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It Is Time for God to Work
April 27, 2024
On April 27, 2024, Pastor Ernie Knoll presented a very powerful sermon titled “It Is Time for God to Work!” As many of you will remember almost ten years ago, For My People Ministry created a video series titled, “Apostasy in Our Midst” that provided examples of what was taking place then. Alarmingly, the apostasy that began years ago has become the accepted norm, and it is expected to be accepted as the norm. Now we are witnessing widespread, flagrant rebellion throughout the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The evidence is in this video!
The Lego Bricks Character
February 25, 2024
We are reminded how our characters are the only thing we will take to heaven. Ernie had a special sermon about character building and how it relates to Legos. It is through great self-discipline of learning and patience that we build our characters, just like building a Lego project. It is through education and guidance where we proceed upon building. God longs to educate and guide us and to know that He is our heavenly Father and to realize that God has a special plan for each life.
Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits
February 25, 2024
With the talk that has been going on lately with Ernie and the ministry not being of God, and for those casting doubt, we are reminded to test the spirits and look for the fruits produced. In this video you will see a woman and her request for baptism, which shows her fruits. You may ask what is so important about this woman. She was a professed witch, worshipped regularly at the church of Satan, practiced voodoo and casted demonic curses upon those she hated, and enjoyed participating in the sacrificial rituals of Halloween. Now she has made it clear that after reading all my dreams, she no longer has anything to do with her past life and has accepted Jesus
Repent Before I Come
Dec 3, 2023