September 14, 2024

It is a difficult work to get rid of the bad influences accumulated…. And it could be sometimes very discouraging. It is good that in these moments we can approach the Father and call upon the name of Jesus. So again, thank you for what you post on social media. It makes me realize how much Jesus wants me to put aside my discouragement and talk with Him even with my imperfections.

Blessings, Catalin

United Kingdom

Creeping compromise by Joe Crews, Founder of Amazing Facts

Creeping Compromise

Messages from God - Volume 1

Messages From God for His People – Volume 1

Messages from God - Volume 2

Messages From God for His People – Volume 2

Messages from God - Volume 3

Messages From God for His People – Volume 3

Messages from God - Volume 4

Messages From God for His People – Volume 4

Messages from God - Volume 5

Messages From God for His People – Volume 5

Messages from God - Volume 5

Messages From God for His People – Volume 6

The Truth - Volume 1

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth – Volume 1

The Truth - Volume 2

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth – Volume 2

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