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Creeping Compromise
December 14, 2007
In the dream, “Watch, As I Am Coming,”Ernie Knoll was shown Joe Crews writing the book, “Creeping Compromise.” HIs accompanying angel told him that “This is what those who are they should be. This instruction is needed to perfect the character of those striving to be one of the 144,000″… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 1
September 20, 2007
This book is the first volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dreams 1 to 36, beginning in Spring 2005 and ending in March 2010… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 2
March 25, 2012
This book is the second volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dreams 37 to 54, beginning in March 2010 and ending in May 2011… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 3
March 8, 2013
This book is the third volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dreams 55 to 65, beginning in June 2011 and ending in January 2013… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 4
November 14, 2016
This book is the fourth volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dreams 66 to 73, beginning in February 2013 and ending in January 2018… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 5
August 17, 2018
This book is the fifth volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dream 74, from January 3, 2018. Order book or download PDF or order a free copy of this volume. Orders outside of the United States or Canada will need to pay the shipping costs. To download… Continue reading
Messages from God for His People – Volume 6
December 22, 2020
This book is the sixth volume of Ernie Knoll’s dreams. It contains dreams 75-78. Order book or download PDF or order a free copy of this volume. Orders outside of the United States or Canada will need to pay the shipping costs. To download… Continue reading
The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth – Volume 1
June 18, 2012
In 2009, Ernie Knoll was instructed in a dream by the Lord that a document needed to be written that had a twofold purpose. First it was to provide an answer to many of the critics who have risen up against the messages contained in the dreams. Secondly, it was to document the apostasy that has crept into the Seventh-day Adventist Church… Continue reading
The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth – Volume 2
June 18, 2012
In 2009, Ernie Knoll was instructed in a dream by the Lord that a document needed to be written that had a twofold purpose. First it was to provide an answer to many of the critics who have risen up against the messages contained in the dreams. Secondly, it was to document the apostasy that has crept into the Seventh-day Adventist Church… Continue reading