Barren Ground

75. Barren GroundNovember 9, 2018

By Ernie Knoll


In my dream, I stand looking at barren ground. There are no trees, plants, or grass of any kind. Suddenly, I hear my heavenly name spoken. I look to my right and see that I am not alone. The Guide angel is beside me, and many other angels are with him. He begins by telling me that he has been sent to show me something that is symbolic but also partly literal. He explains that God who is the Great Creator can create from nothing. Then he says, “Before you is a dry barren area. God created it from nothing, but this area has tremendous potential. When He plans a creation, He knows why He creates it and the outcome of what He creates. Please observe.”

 I now watch as a very large, invisible finger makes a hole in the dirt. I look up and see a beautiful, giant seed falling. It shimmers with a rich mixture of pure white, silver, gold, and blue. Next, the wind gently fills the hole with dirt, leaving a mound over the top of the newly placed seed. I turn and notice all the angels watching with great anticipation, even though they have seen God create so many times before.

 I look back at the mound and see a very gentle rain beginning to fall. The dry ground absorbs the rain, which produces rich brown dirt. After a short time, the rain stops and green grass begins to grow. In what seems like only moments, the grass has grown a few inches. Again it begins to rain, but a little harder this time. As the rain falls, the grass absorbs the rain at its roots. Shortly after, the rain stops, and I watch a variety of tall stems growing quickly in the grass. Suddenly, there are buds of different shapes and colors at the end of each stem. Once again, the rain falls but harder and for a short time. When it stops, the buds quickly open to flowers of different shapes and colors. The aroma is wonderful.

Now the Guide angel tells me to look again at the mound of dirt where the seed was planted. When I do, I notice a dark green stem protrude from the ground. It grows upwards quickly and becomes large in diameter. The Guide angel instructs that I pay close attention to the details of what I will see next, because they are very important. In a short time the stem has grown several inches. It grows quickly into a trunk that divides into three trunks in different shades of brown and becomes one tree. Limbs grow quickly in the same shades of brown as the trunks. As the tree grows, its limbs do not produce leaves but rather what I can only describe as beautiful long, wavy blonde hair. It becomes a very tall, majestic, and beautiful tree that amazes us and makes us admire the Creator’s creative ability.

 The Guide angel tells me to observe once again. I see that the light brown portion of the tree has separated itself from the other two trees. It moves a little to the left but stands firm and continues to grow. After a while, the lightest brown tree created to be at the center separates from the remaining dark brown tree. Then it moves itself a small distance away from the other two trees.

 Now the dark brown tree moves over to be with the light brown tree that separated first. They both maintain their beautiful topping of wavy, blonde hair. These two entwine their roots together and hold tightly to each other. The one created to be in the center moves further away from the other two. Its hair becomes dark, shorter, and straight. Some of its limbs dry up and fall to the ground. The other two trees try to reach this tree but are unable to, because it keeps its roots away from them.

 I now look up to see the sun draw closer to the tree with dark hair, but it is unable to get close enough, as if a hand holds it back. Snow begins falling and covers the flowers. The ground becomes cold. A short time later, the snow melts, and the ground becomes warm again. Grass grows and flowers bloom. The two trees with blonde hair continue to stand firm with their roots entwined. The other tree continues to stand at a distance. The grass ceases to grow around it, and weeds sprout up. Its hair appears thinner and shorter.

 After a short time, the weather becomes cold and snow falls again. Then as before, the ground warms up. Grass grows and flowers bloom. The two trees stay together, while the other tree remains apart. As before, no grass grows under it and weeds sprout. Its hair is even shorter and thinner.

 For a third time and after a little while, it snows again. The ground warms up, grass grows, and flowers bloom. The two trees stand firmly with their roots entwined. The other tree still stands apart. However, this time the weeds die and the grass grows quickly, becoming a rich green. A countless array of beautiful flowers blooms, and some wrap themselves around the base of the tree. I know this tree is very special to the Creator, and He allowed it to go through what it did for a reason. A part of this tree had to die and come back to stand with the other two trees and do what it was created for. Next, I look up to see all of its dry, straight hair fall off its limbs and blow away in the wind. Immediately, the tree grows taller and all new, very bright and almost white blonde, wavy hair protrudes from its limbs.

 I now look down and see the roots of the three trees entwined under the ground. I understand that the three will stand strong together as one tree to do what they were created for.

 The Guide angel explains that what I have seen is symbolic and literal, and that God allows certain things to happen for a reason. The one tree needed to endure what it did, because it must endure more in the brunt of an impending storm. It must hold strong to the other two trees that stand together as one. The Guide angel smiles and says, “Realize that underneath, the three must be one and support each other to be strong. By itself, the single tree would fall. Together they will proceed to serve.”

The Guide angel says, “Observe now so that it can be fully understood.” I gaze at this amazing tree that is three trees with their roots deeply entwined with each other. They stand fortified and together as one. While I continue observing, I see all three trunks begin to change. They keep their long hair, but now transform into female forms. As the forms change, a very bright garment descends from the blue sky and wraps around all three individuals. It covers from high on the neck, beyond the fingers, and past the feet to lie on the ground. As I look up, I see what resembles masks falling like leaves. Each mask is the same color as their skin. It covers their faces, because it was designed to conceal their identity. I understand that who they are is not important, but that they were designed, created, and instructed on how they are to serve.

 The silence is broken by the Guide angel speaking my heavenly name. He explains that before the foundations were spoken into existence, the Creator planned what would be needed when sin came into existence. {1} These three, as well as others, were created and designed to serve, but only when needed. The angel tells me that the time has come for them to come forward to do God’s bidding. Literally and symbolically, they will stand together with others to serve in the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9:4. “…[S]et a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” {2} Those who are called by God will know who they are. {3} They will go forward with the power instilled in them to serve. Those who state they are called of God, but are not, will only observe the called being observed by the world.

 The Guide angel further explains: “Here is how to know the difference between those who are called from those who state they are called.” He says my heavenly name and tells me to turn and observe the three dressed in heavenly attire. The one in the middle who went through a great time of trouble is ready to serve. The one with a little darker skin stands a little behind but to the left. The one with the darkest skin stands to the right. Together they form a triangle. I understand it is like migratory birds when they make a V formation while flying. I hear the three speak as with one voice: “It is time to begin.” I am made to know they will travel. The events that happen as they do, where they go, and their speed will be predetermined.

 Again, the Guide angel speaks my heavenly name, as if to get my full attention. What he is about to tell me is very important. He stresses that it is important for each to differentiate between one who states they speak the truth and one who is chosen to truly speak truth.


The Guide angel puts his right hand on my shoulder and says, “I am to give you two examples of individuals who say they speak truth, yet what they speak is truth mixed with error. Truth never includes deception, false ideas, or doctrinal errors.”

 One example is the already-mentioned Daisy Escalante. It has been stated before that she speaks errors regarding the observance of Jewish feasts. These practices are not to be observed. {4} Her teaching the observance of a lunar Sabbath in heaven is error because there will be no moon there. {5} Another error is her teaching of time setting, even though it has been shown that after 1844 there would no longer be time prophecies. However, there are those who still follow her teachings. {6}

 I am instructed to speak again of David Gates, who has been mentioned in the dreams and volume 1 of the Truth book. Just like Daisy Escalante, he teaches time setting and the observance of the Jewish feasts. Instructed by Satan, he continues with his deceptive teachings that convince many to support him and stumble spiritually. He has lost his way and will be held responsible.

 These two mentioned believe they speak truth and are called by God. However, they are examples of those whom God has not called. They both wave the deceptive banner of Satan. {7} Those whom God truly calls to serve will speak truth because they will share God’s true messages. They will be able to share without a platform, media, or regular travel methods.

 The Guide angel removes his hand from my shoulder and points back to the scene of the three. He tells me to also observe how who they are is concealed. They do not go to serve themselves but rather God who sends them. Their identity is portrayed in a way to show that attention is not to be placed on them. They serve in a way that allows those who see them to place their thoughts on the One known as the Almighty.

 In this barren place, I watch the three together as one rise slowly off the ground, then they move quickly in a northeasterly direction. The area where they begin flying is a barren, deserted place with no civilization. As in a V formation, the one in the middle leads the way.

 The Guide angel now takes my right hand. We begin traveling only for the purpose of observing what transpires as the three travel. He explains that what they represent is symbolic. The one who leads represents God’s perfect church that cannot be defiled or have a single element of apostasy. It must stand with truth to exhibit God’s perfect church. To the right is the one who represents the early rain, which prepares the ground to receive and grow the seeds of truth. To the left is the one who represents the latter rain. As the truth is taught, it brings about a harvest, finishing what the early rain began. Those who are harvested are God’s chosen crop. Only those grown to perfection can be harvested. It will be through the work of the early and latter rains that those harvested will stand as His perfect crop. Then they may enter into God’s perfect church where the pastor will teach only truth. It is in the true church that the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth will exist. Pure truth has existed from the beginning.

 The Guide angel says, “Let me say it in a way that is more inspired and not just in my words. When I speak of truth, it should be understood as well who Truth is.

 “The Creator brought me into existence as the first of His creations, before all other work. I was designed and created a great time ago, at the beginning of the beginning, at the time when He started creating the heavens and the worlds.

 “I was spoken into existence well before any watery depths. There were no springs flowing; there were no mountains or peaks or hills. My creation took place before any worlds were made or even their dust.

 “I was the only created being that had the honor and privilege of observing first-hand the creation of the angels. I stood in awe as God spoke Lucifer into existence and heard Him say that this angel would stand next to His throne. I watched as He created Gabriel and placed him next to Lucifer. I stood amazed as He created angel after angel, each with a full understanding of the purpose of their creation. It was a great honor to observe as each was spoken into existence.

 “I was there as a witness when God programmed His commandments and laws into each angel and all created beings to help them be balanced mentally, physically, and spiritually. I was to show that all His ways are true and just. I served as an observer of the truth in all that was done. I observed as He spoke a word, and the heavens had a place in which to exist. With only His words, He spoke and a horizon was marked looking up and a depth was placed in the deep looking down. He spoke and clouds appeared above and the depths of the waters were given a boundary. I was there watching as He spoke and formed the foundations of this earth.

 “Always at His side, each and every moment was a delight as I rejoiced in His creations. With great joy, I observed Him create planets and beings to populate them. I watched with delight as God created mankind with the ability to procreate.

 “Children of the Creator, listen and become wise, for a blessing will come to those who listen to my words and follow His instructions. Those who go daily to the Lord and follow His teaching will find life and happiness. But those who fail to seek and find Him will bring down great pain on themselves, because all who hate Him love death.” (Paraphrased from Proverbs 8:22-36)

 As mentioned in my dream, “Entertainment vs. Truth,” it must also be understood that my first name (given by my parents) means truth. Even some who have stood next to me do not realize Who and what I truly represent. As God’s messenger and pastor, I must share pure truth. Apostasy will never fall from my lips or appear on the For My People Ministry website.

 The Guide angel tells me to observe closely as the three travel at a great speed over and through uninhabited areas. Further ahead, they approach a large city. They descend lower and slow down. As they approach the city, they make themselves seen by many. Many run out into the streets to look up at them. The three do not look down, because their focus is on the direction they are headed. Many below observe them slowly flying eastward. I see news helicopters flying close by to televise the event. As the three continue on, fighter jets attempt to get close to them, but they are unable to do so. When the three near the end of an inhabited area, they begin to travel at a speed which helicopters or even jets are unable to keep up with. Their flight takes them through several inhabited areas. As before, many rush to see them. The three continue on a path that sometimes takes them south or north, but always eastward.

 They travel along on a predetermined course and speed, following a specific path as they move through certain cities. They move quickly through deserted areas, but slow down over inhabited areas. Many look in amazement, and the event is often televised. News reporters follow them and discuss their course.

 As they near the eastern side of the United States, I am taken to a very high altitude and instructed to look far in the distance. I see an individual on one of the many islands north of South America. As I move quickly toward this individual, I notice that this person is clothed in a blue garment that covers from the top of the neck, down the arms, and past the feet. Part of the garment covers their head, and above it is a most interesting crown. This individual holds a scepter. On one end is a pure diamond that looks like gold. At the other end is a sharp point. Just like the other three individuals, this person wears a mask that molds to the face to hide the identity. I am told that the person serves symbolically as John the Baptist, but the identity is not important. This person will warn and prepare people for the Second Coming of Christ. Next, I see the person rise from the ground and begin to fly with an entourage of angels. They travel northward on a predetermined course at a very fast and set speed.

 I ascend once again and return north to where the three are moving eastward. As they approach their destination, I recognize the area. The three, along with the other individual, meet at the same time at the planned destination. They stop and remain above the main building of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists in Maryland. The one in blue is to the right of the three. Many inside the building come out and gaze upward. Those who serve as officials and leaders stand together.

 Next, the one in blue moves a little in front of the three and extends the scepter that up to this point was concealed. The individual throws down the scepter, and the pointed end goes into the ground. At the other end, the diamond glows a bright white. One of the officials walks over to the scepter, and then backs away quickly.

 Still concealing their identity, the four open their arms and pieces of paper detailing Ezekiel 9 fall from the sky. The one in blue moves a little closer to the ground but remains in the air. This person begins to speak, but the voice I hear is not that of the individual. It is that familiar voice I have heard many times before. It speaks like the sound of a thunderous waterfall, a mountain stream, and a trickle of water–all at the same time. It is the voice of final authority—the voice of the heavenly Father. Next, as if the sun comes from behind a very dark cloud, the sky is illuminated very brightly.

 The voice loudly states: “I send a message to those below on the ground who wear a mask that hides their true identity. You stand masked, acting as leaders of My church. It is not My perfect, holy church. It is a vile, corrupt church filled and overflowing with apostasy. There are so many avenues of vile apostasy that run rampant through its veins. I have sent messages through My messenger that you discount and ignore. You have brought disgrace to the church by instructing your pastors and members to discredit My messenger and ignore My messages. I have seen a constant disregard of My specific instructions regarding who is to be ordained. I set a precedent when I instructed Eve to submit to Adam. You have ignored My message that women are not to be elders or pastors.

 “I sent messages that the base sin of homosexuality was not to be accepted. I made it clear that those who continue in this corrupt and vile lifestyle will be destroyed. I sent messages that this sin was to be spoken against. My church is not to follow the practices or mandates of society, such as being politically correct. Churches that follow Satan may accept this teaching, but My perfect church will not. Once again you have ignored Me.

 “I sent many warnings in the form of destructive weather to wake you up. I have sent floods and excessive heat and cold. I have sent tsunamis, earthquakes, and tornadoes. I have sent great sickness across the land. All this and you continue to ignore Me. You are spiritually asleep with your eyes wide open.

 “I just sent another warning. I specifically selected Paradise, California. I destroyed and killed many. I destroyed your vile church and a portion of your corrupt, profiteering hospital. I specifically destroyed the homes of the pastors placed over your church. These pastors promote falsehoods and corrupt, apostate teachings. That apostate church needed burning. I turned your paradise into hell. And still you ignore Me by stating that it was simply an accident. However, it was but a small portion of My wrath. Those who personally witnessed the fire realized that it was an unprecedented event. I said I would send balls of fire, and I did.

 “This message is a warning for you corrupt and vile leaders wearing masks. Because you have not humbled yourselves, do not approach My throne. This is not a message calling for repentance. You have had time to ask for forgiveness, but you have refused to repent.

 “I simply give a warning. As promised in previous messages, what comes next will be great as I call down fireballs. The destruction in Paradise and the surrounding areas will seem like burning a small piece of paper compared to what I send to destroy your corrupt, apostasy-teaching churches. {8} As you wait, you will say that it has not happened yet. However, it will occur when you are not expecting it, as a thief in the night. Unlike Paradise, My wrath will be much worse. The churches will be made into hell in the blink of an eye.”

 Suddenly the brightness of the sky becomes dim once again. A loud clap of thunder travels north, south, east, and west. The one in blue now rises and moves to the middle and behind the three. As they shoot up to leave, the sky lights up, a very large, rainbow- like, iridescent ring forms around them, and a loud boom shakes the ground. When I look down at the scepter, the diamond is glowing brightly. Then it sinks further into the ground and begins to flash as if a locating beacon.


  1. The Desire of Ages, p. 22

God did not ordain that sin should exist, but He foresaw its existence, and made provision to meet the terrible emergency.


  1. Isaiah 58:1

Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.


  1. Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 174

…Who is to compose the hundred and forty-four thousand? This those who are the elect of God will in a short time know without question.


  1. Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 365

The ceremonial system was made up of symbols pointing to Christ, to His sacrifice and His priesthood. This ritual law, with its sacrifices and ordinances, was to be performed by the Hebrews until type met antitype in the death of Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Then all the sacrificial offerings were to cease. It is this law that Christ “took . . . out of the way, nailing it to His cross.” Colossians 2:14.


  1. Revelation 21:23

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.


  1. Last Day Events, pp. 35-36

I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to these fanatical parties that they were doing the work of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness. They claimed to have great light that probation would close in October, 1884. I there stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me that there would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844.

 Our position has been one of waiting and watching, with no time-proclamation to intervene between the close of the prophetic periods in 1844 and the time of our Lord’s coming.

 The people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of time [Rev. 10:4-6], reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844.


  1. The Review and Herald, June 10, 1890

We are in the perils of the last days, and Christ has said that false teachers shall arise in the world, and deceive many with their pernicious doctrines. Then how shall we know the true from the false?—“Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Do they teach obedience to the law of God, or do they teach men to break his commandments? We are living in a world of false doctrines, and we must know what is truth.


  1. Manuscript Releases, Vol. 21, p. 380

We must as a people arouse and cleanse the camp of Israel. … unholy practices are coming in among us in a large degree; and ministers who are handling sacred things are guilty of sin in this respect… We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil

List of Dreams

1. At The Table
2. The White Blanket
3. A View of Heaven
4. Old Gray Gate
5. Buildings Falling
6. Call to Repentance
7. Angel on a White Horse
8. Go Forth
9. Stand on the Truth
10. Sabbath vs. Sunday
11. Prepare
12. Build An Ark
13. The Mailroom
14. Creeping Compromise
15. Keep Going
16. Watch, as I AM Coming!
17. Only One Place To Be
18. Two Roads
19. If You Love Me
20. Sudden Darkness
21. The New Earth
22. The SDA Church
23. Much To Do
24. The ABC
25. Pray For Protection
26. A Great Work
27. The Work Now Begins
28. Stand Fast
29. Get Ready
30. Love and Rebuke
31. Testing The Spirits
32. The Cross
33. In His Time
34. Repent, as I AM Coming!
35. In The Heart of Jesus
36. Two Cars
37. The Treasure Box
38. The Amusement Park
39. Two Men
40. The Senior Bishop
41. The Yellow Corvette
42. The Vessel
43. Titus
44. The End
45. The Good Driver
46. The Great Test
47. Reverence My Sanctuary
48. The Pickup Truck
49. Amazing Facts
50. Smooth Sayings or Surrender
51. Come Aside and Unify
52. Justice and Mercy
53. Where Are You Looking?
54. The Journey Home
55. The Hourglass
56. Entertainment vs. Truth
57. Remorse or Rejoice
58. The Senior Pastor
59. The Lord's Prayer
60. Sitting By A Stream
61. Regarding Angels
62. Fields of Color
63. Other Sheep
64. Final Events and the First Supper
65. A Song and A Prayer
66. Sitting by the Feet at the Throne of God
67. A Child Named Promise
68. Call on the Name of Jesus
69. God is Angry
70. The Tree, the Wood, the Truth
71. Submission: A Message for Today
72. Leaders in Cloaks and Masks
73. The Universal Memorial
74. Do You Know Who You Are?
75. Barren Ground
76. Houses of Ivory
77. The Great Walkway
78. 2020- Year of Seeing Clearly

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