn and unlearn.


After a while, the Guide stands up and I take his hand. He smiles and says, “You are going to be shown much, but it will be limited, because we only have this Sabbath. Then we will continue our journey home.”


As we lift off the ground, he tells me that I need to understand how the Sabbath is not just a time to sit quietly, but a time to gather with others and enjoy time in nature. I am to observe a few of the things reserved for those who will come to this place throughout eternity. He tells me that this planet is enormous; it is larger than I can comprehend or describe.


As we travel, we admire tall majestic trees and notice many paths where I see Jesus walking with someone. Elsewhere, I see Him sitting along a path, picking flowers, and placing them in someone’s lap. Later on, I see a waterfall flowing from the side of a tall hill, and Jesus is there sitting with someone, walking with another, or having a picnic. Each one is enjoying a precious, personal time with Jesus.


On a path along a stream, I smile when I see Jesus sitting beside someone, and both of them have their feet in the water. As I watch them pet the fish with their feet, I remember seeing those interesting fish in the dream, “Sitting by a Stream.”


In the next place, I see what looks like snow, but I think, It can’t be. Then I realize I should not bother trying to figure it out but to wait until I see it. There I see Jesus with one person and in another area with someone else. At another place, an individual is crying with his head on the chest of Jesus. I smile because I understand. Some will enjoy just being held on His lap.


We leave here, and I am taken to what resembles a tropical island with a beautiful sandy beach and the purest body of water. Jesus is sitting in the water, talking and laughing with someone. In another place, there are people sitting under trees listening to Jesus speak. In other places, many have gathered to enjoy a special reunion, and there in the center is Jesus. Obviously, no one will want to eat quickly or sleep away this first and most wonderful Sabbath. Instead, this will be a place for recreation and time with Jesus—a place to be nourished, but not with just food.


After what seems like a very short time, the Guide tells me that we must continue, because the close of the Sabbath is near. We lift off the ground and soon turn to look back down on this planet—this very large, magnificent world. He tells me, “Understand that this place will always exist. All of God’s created beings and the redeemed will be able to come and feast here. This will always be a place where the saved can sit along a stream with Jesus by their side.”


Then the Guide says, “Now notice why I brought you ahead.” As the Sabbath comes to an end, I see countless angels rise high in the sky and arrange themselves in a certain way. The Herald takes his position in the front and begins with a single note to set the pitch for the music that is to follow. As the angels sing, everyone on this planet can hear and see them. I know that the song is about the importance of the eternal Sabbath, and a time of recreation with the Creator—God.


As the song ends, the Guide and I quickly ascend back to the cloud and arrive there before everyone else. We watch the faces of those who return and, for the first time, I see people who beam with such joy and happiness.


As we proceed, those who serve as representatives to their respective worlds again line the way on our left and right. They are privileged observers who get to glimpse the countless redeemed. At the end of the seventh day of travel, we all look way ahead at what we know is the beautiful palace of God—heaven. It is a place of such brightness and beauty. The cloud arrives at a place I can only refer to as a glorious dock, from which the cloud travelers will disembark.


Jesus takes His place to welcome His people, and many angels stand ready to give Him the crown and robe assigned to each one. But as before, instantly I see Jesus with each one, all at the same time. Oh, the tears and hugs that follow. Many drop their robe and crown at His feet. The attending angel picks up the robe and crown and hands it back to Jesus. Now I hear Jesus say to an individual, “You are worthy of your robe, because I gave all for you. Jesus continues, “This crown symbolizes that you are royalty and now possess great wealth. In the Father’s eyes, you and all of the redeemed are princes.”


During this welcome and coronation time, I see countless angels holding babies and other angels with small children by their side. I also see individuals who are waiting for a small one who has been missing from their arms. With tears of happiness running down my face, I watch angels approach mothers who lost their little ones. As the angels place the children in the mothers’ arms, Jesus instructs other angels to assist the mothers, and calls the fathers to stand beside them. As a complete family, they will raise the children together.


I stand in awe at all I see and realize something unusual. None of the babies cry. Instead, as they are returned to their mothers, each smiles or laughs. The mothers’ joyful tears at the fulfilment of God’s promise are a testimony to the love that flows from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Angels also care for other children who wait for parents. Many individuals volunteer to serve as a parent for the motherless. These volunteers are not male or female, but they retain the gender characteristics they had on earth. Many who wanted children will receive them. Each parent receives help from angels who are eager to serve.


I turn to the Guide to ask a question. He smiles and says, “You were created with a mind that truly works in a different way. In spite of all you observe and the many things you have been privileged to see, in spite of all the answers you continue to process, you still have constant questions about many different things and continue to look for answers. You struggle mentally with many different thoughts all at the same time, and simultaneously all those thoughts seek answers. I will help you, so you do not have to ask what you are about to ask.


“In a previous message, you were shown something that will happen the day Jesus returns to earth. It is symbolic and shown in a way that can be understood. As you looked down on the surface of the earth, you noticed small holes open up and what resembled small but perfect balls of bright light shoot up into the air. As you watched, many angels descended quickly, and each took one of those small, bright objects in the palm of his hand and covered it with his other hand. You were shown that each of those objects was one of the countless ones who are innocent and belong to the heavenly Father. The brightness that surrounds them is the white robe of Jesus.

“You also saw that these were not on the cloud, because they are taken somewhere until they grow to the size of a baby. Since an embryo or fetus cannot be placed in the arms of a mother, these who are innocent are taken to the Father to finish their creation process.[40] At the right time, each will be given to their mother. Many of these will not have a parent to receive them, and there will be many who were never parents on earth. Those who are eager to have children in heaven will be blessed with as many children as they wish to call their own. Until then, angels will care for these little princes of God.

“This fifth group is made up of a large number of those who are innocent. Their names are recorded in red, and they will have a red border on their robes. The Father eagerly accepts and considers very valuable those who are aborted, the miscarried, premature babies who die at birth, which includes those who died at the hands of evil individuals seeking cruel entertainment, and those who were given as feed to animals—these will all be returned to the Father.”

As I stand there observing, I realize that for some it is not yet time to be reunited with their little ones. I remember a dream I had called “A Child Named Promise” and the example of the two who served in the temple of the 144,000. I recall seeing them walk out together discussing what they had just watched. I also know that those two are always together. As they leave the temple, one notices a little ahead of them a very small boy playing in the grass. When they approach him, the man asks the little boy where his parents are. He responds that he does not think he has any. Then the man asks the child what he would like to do, and the little one answers that he would like to play chase. The couple laughs, because the little boy would not have a chance, due to the size difference. When the man asks the little boy if he would like to go with them, he answers, “Yes.”


As they walk to the woman’s mansion, Jesus is with them. I understand that Jesus is with each of the redeemed forever. When they get there, the man looks at Jesus and asks if they can have a large sandbox to play in. Jesus looks at the man as if thinking about what they are going to do, and replies, “Yes, absolutely.” When the man, woman, and little boy climb into the large sandbox, the man looks at Jesus again. I know he wants to ask for something very special. He asks Jesus if he can have some toy cars, trucks, tractors, and bulldozers. Jesus looks at the man as if remembering His own toys as a boy on earth. With a very large smile, Jesus again answers, “Yes, absolutely.”


Now I see the man and child begin to play together as they sit in the sandbox with all the new toys. The woman looks down at them and says she is going to get some food and will be back soon. As the man and boy continue to play, the man teaches the boy how to make roads and tunnels the way it was done on earth. The little child laughs at the motor sounds the man makes and quickly starts making the same sounds.


What seems like moments later, but roads and tunnels later, the woman returns with a large platter of food. She spreads something large and white on the grass, and they sit down on it. I watch them eat, talk, and laugh.


After eating, they get up and the woman instinctively reaches down and picks up the little child. He wraps his legs and arms tightly around her and almost whispers to her, “You promise not to let me go?” The woman squeezes him tightly, kisses him on his cheek, and says, “We promise to never let you go—forever.” The child closes his eyes and puts his head on her chest, feeling safe and contented. I notice the woman cradles his small head as tears flow down her face. She looks over at him who was her husband on earth, smiles, and seems to clutch the little boy tighter than before. She will fulfil her promise to never let him go—forever.


I know that no man can understand the great love a mother can have for an infant she begins to grow. For a time, the woman and that baby had been as one. But even if a child is lost or aborted, there is, and always will be a connection between a mother and her child. Men cannot understand that special connection.


This woman now realizes that a bond already exists. She knows who this child is—a child she conceived. This is a child she and her husband created together. But a foolish decision was made that she never forgot. I know God did not place this child in her arms when she arrived, but waited until the time was right. As soon as she picked him up and held him, she knew that was the child she chose not to have. She confirmed it when he placed his small head on her chest and she promised to never let him go—forever.


Without hesitating, the man and woman know that they will welcome the little boy into their family, and both make the decision as one. In His wisdom, God will wait for the correct time, and will not force children upon anyone. It will be a choice. However, those who are willing will be given the wonderful opportunity to raise a child in a perfect place.


I watch as the new family walks toward a stream, where they wash the juice from their child’s face. The father tells his son that he would like to teach him how to swim. Looking up at his father, he asks, “You promise?” And the father replies, “I promise. Let’s start right now.” As the mother sits on the bank and watches them swim and play, I can only imagine her thoughts. All her life she had known that she had made a wrong decision. But now this little one has been placed back in her arms, giving her another chance to love and raise him.


It seems like minutes go by, but after what could have been hours, they return to the mother’s home. With tears of joy in her eyes, she calls him “son” and says that she is his mother and promises that he will be with them always. The man tells his son that he is his father and that they will be together always as promised.


When the mother tells the little boy that he has family that they would like him to meet, the little boy asks, “I have brothers or sisters?” She smiles at him and says that he is part of a family that will always love him, and that will always be a promise. Most importantly she stresses that he must first learn about Jesus. When the boy asks, “Who is Jesus?” the father replies, “We have much to tell you.”


As the Guide and I observe many individuals receiving children, I hear my heavenly name called. I see the Herald coming toward me. He smiles and says that there is still much to see. However, he asks me again, “Do you know who you are?”


He stands in front of me and asks, “Who do you see wearing a crown?” He tells me that the Father wears a crown, and on the throne of Jesus are His folded robe and His crown. He continues, “Who else do you see wearing crowns?” Smiling he asks, “Do angels wear crowns? Do you see a crown on my head? No. Did those who lined each side of the procession wear a crown? No. When the redeemed disembarked from the cloud, were not the attending angels each holding a special robe and crown for each of them?” Then he asks again, “Do you know who you are? Let me make it clear, so all will understand.


“In the courts of heaven, we angels stood and observed. When the time came, Jesus stood up from His throne, and we watched as He removed His princely robe. He folded it, placed it on His throne, then He took off His princely crown. He held His crown in His hands—the crown which signified Him as the Son of the Father—and placed it on His throne. He, the Creator, was leaving all behind. The One who stood as a burning bush, who stood by His faithful in a fiery furnace, the One who has promised never to forsake you, but to be beside you always—He placed His own crown on His throne. By that action He showed that all His powers would remain with the Father.


“After placing His crown on His throne, Jesus turned and stood before the Father and the Holy Spirit. Then He was taken from the courts of heaven to be placed inside one of His creations, and thus began the salvation of all. Time went by and we observed the moment of His coming into the world where He would be welcomed as He took His first breath.”


The Herald continues explaining that when Jesus became a human, the Creator became a creation, and His humanity makes humans God’s children. Every being on earth is a brother or sister to Jesus, the very Son of God. When the Father sees the Son, He sees you as His children. This is why Jesus taught that when you pray, you should address God as ‘Father.’ As a result of this new lineage, after sin has ended, angels will no longer be superior to humans. Until sin is done away with, our position as angels is a little higher than humans. However, after sin is no more, we angels will respect as well as continue to serve the redeemed.


This clarifies why in the dream, “A View of Heaven,” angels came to ask if they could help me put on my robe and crown. This also helps to explain the dreams “The Universal Memorial,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” and the part of the dream “The Tree, the Wood, the Truth” that explains the time when God came to earth to plant a tree and place Jesus in Mary’s womb.


The Herald holds out his hand and I read the following,


Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.” 1 John 3:1-3


The Herald tells me that I am almost done with this message. He says, “Those who read this will not know about the many trials you had, the many nights you were awakened to type, the many times corrections were made, or the attempts Satan made upon you. Each time, Satan and his angels were reminded that you are a servant of God.”


He places his hands on my shoulders and tells me that this message will reach more people than I can understand. Then he adds that even though this message is for all, it is meant for and will reach one individual in particular. All heaven waits for a great change to take place in the individual who symbolizes His perfect church. With this message the Father asks her to return to serve as she was designed to serve. It has been said, and it is clearly observable, that a multitude of angels surrounds her. The Father, all heaven, all of the angels, and all the beings on planets throughout the universe are watching and waiting for her to surrender, to remove her self-placed chains, and return to serve.


The Herald smiles, turns to the Guide who approaches me again, and tells me, “You are to go to one more place. You were there once before, and you are to go again. But this time you will be more prepared and will have a better understanding. Go, observe, serve, and report what you observe.”


The Herald turns to the Guide and says, “You have already been instructed where to take him and what he is to see. Again, he is to listen, speak, touch, smell, and see, but not to taste or eat.” Turning to me, he adds, “Notice as much as possible. Converse with those you see. Exercise your curiosity. What you receive is a gift from the Father. Enjoy.”


The Herald turns, and as he walks away, he fades from sight. I turn to the Guide angel and wonder what he would answer if I asked him his name. He smiles and answers, “Once again I have the extreme pleasure of being your guide, but who we are is not important. The only name worthy to be mentioned is Jesus Christ. He is your Brother and Savior, our Creator, and the Son of the Father of all.”


I take the Guide’s hand and our feet gently leave the ground. As we ascend, we speed up and soon I look down to see the blue atmosphere of our small planet. I think about the color blue, which represents His law and His love, without which we would die. I realize that the white clouds symbolize His righteousness, and that we are always surrounded by His love and His righteousness. Without the clouds that provide shade and rain, we would not survive.


As we continue to ascend, I am now looking straight ahead, and the Guide angel tells me that we are going to go very fast. He says, “Do not be afraid; just enjoy as you did last time. We are going back to where you were instructed to go before. It is a long way from where we are.”


Angels that excel in speed come toward us. Their appearance is completely different from all the other angels, and I know that they can fly faster than all the others. They are very bright and have arms that actually form over and around someone they touch. Their wings move with the brightness of pure, clear energy.


One of those angels takes the free arm of the Guide, and another takes my free arm. We seem to be covered all over with a bright, clear film. A large procession of other angels also comes with us. These angels who excel in speed somehow cover all of us. I know that without these angels, we could easily make the journey to where we are going. It would be fast, but it still would take a little time.


Several of the angels who can move with great speed, go out in front of us, and we quickly begin traveling very fast. The angels in front of us illuminate the way very brightly, even though space is already very bright. As I look way ahead, I notice that the angels created with the gift of speed are capable of going much faster, but they restrain themselves to a speed that lets me observe.


The Guide tells me that there is no end to the universe. But if we pretend that we want to go from a world on one side of the universe to another world on the opposite side, it would take a little time with him. However, angels with the gift and incredible design of speed can make such a trip 100 times over in an instant, while the Guide would just be starting to depart. I remember from the dream, “The New Earth,” that the Herald and I traveled billions of light years in mere micro thought seconds.


I tell the Guide that I understand there is no end to the universe, and he tells me it is continual, just as God is. It has no end. As we travel, he wants me to notice that all is bright, not like the dark sky we see from earth. There are colors beyond description. I wish I had the command of all the words in a dictionary to express what I see. We pass galaxy after galaxy; many are close to each other. Each one is colorful, and I am able to see with perfect vision the beautiful symmetry of each one as it moves. Because I can see close up, I notice beings traveling from one galaxy to another, not for work but simply to visit. There is so much life. All one has to do is look around and life is everywhere. Our Creator fills the universe with His life and His love.


I know we have not traveled long, and as I look ahead, I notice the familiar place I visited before. As we approach, we slow down. I look at the many planets in this particular galaxy, all in close proximity to each other. They travel through space in smooth, fluid movements of pre-planned symmetry.


I notice beings moving from planet to planet. This time many have lined up to make an entry point as we arrive. All hold some type of beautiful floral arrangement in their arms. As we slowly move past them on our way to the planet, each presents us with the flowers. The Guide tells me that these are for me. He says, “Understand that they know who you are. You have been asked many times whether you know who you are. This visit should make it clear for all who are willing to accept it and call on Jesus their Brother.


As before, the Guide grows larger, and again I am like a two-year-old in comparison. Before we reach the surface of the planet, the procession and all those participating come to a complete stop. The Guide places his very large hands on my shoulders and tells me, “Many changes are reserved for you on this trip, and you will experience much, but remember that you will not be able to partake of the food.”


With his hands still on my shoulders, The Guide continues: “The first of many things the Father has reserved for you to experience is that you will not greet those who await you in this size.” He puts his hands on my forehead and says, “To allow you to understand and observe better, the Father will gift you with great size.” Instantly, I feel myself growing. In real life I am over six feet tall, but now I grow to a great height. My clothes no longer fit me. Somehow, they were folded and laid next to me.


Quickly approaching me, I see the type of angels who hand crowns and robes for Jesus to present to the redeemed. One brings a very special robe, while two others place the robe over me. When I look down at the robe, I see it is a very bright white. It is as if this robe lights up. It also adjusts to my size. The front of the robe has long, blue, vertical stripes. Around the neck, at the end of the sleeves, and on the very bottom of the robe is a dark blue border. The Guide reminds me that I was told in another message about blue being a symbol of God’s law and white as a symbol of His righteousness. The Guide asks again, “Do you know yet who you are?”


An angel whom I have never seen before, the one who brought me the robe, smiles at me and says, “What an honor it is to place the robe on you.” He approaches me, reaches up, and removes my glasses as he says, “You will not need these while you are here.” Then, he places his hand over my eyes and continues, “While you are here, you are also gifted with perfect eyesight. I treasure the opportunity to safeguard your glasses until you leave. I will always be near you.”


I look around. Never before have my eyes beheld with such clarity. I can see many more colors than ever before. I am able to see perfectly close up and at a great distance as if it were very close. As I turn to look toward one of the other planets, I notice beings lined up around it, and they all wave at me.


The same angel now places his hand over my nose. He explains: “You are also to have an excellent sense of smell. Without it, you would not be able to enjoy the rich fragrance of the flowers or the wonderful aromas of a beautiful six-winged, four-tailed hummingbird and of the long, brown, woolly worm. There is so much for you to enjoy in just the aromas. Living in a world of sin has depreciated the true gift of smell.”


Another angel who helped me with my robe says that I am to have an additional gift that he will give to me. He reaches up, places his hands over my ears, and says, “You will hear perfectly. There is so much more that you need to be able to hear.” The moment he removes his hands, from the distant planet in front of me, I hear many beings sing a beautiful song.


Another angel approaches me and says, “Everyone understands that you reflect life on a world that has existed in sin for six thousand years.” He adds that there is yet another gift for me, and it is also only for the time I am on the planet. I am told that I will need the gift to allow me to serve as an observer and a messenger. The angel steps forward, places both of his hands on my chest, And says, “You are given a strong heart and lungs to provide you with the air needed to move quickly.” He places a hand on my back and says, “In here are other gifts that you will utilize at the right time.” He steps back, looks at me with a smile and says, “Realize that all you are experiencing is shown to you in a way that you are able to comprehend. If you are faithful to the end, this and all you see and do will be an opportunity for you.”


Now I notice that not only is my vision much better, but also my hearing. I feel strength throughout my body. I no longer labor to breathe and feel rejuvenated. The pain in my joints, back, legs, and feet—my aches and pains—are all gone.


Suddenly, I think to myself, Wait, what is this? As I smile at the Guide and the three attending angels, they smile back and the Guide says, “There are many evidences to remind you that you are greatly loved, that you are never alone and, most importantly, why He is the great Creator.”


I stand there with a big smile as I realize that my old teeth have been replaced by perfect teeth. For me, it is a tremendous gift.


As I begin to speak, I am not sure what I started to say but am surprised at the great volume and clearness of my voice. The Guide says, “This, as well, is a gift. You have always had the gift of speaking, but this trip is different. Later, you will see why you are greatly amplified with this gift.” Immediately, I feel the need to whisper. As I start to speak, the Guide and other angels smile at me, and the Guide says, “Even that will not help the messenger to whom God the Father gives a voice.”


As we descend, I notice many beings standing below. I look behind us and see that those holding the floral arrangements have joined the arriving procession. The great many assembled below were well informed about our arrival. When I look around, I am unable to estimate the number of beings on the planet. As I get closer, I stop to think how each of these beings was created by the Creator. Looking out over the great throng, I am left in awe again at what God has done.


As the procession arrives at the surface, all the others place their bare feet on the ground. I stop about two feet above the ground, and one of the attending angels approaches, kneels in front of me, and says, “You are to wear these while you are here.” He fits me with shoes that are light, extremely comfortable, and instantly mold to my feet. When my feet touch the ground, he informs me, “You are permitted to touch, hold, and feel, but this world is sinless. Understand that you cannot tread on holy ground. This is to be understood symbolically.”


Standing there, I realize that while I used to be dwarfed in stature by the Guide, now I am a little taller than everyone else here. I realize that just for the trip to this world, I was given perfect eyes to see, good hearing to listen, beautiful teeth to smile, a strong heart and lungs, and strength to do what is required of me.


As I look at these beings, I notice their appearance is perfect, just as the Creator made them. However, they do not look like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and do not resemble the Father. I see that they are neither male nor female. Some are taller and possess great strength; others have a thin frame, speak very gently, and their movements are very gentle. The skin of these beings is very tanned. They do not wear garments, because they are not needed. The masculine-looking ones have golden, shoulder-length hair. The feminine-looking ones have longer hair that is wavy and light in color. I also notice that they seem to smile all the time. Their constant happiness is obviously due to the absence of sin. They possess a special glow which seems to radiate from inside them.


Several beings now approach me. One I would call a female, even though she is not, but her characteristics are feminine. She speaks in a soft, gentle voice and explains that they would like to place sashes on me as a gift for my arrival and that they have looked forward to this time of a great gathering. When she steps back, several others step forward and place what looks like cloth sashes around my shoulders and neck. But they are actually made from plants and precious minerals, yet feel soft to the touch.


Then another being approaches and says, “Even though we understand how special this visit is and that it is presented in the form of a dream, there is another gift that we would like to present. We know that if you remain faithful, you will be one of those who steps off that special cloud and walks through the gates of heaven to receive your robe and crown. The crown proclaims the Savior’s importance to all throughout the universe. It also declares that you are no longer just a being created as a result of procreation. That crown will be an external symbol, a sign to all that you are royalty. You are the son of God, a brother of the Son. You share the same divinity given by the Father. You will notice that none of the angels who traveled with you wear a crown. No one wears a crown here or in all other worlds, because we are not royalty as you are. The sashes are a symbol of your new, royal lineage.”


“It is a great honor and privilege to bestow upon you a simple, small symbol of your visit here, if only in a dream. For those of us here, it is a huge honor. We would like to place upon you a symbol that everyone here will see, an assurance to all of us that sin will end soon. Then, like you, we will be allowed once again to walk, talk, and spend time with the Father and the One who is our Savior.”


The feminine-looking being walks toward me, and two other beings come with her. One holds what I would call a very large platter with a domed cover. She looks up to me and asks if I would please bend down a little, because I am taller than her. As I do so, the being holding the platter looks at the other being and indicates that it is time to remove the domed cover. On the platter is a most beautiful crown, meticulously assembled by beings on this world. It is made of many intertwined flowers, vines, and many different-colored stones. The inside has a cloth-like lining. She tells me, “This crown is not intended as an insult to the majestic crown that Jesus will place upon your head. Instead, this crown is for others to see evidence that you have graced us with your visit. Understand that the Father has allowed this.”


I fall to my knees and tell them that I am unworthy, and if I am so fortunate that Jesus would find me even slightly worthy to wear a flower on my head, that would be sufficient. She takes the crown made on that world and by that world, and gently places it on my head. It fits perfectly. When I stand up, everyone sings praises to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the background, I hear what sounds like masculine voices singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy!”


Now one of the beings, whom I will call the world guide, comes to me and says, “As before, we would like you to explore and see things on this world.” I know that the last time I was there, I asked their names, but that did not work. I was told, “Even though we all have names and we have been told your heavenly name, you are unable to say it, because you are still from the sinful earth. We were told that if you are faithful, you will be able to speak and understand all.”


We begin walking slowly, and I ask them for permission to leave my sashes and beautiful crown there. I tell them that I would like to wear these wonderful gifts later. A feminine-looking being comes up to me and says, “We will fold the sashes and leave your crown until we return. After you have seen much, we look forward to the time of the great sharing.”


As several remove the sashes and fold them, I am wondering what she is talking about. Two of them carefully and respectfully remove my crown and lay it on top of the sashes. One comes up, takes both of my hands, and tells me that I do not need to be concerned, because these items will be returned to me when it is time. She adds, “Remember that this world is not like your world; no one will disturb these items. In the same way that the robe and crown of Jesus have laid on His throne ever since He took them off. They will lay there until those who are given the honor to attend Him place these items back on Him.”


As we begin walking again, I notice that I have strength in my legs that I have not felt for a long time. As we walk, there are many of us, not close together but spread out. I mention that I feel very energized and would enjoy running. They laugh, and one says that they have all been waiting for me to want to run. I am wearing my special shoes and a long white robe. We begin running and go through a large grove of very tall trees. Ahead, the land opens up to a large, grassy field of rolling hills. The grass is soft and green. I look over my shoulder and see the tall grass waving because of the speed I travel.


I look at the others with their long hair and think how mine is short and thinning more each year. I know that when sin is no more, I will be made whole once again. The gifts given to me while on the planet (even though only in a dream) allow me to understand what awaits the redeemed when they meet Jesus on the cloud.


We slow down, and the world guide leading the way stops. He wants me to notice the grass again. As before, it is about seven feet high. But since we are very tall, we easily stand in it. The grass is soft and warm to the touch, and the scent coming up from it is unlike any I have smelled, and it makes me feel stronger. The world guide says that the Creator made all for them. He smiles and tells me that I can touch the grass, but I am not to eat it or let it touch my lips.


Next, the world guide points up and says to look closely at the sky. I look up and see that it is a very rich blue. I am able to see many planets moving in a smooth, fluid orbit and the moons that circle them. When I look more closely, I see that many of the beings who live on those planets are traveling to other nearby worlds.


As I focus on one being in particular, I know he is a very great distance away, but I am able to see him just as clearly as if he were close to me. At that moment, he speaks to me and I am able to hear him say that he extends an invitation for me to visit his world. I realize he looks different from the beings who live on the world I am visiting. He is also perfect in form and appearance, created by the great Creator.


I answer him in a normal voice, “If not soon, I promise to return and visit after sin is no more.” He smiles and says, “We look forward to your visit, as well as those who walk by your side. We wait to hear your song and theirs.” I laugh and tell him that when I am made new, maybe I will finally have the ability to sing. He laughs and says, “The experience of your song and your daily walk with Jesus will be the greatest overture our ears could hear.” I wave good-bye to him.


As I turn to look at my world guide, he smiles and tells me, “What you experienced while looking, listening, and hearing, is only shown in a way that you can understand. What you are shown is not even close to what truly awaits when you visit.”


The world guide asks if we can start moving again, since there is still much to see. We begin running, and I notice a large grove of trees ahead with many beings jumping up on the limbs. As I was shown before, these trees are the height of tall buildings on earth. When I touch them, the bark feels smooth. I press it in softly and a strong scent fills the air. Again I feel great strength and energy. The world guide approaches me again to remind me, “Do not let the bark of the tree touch your lips. If you are faithful, one day you will eat of it. It is grand to observe what happens when one partakes.”


He calls to one of the many who accompany this procession. I notice he glides through the air and descends very smoothly before me. He says, “Observe with understanding eyes. The being leans over, takes a very large bite from the side of the tree, and begins chewing what resembles a large piece of angel food cake. The tree bark that was eaten is replaced quickly, and one would never notice that it had been touched. As I watch, the bark of the tree lights up a bit, and it is noticeable even in the brightness of daylight. When I look at the being as he chews the bark, I notice that he begins to illuminate more. His muscle tone becomes enhanced, and his skin glows brighter.


I look back at the beautiful, smooth bark of the trees with their symmetrical patterns. Seen from different angles, the leaves display green, yellow, red, blue, and purple hues. Some leaves are large enough to cover the roof of a small house. Even the trees hold an abundance of life forms. Flowers in a large variety of colors grow almost everywhere. A single touch causes their petals to open even more.


On this planet one can find countless living creatures, from the smallest to the largest. Many of the small, flying creatures resemble a burnt ember gently floating in the sky; nevertheless, they have full control of the direction they wish to go. On a tree, I see birds and animals that serenade all who come to visit. In the background, I hear singing by certain animals that have been given the ability of speech. They sing constant, reverent praises to the Creator.


I look up and observe birds flying through the air. They are not ordinary birds, but great, beautiful ones. The sound they make is a tribute in song to the love used to create them. I think about the 144,000 who will come here with Jesus, and how wonderful it will be to hear the music of these creations singing and glorifying their Creator. This is something I long to see and experience.


During the walk, the world guide tells me that he and each of the other created beings used to spend their days with Jesus. “But since He left His throne, we have only observed and listened to the daily experiences of those who have fallen into deception.”


As we walk out of the grove, we come to another great opening. Looking out in the distance, perhaps a thousand miles away, my eyes see a beautiful scene. There are many small hills and taller, majestic ones intertwined with them. Covering the hillsides are great trees, each complemented with different sizes, colors, and kinds of fruit. I notice a most beautiful spring, and I follow it to find its source. Far away in the distance, and further up one of the tall hills, I see an opening in its side. From that very large opening flows a grand waterfall. I see many diving from the top of the waterfall into a large body of water.


I look at the world guide and tell him I would like to go to that place. He says that we can go. I notice that it is a great distance to travel if one is running. I turn and look up into the sky and see beings flying from planet to planet. When he sees me looking up, I ask him if the beings of this world are only able to walk and run, or do they have the ability to fly. He smiles and says, “It is important to understand that none of us has the ability to fly, walk, or run, unless He who is our Creator allows us to do so.”


He places a hand on my shoulder and says, “The Guide angel instructed me to remember to ask if you know who you are.” I smile and he continues, “Do you remember that before you reached the surface of this planet, the angel allowed you special gifts given by the Father? You are not normally this tall; you need glasses to see with. Your hearing is limited, and, as a special gift, you were given the ability to illuminate the area in front of you simply by smiling. The angel also placed his hand on your chest. Do remember that the last thing he did was to place his hand on your back?


“You will notice that none of us has wings, but our Creator allows us to travel at a speed that we need to. However, to you he has given so much more. You are given a speed to travel that far exceeds that of the angels who excel in speed.” Smiling broadly he adds, “To enable you to serve, the Creator gives great gifts to you who are they. You are gifted to travel as you need, when you need, at a speed you need. If you needed it, you could simply be there with a single thought. But traveling at that speed you would miss so much. To answer you: Yes, we fly, but so do you. After all, who are you? You share a direct lineage to the Creator of all. If angels will be a little lower than you, do you not realize how honored we are to have you here with us?”


He continues by saying, “It would be an honor for you to serve as our leader and direct us to the place you saw. Along the way you will enjoy the great many gifts you will see.” I look at him and whisper, “How do I lift off?” He replies, “The same way you take a step, the same way you sit down, and the same way you smile. Just begin, and you will understand.” I spread my arms and everyone starts laughing. Then I notice that my special shoes lift off the ground. I have flown many times, but always with an angel. The world guide says, “When you travel, this is how you will do it.”


The world guide says, “There is something else I am to mention to you. There is an individual who also has this ability to travel, but because of who she is, she will be the only one to have a crystal carriage. We all have observed what has happened and have talked about how Mary is to return to serve. When she does and all sin is finally removed, we look forward to the day when she and all those who travel with her will come to visit us in her carriage pulled by special horses.”


The world guide smiles and says, “I suggest you go slowly,” and he laughs again. I look at him, smile a little, and ask if I may do something, and that I will be back very soon. He says, “You were created with free will.” I know that while visiting this planet, I have exceptional energy. I rush to the waterfall at a great speed, but with great self-control, and fly through the falling water. As I turn around to look at the waterfall, I notice that the water of the falls separated for a moment. Now I return even faster, and they all laugh. I realize that the procession has not traveled very far, and so we begin our flight toward the waterfall.


As we travel through the air, I look down at the many creations of this world. There are so many different types of animals: those that walk or run very fast, and many different birds that fill the sky. We pass over many small bodies of water and numerous forests with many great birds. Even from our altitude, I can hear them sing.


We pass over many hills, and I am amazed to see on their slopes an abundance of trees laden with fruit. Everywhere the grass is long, displaying rich, green hues. We pass over many other waterfalls. I see water flowing from the side of a large hill that forms into a body of water. It then empties into a beautiful, clear stream that meanders through the hillsides.


As we approach the very large waterfall, I notice many beings jumping from the top into the body of water below. When we descend, I see that these beings stay underwater for quite some time. They move quickly in the clear water, as fast underwater as some fly through the air. Other beings, like gentle butterflies, enjoy moving slowly underwater, while others enjoy strolling through forests or running through grassy meadows.


I look over at the world guide and tell him, “It is too bad I cannot go underwater.” He looks at me and tells me that I can. I answer that the white garment I wear would get wet. He speaks very softly, almost in a whisper, “It is made to get wet. Remember that your robe is only for this visit. It represents the robe of righteousness that Jesus will place around you if you are faithful. Remember that as a messenger, you are here to observe and share. Know that you will be safe; the robe you wear will protect you. You will be able to breathe underwater, because of the robe God has allowed to be placed around you.”


When we jump straight down into the water, I think of the splash we make. My garment instantly becomes wet, and just as quickly forms a tight barrier around me that enables me to see perfectly and breathe underwater. In this large body of water filled by the waterfall, we continue as an underwater procession. I find that I am not swimming, but moving through the water without moving my arms or legs, just as I did in the air.


Gliding slowly through the water, I am amazed at the vast beauty of a world created underwater for beings who are able to see and enjoy as we are. I observe the many underwater plants and the special fruit that grows on them. There is a variety and an abundance of fish. How delightful it is to discover I can move as quickly underwater as in the air.


As we near the shore, we begin to ascend from under the water. When we approach land, we shoot straight out of the water and continue flying. Then I notice that my robe is dry. As we fly over many valleys and hills, my world guide leads us to the place he knows we are to go.


After we slow and touch the ground again, the world guide leads me along trails next to small streams. As I walk, I am constantly noticing the many different varieties of animals, birds, and insects. The luscious growth and assortment of colors are so great that I cannot take it all in. I remind myself that what I am seeing is nothing compared to what it will really be like.


Now I notice that I do not see a sun, yet the planets nearby reflect light that illuminates where we are. As we continue, I know that we are nearing another rich forest. His creations are singing like nothing I have heard before. All I can think is that united they sing “Holy, Holy, Holy” and “Glory to God and His Son for all that They have given.” When I cup a flower in my hand, I notice that its softness and fragrance are unlike any I have experienced. It is a mixture of the sweetest fragrances. Even the trees perfume the forest where we walk.


As night comes on, the light begins to dim, but it never gets as dark as on earth. Each of my new friends now glows, as if they emitted light, and their golden hair is also illuminated. When they smile, each seems to have a brighter light that comes from inside. All God’s creations seem to illuminate in some way with an array of bioluminescent colors. The trees, grass, flowers, animals, fish, and even the small insects that crawl on a blade of grass are alive with brilliant colors. One insect looks like a wooly worm, similar to the one I saw before in the dream, “Two Cars.” His long brown body is covered with many tiny hairs. As it moves along, each hair lights up in different shades of brown. On its head are two, very long antennae that curl at the end. Each antenna has many small lights that go on and off all along its length.


I see a variety of animals and birds that light up in many colors. The light is not bright but like a warm glow. I realize that each time I place my foot down on the grass, the area becomes a little brighter, then slowly returns to less light. It does not brighten only under my foot, but for a distance from where I place my foot.


I notice a small bird that flies close to me. Its eyes are illuminated with different shades of blue, and its beak glows with red and orange colors. Its feathers are iridescent green, brown, blue, red, orange, and yellow. Then I hear it sing many notes at once in harmony, which makes one think of the Creator’s love.


A short distance ahead, I see a large opening, and beyond it is a natural gathering place where many beings from this world have assembled. They sit in a way so they can look down at a great valley. Far down the slope is an area that quickly rises and ends as a curved surface. It resembles a meeting place where one can sit, listen, and perhaps have worship. I quickly think, Is this the beginning of Sabbath? Have I been brought here to hear someone speak? I wonder who it might be, since so many are assembled here. As I come in to the great meeting area, everyone looks at me and smiles. I think about our amazing Creator who individually created each of the beings I see here and those who are not able to come due to the size limitations of the area.


To my right is the one who said she would care for my sashes and crown. She and a few others approach me. It is then that I see everyone rise to their feet. All stand quietly with complete respect. Two of the beings walk over and place the sashes around me. One says, “These are symbolic; they are not to be seen as disrespectful or irreverent toward what Jesus will give you, but done out of respect for who you are.”


Another walks forward and brings the crown that was made for me. I lower my head so she can place it back on my head. She says, “This is a simple crown, and it is not given to show disrespect or irreverence for the crown that Jesus will place on you, His brother.” She turns and speaks in a voice that all can hear: “Here with us, by the great allowance of our Creator, is one of the sons of our Creator. Here is one of the very brothers of Jesus, our Savior.” Now, all those standing sit or lie back down on the ground.


The world guide asks for my hand. I hold it out, thinking how honored I am that he would ask to hold my hand. Then I find he is leading me somewhere. I quickly think, Oh, why are we going way down front? We are walking beneath a grand archway, alive with flowers, leaves, and vines that move constantly. As I stand under the archway next to the world guide, I notice we are illuminated by the flowers, but especially by the leaves. Under this archway, everything is brilliantly lit up.


I whisper to him that I do not like being in front of people, and that my favorite place is in the back, toward one of the sides. I am pointing and trying to tell him where I would like to sit. He looks at me with a great smile and says, “You were brought here for a reason. Even though this is a dream, it is for all to learn who each of you is. It is a privilege to have you here and to hold your hand to escort you here. We are all honored to have you perform.” Startled, I think, Did I hear him say—perform?


Stepping to the side, he speaks so all can hear. “The messenger is here with us so that many can observe and be instructed. It is an honor to have him sing for us.” I quickly tell him that I cannot sing. He comes over to me and says, “Sing the song of Moses. Share with us your life and experience on earth. Tell us about your life surrounded by sin and how you were able to stay in touch with Jesus. Share what it is like to know that Jesus speaks to the Father on your behalf.”


I speak and am amazed at how far my voice carries. Immediately, I see beings on other nearby planets who are sitting and listening as well. I tell them that I should not be speaking, and that others have a greater experience to share. I tell them that each day, even arising from sleep is difficult. I share about the constant pain of trying just to live, about the ever-present, dark cloud of death that shadows each of us from the day we are born. I mention the constant, physical and mental attacks of Satan and his evil angels, but find comfort in knowing that Jesus died for me. I tell them that He left His place in heaven, gave up all He had and all He was, to come to earth to fight Satan and restore my birthright. I talk about how Jesus was horribly crucified, and when He died, He was put in a tomb, and a huge rock was placed over the opening. Satan walked over and symbolically locked that tomb shut. All of this happened toward the end of the sixth day. Then He rested during the entire seventh day. After that, He walked out of the tomb and away from death. He went over to Satan and symbolically took from his hands the keys to life that the devil had deceitfully taken away. Then Jesus symbolically placed the keys back into the hand of man. By retrieving the keys that Satan had symbolically stolen, Jesus became our Savior. He restored to us life and ownership of the earth. But best of all, Jesus elevated us to become His brothers.


Now I am back at the dock sitting with the Guide angel. Again, I notice the most splendid sunset above the mountain peaks. Again, tiers of angels appear in the sky, and I listen as they play their trumpets. Again, the Herald sings the glorious sonnet. Again, it is an exceptional evening.


It is then I awake from this very long dream, much of which was repeated over and over, until I fully remembered and understood it. I was told that the task of typing this message would take much time. Those who read it will not know or understand the experiences that took place during the preparation of the messages in this dream, such as the many early mornings I would hear a soft, gentle voice speak to me, “Ernie, Ernie, wake up.” I would awake and begin typing. Sometimes, I would forget what I was to type. At such times, I would get very sleepy. So I would lie down, go to sleep, and the messages would be repeated. Then I would receive another wake-up call to continue typing. Many other times, the words would flow, as if water from a powerful faucet. This went on day after day and week after week. I continually prayed and asked to be shown if anything I had typed was incorrect. I remember the many times Satan tried to stop me, the many times he made me very sick. I also recall the times I was instructed to make corrections, the sleepless nights, and the long hours laboring on these messages.


I was told that there are many messages in this dream. Those who sincerely seek truth should pray and then read it with careful study, because God has placed much in these messages for His people.



[1]    Evangelism, p. 615

There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers–the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit–those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.


Evangelism, p. 616

We need to realize that the Holy Spirit…is as much a person as God is a person….

[2]   Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….

[3]   James 4:7

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

[5]    Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 9, p. 11

We are living in the time of the end. The fast-fulfilling signs of the times declare that the coming of Christ is near at hand. The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judgments are already falling upon the despisers of the grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude.


The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.


The Review and Herald, September 3, 1889

As the restraining power of the Holy Spirit shall be withdrawn, because of the impenitence and ingratitude of men, terrible things will be witnessed in the earth.


The Great Controversy, p. 608

…as the restraining Spirit of God shall be withdrawn from men, and they shall be under the control of Satan, who hates the divine precepts, there will be strange developments. The heart can be very cruel when God’s fear and love are removed.


[6]   Matthew 10:18-20

And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.


[7]   The Desire of Ages, p. 306

Were those who serve God removed from the earth, and His Spirit withdrawn from among men, this world would be left to desolation and destruction, the fruit of Satan’s dominion. Though the wicked know it not, they owe even the blessings of this life to the presence, in the world, of God’s people whom they despise and oppress.


[8]   The Acts of the Apostles, p. 49

Christ declared that the divine influence of His Spirit was to be with His followers unto the end.


John 14:15-18

If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.


Matthew 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


[9]   Ephesians 3:9

And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.


The Signs of the Times, March 25, 1897

God had a knowledge of the events of the future, even before the creation of the world. He did not make his purposes to fit circumstances, but he allowed matters to develop and work out. He did not work to bring about a certain condition of things, but he knew that such a condition would exist.


[10]  Genesis 6:12-14

And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood….


Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 92

God gave Noah the exact dimensions of the ark and explicit directions in regard to its construction in every particular. Human wisdom could not have devised a structure of so great strength and durability. God was the designer, and Noah the master builder.


[11]  Ezekiel 4:1-8

Thou also, son of man, take thee a tile, and lay it before thee, and portray upon it the city, even Jerusalem: And lay siege against it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against it; set the camp also against it, and set battering rams against it round about. Moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between thee and the city: and set thy face against it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel. Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity. For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year. Therefore thou shalt set thy face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and thine arm shall be uncovered, and thou shalt prophesy against it. And, behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the days of thy siege.


[12]  Isaiah 20:2-4

At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. And the LORD said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia; So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.


[13]  Hosea 1:2

The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD.

[14]  Union Presidents’ Insubordination


Further Ecumenism


Adventist Health merges with Catholic St. Joseph Health


Ridiculing Ellen White


Talking about LGBT identities


What has happened to Adventist Education?


Casual Spirituality

[15]  Galatians 3:19

Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.


[16]  2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

[17]  Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White, pp. 144-145

I could see divine perfection in the flowers that adorned the earth. … He had made them and called them good. ‘Ah,’ thought I, ‘If he so loves and cares for the flowers that he has decked with beauty, how much more tenderly will he guard the children who are formed in his image.’

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.


A beautiful soft light, the light of God, enshrouded the holy pair. This robe of light was a symbol of their spiritual garments of heavenly innocence. Had they remained true to God it would ever have continued to enshroud them.

The life of Christ is to be revealed in humanity. Man was the crowning act of the creation of God, made in the image of God, and designed to be a counterpart of God; but Satan has labored to obliterate the image of God in man, and to imprint upon him his own image. Man is very dear to God, because he was formed in his own image. This fact should impress us with the importance of teaching by precept and example the sin of defiling, by the indulgence of appetite, or by any other sinful practice, the body which is designed to represent God to the world. The medical missionary can do a great amount of good by educating the people how to live.


[21]  Sermons and Talks, Vol. 2, pp. 183-184

God gives sufficient light and evidence to enable man to distinguish truth from error. But He does not force man to receive truth. He leaves him free to choose the good or choose the evil. If man resists evidence that is sufficient to guide his judgment in the right direction, and chooses evil once, he will do this more readily the second time. The third time he will still more eagerly withdraw himself from God and choose to stand on the side of Satan. And in this course he will continue until he is confirmed in evil, and believes the lie he has cherished as truth. His resistance has produced its harvest. By his example he leads others to follow the same course of resistance against God.


But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.


Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 96-97

The world before the Flood reasoned that for centuries the laws of nature had been fixed. The recurring seasons had come in their order. Heretofore rain had never fallen; the earth had been watered by a mist or dew.


And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie, and the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.


The Desire of Ages, p. 789

The graveclothes were not thrown heedlessly aside, but carefully folded, each in a place by itself. John “saw, and believed.”


Christ in counsel with His Father laid out the plan for His life on earth. It was not a chance, but a design that the world’s Redeemer should lay off His crown, lay aside His kingly robe, and come to our world as a man.


It required condescension and sacrifice to prepare the way for man to be restored to the favor of God. The Son of the Most High became one of us, sharing the griefs and infirmities of human nature, that he might lift up fallen man and reunite him to God.

[26]  The General Conference Bulletin, April 1, 1899

Those who in the strength of Christ overcome the great enemy of God and man, will occupy a position in the heavenly courts above angels who have never fallen.


The angels ascribe honor and glory to Christ, for even they are not secure except by looking to the sufferings of the Son of God. It is through the efficacy of the cross that the angels of heaven are guarded from apostasy. Without the cross they would be no more secure against evil than were the angels before the fall of Satan.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.


Revelation 15:2-3

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.


The Great Controversy, pp.648-649

Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea of glass as it were mingled with fire,—so resplendent is it with the glory of God,—are gathered the company that have “gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name.” With the Lamb upon Mount Zion, “having the harps of God,” they stand, the hundred and forty and four thousand that were redeemed from among men; and there is heard, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great thunder, “the voice of harpers harping with their harps.” And they sing “a new song” before the throne, a song which no man can learn save the hundred and forty and four thousand. It is the song of Moses and the Lamb—a song of deliverance. None but the hundred and forty-four thousand can learn that song; for it is the song of their experience—an experience such as no other company have ever had. “These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.” These, having been translated from the earth, from among the living, are counted as “the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.”


The most secret things lie open to His [God’s] all-seeing eye.

[31] The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 1, p. 69

But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere.


The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 1, p. 78

Every species of animals which God had created was preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the flood. Since the flood, there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men.

Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons.


Satan … does not come to man in a hideous form, as he is sometimes represented, but as an angel of light. He will come personating Jesus Christ, working mighty miracles; and men will fall down and worship him as Jesus Christ. … Christ has warned us against just such a foe, who is man’s worst enemy, yet who claims to be God….

Good angels weep to hear the words of Satan, and to see how he despises to follow the direction of Christ, their exalted and loving commander.

But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.


Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 62-63

The husbandman who “putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come,” can be no other than Christ. It is He who at the last great day will reap the harvest of the earth.


Revelation 14:4

These are they which were not defiled with women [apostate churches]; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

[36]  The Signs of the Times, March 7, 1895

The invitations of mercy were made a jest, and they denied the divinity of Jesus Christ and derided the idea of His pre-existence before He assumed human nature. But the tattered shreds of human reasoning will be found to be only as ropes of sand in the great day of God.


As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings.


And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.


Manuscript Releases, Vol. 21, p. 52

What is the seal of the living God, which is placed in the foreheads of His people? It is a mark which angels, but not human eyes, can read; for the destroying angel must see this mark of redemption.


Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, pp. 444-445

The angels of God do His bidding, holding back the winds of the earth, that the winds should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree, until the servants of God should be sealed in their foreheads. The mighty angel is seen ascending from the east (or sunrising). This mightiest of angels has in his hand the seal of the living God, or of Him who alone can give life, who can inscribe upon the foreheads the mark or inscription, to whom shall be granted immortality, eternal life.


[39]  The Review and Herald, June 18, 1901

He who occupies the position of judge is God manifest in the flesh… The very One who gave His precious life… still wears this garb.

Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.


List of Dreams

1. At The Table
2. The White Blanket
3. A View of Heaven
4. Old Gray Gate
5. Buildings Falling
6. Call to Repentance
7. Angel on a White Horse
8. Go Forth
9. Stand on the Truth
10. Sabbath vs. Sunday
11. Prepare
12. Build An Ark
13. The Mailroom
14. Creeping Compromise
15. Keep Going
16. Watch, as I AM Coming!
17. Only One Place To Be
18. Two Roads
19. If You Love Me
20. Sudden Darkness
21. The New Earth
22. The SDA Church
23. Much To Do
24. The ABC
25. Pray For Protection
26. A Great Work
27. The Work Now Begins
28. Stand Fast
29. Get Ready
30. Love and Rebuke
31. Testing The Spirits
32. The Cross
33. In His Time
34. Repent, as I AM Coming!
35. In The Heart of Jesus
36. Two Cars
37. The Treasure Box
38. The Amusement Park
39. Two Men
40. The Senior Bishop
41. The Yellow Corvette
42. The Vessel
43. Titus
44. The End
45. The Good Driver
46. The Great Test
47. Reverence My Sanctuary
48. The Pickup Truck
49. Amazing Facts
50. Smooth Sayings or Surrender
51. Come Aside and Unify
52. Justice and Mercy
53. Where Are You Looking?
54. The Journey Home
55. The Hourglass
56. Entertainment vs. Truth
57. Remorse or Rejoice
58. The Senior Pastor
59. The Lord's Prayer
60. Sitting By A Stream
61. Regarding Angels
62. Fields of Color
63. Other Sheep
64. Final Events and the First Supper
65. A Song and A Prayer
66. Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God
67. A Child Named Promise
68. Call on the Name of Jesus
69. God is Angry
70. The Tree, the Wood, the Truth
71. Submission: A Message for Today
72. Leaders in Cloaks and Masks
73. The Universal Memorial
74. Do You Know Who You Are?
75. Barren Ground
76. Houses of Ivory
77. The Great Walkway
78. 2020- Year of Seeing Clearly

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